Thanks to Helena from Outlaws for the summary.
-Zack and Emma were spotted. And Cindy and Claire were about to shoot a scene.
-The new ones are from Friday. Some fan got to watch them shoot the entire day on the beach camp. Ben, Frank, Ilana, Sun and Miles were there. In one scene Sun takes off her jacket and puts it in her tent, just as Ilana emerges from the back of the camp, storming towards Sawyer's tent, when she sits down next to it, Miles gets up from the fire, heads to another tent and gives Ilana a signal. In next scene( could be filmed out of sequence) Ilana gets out of the woods carrying a gun, Ben is behind her, also carrying a gun.
The scene that took longest to shoot, Sun is working on her tent, Frank is tending to a fire, then Jack, Hurley and Richard emerge on the beach. Sun sees them and runs over. She is followed by Ben, Ilana and the rest. Sun gives Jack and Hurley a hug. Everyone is standing together, although Ben is standing a bit by side. Seems like a scene with long awaited reunion.
-Next scene they filmed looks like a close-up of a woman with dark, straight hair leaning against Sawyer's tent and fan is confident that woman is Claire, looking especially tough.
source: Ryan
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