update 09/12 : added news report of the set !
update 09/09 : added news photos of the set
update 10:23PM (my time), ryan report and odi and andy report !
BIG thanks to Ryan from hawaii blog it's HUGE spoilers for s6 so click or not !
stay tuned for more details soon !
ryan filming report of the week for the spoilers
As previously reported, Honolulu International Airport was the set, playing Los Angeles International Airport, or LAX. (The title of the season premiere of the upcoming final season is “LA X.”) By all appearances, we will indeed be seeing the safe arrival of Oceanic Flight 815 in California. And in the tight morning shoot schedule, several scenes unfolded:
* Inside the terminal, Kate (Evangeline Lilly) was in the handcuffed custody of The Marshall (Fredric Lehne). Meanwhile, Jack (Matthew Fox) emerges, passing a passport station, and appears to head for the exit… but then turns back.
* Kate, now mysteriously loose, passes and exchanges a passing “hey” with Hurley (Jorge Garcia), and heads out of the baggage claim and onto the street. She jumps the line at the taxi stand, and someone yells at her as she gets in a cab. According to a message board post, the angry guy is none other than Neil, a.k.a. “Frogurt” (Sean Whalen).
* Kate jumps into a cab, as The Marshall emerges from the building with a head injury. He runs to security guards waving a piece of paper with a picture, telling them to keep an eye out for Kate. Noticing the cab, he runs after it.
* Dr. Leslie Arzt (Daniel Roebuck), as previously noted, was also there. And a crew member suggested that Claire (Emilie DeRavin) was around.
On Wednesday, my good friend Mitchell found the “LOST” production trucks off Nimitz Highway near Fisherman’s Wharf. The crew apparently returned to Pier 2 (the Foreign Trade Zone), which also served as an airport interior in the Season 5 premiere. Apart from that, the rest of the week appears to have been spent behind closed doors at the Hawaii Film Studio.
source : hawaii blog
thanks reader from spoiler tv forumfor the filming report
- It was at "the LA airport circa 2004 Oceanic terminal".
- Edward Mars was around (with a bruise on his head), but not in this scene.
- The scene involved the extra getting in Kate's way as she ran from the airport to get a taxi. As she pushed in, some guy yelled "Hey, lady, there's a line!" That guy was none other than Neil Frogurt.

we have several unconfirmed reports that Emilie de Ravin was back on set during the filming at the airport!!
source : the odi
thanks @bathala from andy blog for the pics, you can see evi on kate's clothes from the pilot !!

The set was none other than Honolulu International Airport, which (as indicated by a “Welcome to Los Angeles” sign) was reprising its role as LAX. Several dozen extras were brought into the baggage claim area, and the large carousels were set in motion, delivering luggage to weary looking travelers. At least one Oceanic Airlines logo was spotted, nearly lost among other signs that would likely welcome specific passengers. And outside, vehicles were prepped with California plates.
All in all, it was a bustling airport scene, and one that strongly suggests what The Powers That Be hinted might unfold as Season 6 began: the safe arrival of Oceanic Flight 815 at LAX.
Indeed, expected on the set were Matthew Fox (Jack), Evangeline Lilly (Kate), Josh Holloway (Sawyer) and Naveen Andrews (Sayid). But the first hardworking actor sighted was none other than Daniel Roebuck, who played the hapless (and previously detonated) Dr. Leslie Arzt.
What does it all mean? Your guess is as good as mine. As reported Saturday on “The Transmission,” visiting fans from Spain and New York reported seeing Evangeline Lilly, Matthew Fox, Josh Holloway and Ken Leung working deep in the jungles of Kaneohe. That suggested scenes that picked up right where Season 5 left off, near the (former?) Swan station site.
But since we still don’t know the “when,” and are still fuzzy on the “where,” there’s no telling just how these apparently conflicting scenes fit into the bigger picture of “LOST.”
source :www.hawaiiweblog.com
Hey All,
We finally have some details from that "secret hatch" set filming.
Here is the report:
Looks like things pick up immediately after Juliet hits the bomb because the construction site looks like the Swan after it got sucked in. Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Miles, Jin were there. Saw Sawyer upset over Juliet's actions and runs toward the hole which is now stuffed with all the metal from the site. Also saw them and some stunt doubles clumb out of the hole using vines/rope.
Didn't see them filming, but saw Hurley and Sayid around set. Sayid's Dharma uniform was covered in a lot of blood so it looks like he's still hurt from last season.
Very cool to see :)
Source: Over the EJ @ DarkUFO

Pictures speak louder than words, right?
LAX. Now. Keep your eyes on http://www.hawaiiweblog.com/ For a full report. Oh, one thing. ‘I’ Was there. In a certain, particular form. Wanna guess what that means? Don’t go to pieces trying to figure it out, Ryan will have the details for you shortly.
source :www.docarzt.com
1 commentaire:
I always inspired by you, your views and attitude, again, thanks for this nice post.
- Murk
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