Thanks to Misty for the heads up of this little report from one of our Forum Users.
Hurley was wearing his normal red tshirt and Alpert in dark clothing. The scene took place by a big tree in the middle of a jungly type area. I found them filming on the beach location the next day and was informed that in a couple days they will be doing a lightning scene there with pyrotechnics and that they also did a similar scene in the area I saw Richard and Hurley. The camp has been rebuilt with green palms, indicating that it as redone recently. The people that were filming on the beach were Ben, Kate, Jack, Hurley, Sun, Miles and Illana and they were all sitting around a campfire. Its an interesting combo hey!
There are some non-filming photos of the various sets here
Source: kokonutte@SpoilerTV Forums
source: DarkUfo
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