jeudi 20 mai 2010

D-3 : What is my less favorite season ?

Well i could say a part of me wasn't fan of s2 'cause mostly Locke was inside this damn hatch, I felt for him and for Terry (and i know he didn't like himself sigh) but the season i don't like so it will surprise people i guess but it's season4 the O6 as I call it, and the reasons are simple...
I know it was rushed 'cause of the strike, but i was so piss off because it was the O6 season, true we got good scenes and all, but lack of Sawyer (and NO CENTRIC WTF !) and we stayed in dark so LONGGGGGG wondering what happened for our losties left behind, we knew for example Jin was dead or Sawyer chose to stay on the island, we knew Jack wanted to go back but I didn't like this season and WHO was on the coffin I think it killed me, i was pissed off for MANY reasons that's why it's the season I'll not rewatch a lot except fews good episodes.
One of my fav scene this season (so happy i got the script last year with the liveauto event thanks Darlton!!) BUT for me they shouldn't bring them back together so early, i still wonder if Desmond will have his happy ending with Penny and bb charlie :(

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