Update 09-19-09 : added fews photos of the set
thanks a lot hawaii blog for the news spoilers ! could be for the episode 6x03 ? i guess yes because it's featuring kate and another character...READ to know WHO !
thanks odi for the new photo where you can see mama claire and more details of the set
The LOST cast and crew have been busy once again at Honolulu Intl Airport. If you have kept up to speed on the previous spoilers then you know this is the LAX (Los Angeles Intl airport set).
Thanks to several LOST fans and Roxy for the following tidbits of the ongoing filming.
Of course since filming us still occurring please keep checking back for updates, but this is what we know so far:
1) Apparently a taxi cab that appears to have been in an accident was spotted on set along with LAPD police cars and several officers as well. This was all spotted just outside the airport. Maybe all of the police is there to find Kate?
2) The scenes being filmed inside were at the Intl Arrivals where Jack is in a suit, a very pregnant Claire, Kate and Dr. Arzt were all spotted leaving the airport.
3) Kate and Claire share a cab and there is indeed a driver. So how we connect this tobthe previous filming of Kate driving the cab perhaps they shake the driver or the cab with a dent is connected??
thanks @twitter chris for the pictures and news infos
Kate drives the taxi and Clair rides in the front seat... and Clair is pregnant.

doc posted more info about the actress ont he scene and little info too
We checked with our sources and found out that Jenny isn't the name of the character, but the name of the actress playing her. Turns out Aaron's would-be adopted mother is being played by Actress Jenny Blong. If you are going nuts trying to figure out where you may have seen her, she had a brief role as Sookie and Jason's mother Michelle Stackhouse in season one of True Blood!
On a related note, we have confirmation that Elizabeth Mitchell is on Hawaii. Hey, Juliet is a doctor – right? Doesn't her specialty have something to do with babies, in one universe at least…
source : docarzt
SPOILER ALERT: Breathless word comes from Carrie of a recent “LOST” shoot in Kahala. Less than a block from the home where Hurley hid in Season 5, she found her neighborhood once again packed with trailers and trucks before sunrise. Fortunately for us, she blew off her morning plans when she spotted cameras being set up on the lawn of a home a few doors down.
The scene was brief, but dramatic… and may further complicate already complicated theories forming after recent filming reports suggesting the safe arrival of Oceanic Flight 815 in Los Angeles.
A yellow taxi cab pulls up in front of the house, and two women emerge. It’s a “very pregnant” Claire (Emilie De Ravin) accompanied by, inexplicably, Kate (Evangeline Lilly). They walk up and Claire knocks on the door, and an unfamiliar woman (the crew called her by the name Jenny) answers. Claire introduces herself… and the woman immediately breaks down, crying.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” she says. “I really wanted this. But my husband… I just can’t have the baby right now.”
There’s anguish. And awkwardness. They’re not invited inside. But after a few more words are exchanged, it’s Claire’s turn to cry out. She cringes, and bends over, apparently and suddenly going into labor.
“Call a doctor!” Kate urges.
How do Claire and Kate, previously strangers on a plane, connect in L.A.? Wouldn’t Kate still be on the run? And what happened to the couple that was supposed to adopt Claire’s baby? Season six can’t get here soon enough.
My opinion : wow very amazing spoilers don't you think ? i guess the doctor could be juliet with NO MEMORY, maybe sawyer could be here too and sees her alive and she could ask if he's the father, what a drama it could be ! let's hope we'll get more details soon :)
source : hawaii blog
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