it's not new interview but i just found it and i wanted to share it, seem they did it after epi 5x03 "Jughead"
Do you want real dish on 'Lost'? So do we, which is why AOL TV went straight to the source and got the exclusive scoop on season 5 of the complicated show from the guys behind the scenes, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse.
Questioning whether they know where the show's headed? Wondering if Rose and Bernard survived that brutal flaming arrow attack? Want word on the possible Sawyer/Juliet coupling? The producers reveal all of that and more -- including which character they want to see more of and why they went pants-less for this interview. (That's right. We said pants-less.) -- By Maggie Furlong
1. There are only 32 episodes left to air -- is that enough to resolve all the series' major questions?
Carlton Cuse: What we didn't want to do is shuffle around from one foot to another and stall this year. We wanted [this] season to be really exciting, so we're doing some bold things. We feel like we have enough time to wrap up questions that are important to us and, hopefully, the audience as well. We can't anticipate every question that every person is gonna have, but we do feel like we're gonna answer the major ones before the show is over.
Damon Lindelof: What's really funny is, in the first couple of seasons of the show, the question was, "How are you gonna keep doing episodes of the show?" And now that we've announced an endpoint, the question becomes like, "Is six seasons enough?" [Laughs]
2. Did you realize that setting the end date would make such a huge difference?
DL: Yeah, you know, it's basically like you have an appreciation for something once you know that there's an expiration date on it. If you can't stand your parents and suddenly they say, "Well, in three years we're not gonna be around anymore," every moment becomes a little more precious. You stop focusing on the things that bother you and start focusing on the things that you love, and we hope that that's what's happened with the show.
3. In episode 3, we see the harmful effects of the island yet again. How many fatalities are we looking at this season?
CC: [Laughs] There are definitely some fatalities. The body count in the flaming arrow attack [in episode 2] was pretty significant. We do want to say that Rose and Bernard are probably OK, but sadly a lot of those other people have met their demise. We feel like the first couple of episodes set up the premise of this season, which is that the island is skipping through time, and then we're gonna have a lot of fun with that premise. Episode 3 is really a lot about where does that premise lead us? What happens when the island skips through time? Who do our characters run into? What are the challenges and obstacles they face? That's a good jumping off point for where this season is going.
4. Will we ever truly find out the rightful "owner" of the island?
CC: It's a leasehold … it's not ownership. [Laughs]
DL: [Laughs] Exactly. We'll know more about Ben and Widmore's relationship by the end of this year and, obviously, when we go into the final year of the show, even more. But I think the more interesting question to be asking is: Is the rightful leader of the island Ben or Widmore or someone else entirely? And who might that be?
5. Will it be the "owner"'s eventual destruction that ends the island's powers and its grip on the inhabitants?
CC: Only if it's the dog.
DL: Carlton gave it away again.
CC: No, I mean, the history of the island is something we're dealing with a lot on the show this year. Ascendancy and who ruled the island when -- those are all good questions to be asking, and we are fascinated by the Widmore-Ben-John Locke power struggle that's going on, and you'll learn a lot more about that this season.
6. Widmore-Ben-Locke are like the new love triangle … but with hate.
CC: Yeah, there's not a lot of love there. But speaking of love triangles, there's also that too. Actually it's a quadrangle really -- it's not just Kate, Sawyer and Jack. You've gotta add Juliet in there.
DL: Sure, why not? Just throw her in the mix. [Laughs]
7. [Laughs] Well now that Sawyer and Juliet are left together on the island -- and Sawyer continues to be incredibly shirtless -- the two of them are like the new Jack and Juliet.
CC: You are very perceptive. We just need a shorthand: what do you call Sawyer and Juliet together? There's Jaters [for Jack and Kate] and Skaters [for Sawyer and
Kate] …
DL: Ooh! Julers.
CC: Julers. That's pretty good. That was just here on AOL TV.
8. What question are you hoping to hold off on answering for as long as possible?
DL: That's tough because if we say the question that you're watching for, you're gonna get very frustrated with us. But obviously the big question on the show is: Why these people? Why were they brought to the island? What is their grand purpose? You'll have more of a sense of it by the end of season 5, but season 6 is really sort of where we begin to reveal what the grand design of all of this is.
CC: I personally just want to know more about Miles. I find Miles pretty interesting. I hope somebody will give me some answers about who Miles is.
DL: Yeah, he's been kind of maintaining a low profile. I'd like to know why he's so curmudgeonly or why he can speak to the dead.
9. Jorge Garcia recently slipped about a new piece of wardrobe that everyone will be wearing, and it sounds a lot like hazmat suits or Dharma jumpsuits. Care to comment?
CC: He is so fired! [Laughs] He's gone. That's it. It's all your fault.
DL: [Laughs] We are now forced to reveal the explanation for that: There is a skinny dipping episode, and Jorge is a part of that episode. When they get out of the water, they learn that someone has made off with their clothes, so they have to go to the Arrow, an old Dharma station, and they find a store of both jumpsuits and hazmat suits, which they will be wearing for the remainder of the season.
10. He did say there was talk of who was going commando in theirs …
DL: Why are we not in that interview? Why are we in this interview? Why [is it] when Carlton and I are talking about commando, it involves guns and camouflage? [Laughs]
CC: [Laughs]
DL: Well, we're not wearing pants right now, you should probably know.
11. Is it safe to assume that you've already set a roadmap through these final 34 hours?
CC: A lot of the big cities that we're visiting on the proverbial roadmap are all planned. The road between the cities … that's an episode-by-episode journey. We really enjoy the fact that we give ourselves the latitude to explore things. I mean, if there's a really great relationship that pops up -- the romantic quadrangle, for instance -- hey, we'd like to have a chance to write to that. But we do know where we're going, and we just give ourselves a little bit of latitude in terms of how fast we get to each of the bus stops on our route.
source : AOL
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