i can confirm you that 'cause one of my close friend called Mary just saw them filming V and spotted Elizabeth Mitchell :) 'cause she's in vancouver trying to see the set of Twilight saga, the third movie "Eclypse" source : Mary@twitter
hi guys, i know some of you can't wait FF, i do too even if i saw the pilot already i want to see how you'll like it or not lol who can say ^^ what i said on my review can be "see" on the promo, the friend bracelet,janis and demetri discovery...god i can't wait FF to start on ABC ! i really hooked up lol enjoy
As i said i'll put tag so clik or not it's your choice :)
This was posted in our rumours section recently and whilst we cannot 100% confirm that the photo below is actually from the set I can confirm through our sources that we will seeing the inside of Flight 815 again in the premiere of Season 6.
hello guys, i'm back and spoiles are back too :D since it's the last season i'll put button if you want to read or not, i'll myself be spoiler free around the 4-5 last episodes not now but for the finale serie i want to be but i respect you so it will be button for set report or major news, except kristin, ausiello and co no button if it's not big :) Also i would like to thanks a lot su and hely for their work on my blog when i was away :) it's so good to feel LOST is back :D enjoy ^^
Hey All, As you know I just returned from Oahu and was able to visit a set where the first exterior scenes of Season 6 were being filmed. Earlier in the week we had confirmations of BOTH Michael Emerson and Terry O' Quinn (Ben and Locke) filming interior scenes at Diamond Head studios and then received a tip that perhaps a plane set was being prepared. The Ben/Locke scene led to immediate speculation about a continuation of the 4-Toed Statue scene.
However, the real fun was what took place out doors. A day before the actual filming of the exteriors scenes I found out that they were planning the outdoor scenes with perhaps some night shots. Unfortunately they were filming on the day I was leaving! I knew I had to take a chance and visit during the early hours to see what was there and I scored with not only finding the set but being able to check it out!
The initial images we posted and the set we visited were the base of the 4-Toed Statue without the Foot of course. I was able to get an up close and personal look at the set as I walked along the beach around the area to see a bonfire pit setup along with the facade built of the 4-Toed statues base!! I even took one shot looking out of the doorway to give you all a glimpse of what it would look like walking out of the statue!!
Unfortunately on the day I was leaving was when they were filming and I missed the filming and my chance at meeting any of the actors. Did ABC KNOW I was leaving!? Who knows?? Of course it seems it was not my fate to meet any of them this trip. However, several other fans happen to be in town and lucked out!!
Our good friend Ryan in Hawaii (many thanks to him and everyone else for all the info while I visited) was sent several reports from these fans and I was able to get an image sent to me for one of the first scenes filmed during the day. Thanks to our source for providing such an awesome shoe picturing Ben, Locke, Ilana, Lapidus and Sun along with several of the others. Bram and Richard were on set but are not pictured.
As you have probably guessed by now, this is a direct continuation of the Season 5 finale with Ben and Locke (UnLocke) exiting the statue and meeting with the rest of the characters.
Our source did not understand what was taking place but as you can see all the others are looking to the sky as Ben and UnLocke walk towards the rest. My first thought was could there be a plane crash or perhaps another flash (purple sky incident)??
Well Ryan's Set Report has several great details describing a scene with UnLocke beating the crap out of Richard!!
What is going on!? source :
**************** SPOILER ALERT: “LOST” filmed late into the night and continued work today in West O’ahu (as reported yesterday). And “LOST” fans from afar — New York and Brazil — were able to get relatively close to the action as a scene unfolded at Jacob’s beach temple. The following is a composite of their brief, breathless reports:
When we arrived, Terry O’Quinn (Locke) was the only main actor working, and he was laying in the sand… likely to get a close up for his body. Then, as he was replaced by a stand-in (lie-in?), Yunjun Kim (Sun) and Nestor Carbonell (Richard) arrived on set with other actors and extras. The next scene was of Not-Locke and Richard descending from the temple. The assembled Others, obviously suspicious of Not-Locke, raise their guns as Not-Locke steps up to confront Richard.
After O’Quinn rehearsed some moves with Carbonell’s stand-in, the last scene we watched was the most intense. Not-Locke beats the crap out of Richard. After Richard is taken down, Not-Locke looks across the faces of everyone watching. He waves his finger and says, “I’m very disappointed in all of you.”
Exclusive: 'V' Shutting Down for Tune-Up By Josef Adalian
ABC's buzz-heavy new fall drama "V" is taking a two-week creative hiatus.
Warner Bros. TV has decided to temporarily shut down production on the alien invasion series, with filming scheduled to halt next Wednesday, a studio rep confirmed exclusively to TheWrap. Because "V" doesn't premiere until Nov. 3, the move won't impact scheduling of the series or ABC's ability to air the six episodes it's planning for the fourth quarter.
The studio wouldn't discuss the specific reasons behind the move, saying only that the shutdown was designed to boost "V" in the long-term.
WBTV wants to "take advantage of our November premiere to maximize creative opportunities and deliver the audience the best show possible," a Warners spokesperson said.
People familiar with the decision indicated the hiatus was put in place so that writers would have time to beef up future scripts and bring them in line with the quality of the pilot, which has been getting good buzz from bloggers and critics since a successful screening at Comic-Con last month.
No staffing changes are being made, insiders said, though in situations like this, it's not unheard of for new writers to be added to the roster.
"V" is a remake of the classic 1980s NBC miniseries (and later series) about lizard-like aliens who come to earth under a friendly guise. The new version stars Elizabeth Mitchell ("Lost"), Scott Wolf, Morena Baccarin and Morris Chestnut.
Short-term shutdowns for first-year series, especially dramas, have become increasingly common in recent years. With networks often unwilling to give shows second chances if they don't make a strong impact out of the box, studios want to make sure they do everything possible to ensure scripts are in the best possible shape for filming.
Such pre-emptive moves can also end up saving money since they reduce the likelihood of costly re-shoots.
ABC's "Grey's Anatomy" is widely cited as the best example of a recent series that benefited from a pre-premiere production hiatus.
But even long-time shows have recently found a need to take a break: 20th Century Fox TV halted work on "24" for 18 days last fall. The result was one of the best-reviewed seasons in the show's history.
Below, an ABC short in which "V" cast members answer burning questions about the show:
(Click source link for video with Elizabeth Mitchell)
Temporarily nixed from island series, Elizabeth Mitchell falls for new sci-fi role
‘Lost’ and found By Amy Amatangelo Thursday, August 27, 2009
Elizabeth Mitchell didn’t expect to fall in love again. At least not so soon.
Last spring, “Lost” executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse told Mitchell that her character, Juliet, would not be a part of the final season of ABC’s Emmy-winning series.
“I was really sad because I really like everyone so much and I love my role,” Mitchell said in an interview earlier this month at the Langham Hotel in Pasadena, Calif. “I spent three years working very hard to create exactly what I wanted.”
But the Dallas native described herself as “fairly pragmatic.” She thanked Lindelof and Cuse for her time on the series, packed up her house in Hawaii, found a preschool for her son in Los Angeles and began reading scripts. “I didn’t expect to like anything,” she said. “I was just reading things because people sent them to me and it’s rude not to read them.”
Then she read the script for “V,” a remake of the 1983 sci-fi miniseries about an alien invasion. The series premieres on ABC in November.
“ ‘V’ is kind of a gift,” the 39-year-old said. “It was a surprise to me to fall in love with another character. I read it and it captivated me. And more importantly, I thought it was an excellent jumping-off place and something I had never done before - playing a straightforward hero.”
Mitchell plays FBI counterterrorist agent Erica Evans, a mother of a teenage son. In the pilot, she discovers that the alien visitors might not be as benevolent as they seem.
“What I’m enjoying about Erica, which is one of the same things I love about Juliet, is that she, every day of her life, believes if she is not fully on, not fully functioning, she is going to let people down and the world will come to an end. She actively puts herself in the line of fire. I think it takes a special kind of person to do that, and that, combined with Erica being a mother, is very interesting to me.”
But it turns out Mitchell will be on “Lost” again.
“They called and something had kind of shifted for them and they asked if I would come back,” she said. Mitchell readily agreed. Although she knows how and why Juliet, who was last seen detonating a bomb, will return, she can’t divulge details.
During her time on “Lost,” Mitchell learned to trust the producers. When she first heard that Juliet would be romantically linked to Sawyer (Josh Holloway) last season, she balked.
“We thought it was so dumb,” she said. “But what really happened and what was surprising to me is that Josh and I started bringing out different sides of each other, and we started to feel really safe together. He’s massively in love with his wife and I’m in love with my husband, so we know what love is. It made the playing of it really safe, and all of a sudden, there we were and we just caught each other. I miss the two characters together and I never thought I would say that. So I was happily wrong about that.”
SPOILER ALERT: Filming for the sixth and final season of “LOST” began on Monday, but most of the lensing so far has taken place at the Hawaii Film Studio on Diamond Head. But today, thanks to visiting “LOST” fan, blogger and podcaster “TheODI” and film industry watcher Tim Ryan, there’s finally a couple of tidbits to report.
As a vacationing fan, “TheODI” has enjoyed visiting a number of “LOST” locations, including the beach set at Papailoa (still standing by) and Camp Erdman (a.k.a. Othersville). Thanks to some especially friendly people, he was able to get good leads on where they might be found. And indeed, we were both able to check out what looks like the first location shoot of the season, way out on the west side of O’ahu.
The set was unmistakable: the beach temple where Jacob lived, and atop which once stood the “four-toed” Egyptian statue. Nearby, the remnants of a large bonfire.
The actors said to be attached were Michael Emerson (Ben) and Terry O’Quinn (Locke… or Not Locke), the implication being that the beach shoot provides the exterior to the interior scenes filmed early this week. This fits with what a friend mentioned to me last week, suggesting that Brad Henke (Bram) was on deck early. It seems Season 6 will quickly pick up right where one of the Season 5 timelines left off.
Note: The ever intrepid “TheODI” ventured much further than I dared, and will soon be publishing some great up-close-and-personal photos on his blog.
Karen in Lewistown, Mont.: Any scoop on how Juliet will return to Lost?
Besides what Elizabeth Mitchell herself teased, Josh Holloway hopes for a special Suliet reunion. "Maybe she'll be this beautiful angel that appears and you can have this erotic scene," he jokes. In all honestly, Josh doesn't have a clue what's going to happen with Juliet, but he does know how it affects Sawyer in the new season. "Now that he's lost Juliet, I think the leader-hero thing is gone. I think he doesn't give a s--t to be anyone's leader at this point. He's heartbroken. He's back to 'The world sucks' and maybe throughout this season someone can redeem him again and bring him back from hell, because right now, he's in hell."
Dan in Orange, Calif.: Is there any hope for Sawyer next season on Lost
Do you mean, is there hope that the executive producers won't kill Sawyer in the final season? Josh Holloway isn't holding his breath on that one. Josh tells us, "Knowing Damon Lindelof, Sawyer must die. Maybe Carlton Cuse will soften. I always thought he should die. I think he should die because him and society is never going to work, so why go back?"
not FOREVER lol just a week, it's my holiday time and i really need it too ^^ don't worry my friend hely and/or su will upload any news we could get ! let's hope i'll be back to see news spoilers for s6 i'll miss you have a nice holidays too :) kiss Lyly
Super-famous Japanese actor Hiroyuki Shimosawa — best known stateside for his roles in The Last Samurai and Rush Hour 3 — is joining the sixth and final season of Lost, sources confirm to me exclusively.
Who’s Shimosawa playing? Beats the hell out of me. I squeezed every last one of my moles for deets and the only thing I came up with is that it’s a “significant recurring” role. Sounds like a case for Doc Jensen…
“My prediction,” says D.J., “is that he will play a mystical mystery man who serves as John Locke’s Obi-Wan-meets-Mr. Miyagi in the post-Jughead rebooted Lost timeline. Attuned to The Island’s magic — perhaps an embodiment of The Island itself — Hiroyuki’s character will help the amnesiac Locke rediscover his destiny to become The Island knight/protector and guide him back, even as dark forces conspire to stop Locke and the rest of the castaways from going back.”
Yeah, I suspected as much.
This is the second major piece of season 6 Lost casting to break this week. On Wednesday, it was announced that Deadwood’s John Hawkes had been tapped to play Lennon, the “scruffy, edgy, charismatic spokesperson/translator for the president of a foreign corporation.”
Got a theory about Shimosawa’s role? Do you agree with Jensen? Sound off below!
here fews photos of Josh and his little family leaving LA probably to go in hawaii 'cause the set will start in 3 DAYS !!!!! adorable baby girl who loves to be with his dad ^^ i found those pics very cute :) enjoy !
news abc house promo, you can see different version of sawyer's promo but also one featured only ben, michael emerson rocked here ! and the last a bit of him at the end :) enjoy ^^
alalala, it has been long time since we got real spoilers and next week, the set will be back too, let's hope a lot of report and pics and vids ! here a scoop by ausiello at EW
The first official piece of new casting for Lost’s sixth and final season has arrived — and it’s surprisingly detailed. Team Darlton is looking for an actor in his mid 30s to late 50s to play… Lennon: Scruffy, edgy, charismatic, and slightly stir-crazy, Lennon can be deferential when it’s called for. He’s the spokesperson/translator for the president of a foreign corporation. He’s a wily negotiator, and far more powerful than his lowly position would seem to indicate. Recurring.
John Hawkes, best known for playing Sol Star in HBO’s Deadwood, has been cast in the final season of ABC’s Lost, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Hawkes will reportedly play a character named Lennon, who — as EW told you earlier — is “the spokesperson/translator for the president of a foreign corporation,” as well a “wily negotiator [who's] far more powerful than his lowly position would seem to indicate.” Lost will return for its sixth and final season in early 2010.
ok, first i could say, LOST give us questions and we wait answers right ? guess Flash Forward will be the same too !
This pilot started with Mark Benford(Joseph Fiennes) after the "black out" you got a "preview" of what happened and then you watch how was the life of each characters before this catastrophee. there is Mark, Olivia(Sonya Walger) and her daughter, you can see they've the perfect life, they love eachother and have a kid. Olivia works at the hospital with Bryce Varley (Zachary Knighton) who want to commit suicide for a reason i don't know yet and Mark is an FBI agent. Mark have had some issue with alcohol but now it's over, he got help from his friend Aaron Stark(Brían F. O'Byrne). Demetri Noh (John Cho) is Mark's partner and Janis Hawk(Christine Woods) a colleague. Everything started as a normal day for those people until....
during 2 minutes and 20 seconds !
And their lifes will be changed forever...
On LOST you could heard : "guys where are we ?" On Flash forward, you can hear :"what did you see ?"
What did they see ? why they were so affected by that ? Let's me ask you something, how could you imagine your future in 6 months ? If i could have seen my future 6 months ago, i really wonder how it could affect me right now...I do wonder and that's you can see on the pilot.
What happened for them, it changed their lifes for good or worst...there is fear of what they saw, questions or peace. how could you act if you saw your future ? accept it ? fight it and try to change it ? some will accept it with peace, others will fear it and trying to avoid everything they saw.
I loved the scene where Mark wake up and see what happened, some people are dead or very bloody, the way they filmed it remind me the crash and when Jack arrived on the beach to see what happened for me the catastrophee gave me the same impact of the crash on LOST, i think LOST fans will feel it too.
You saw a part of Mark's flash on the promo you can watch here, same for Janis and Olivia but not all.
At first, i thought it was only fews people who could see something, seem it's not and when you don't see something there is only ONE reason... You are possibly DEAD !
Flash forward seem to be a show with a lot of questions but also very intriguing. Mark's flash was MORE scary we saw on the promo, but not only, i think the most flash it was a WTF moment it was experimented by Aaron 'cause it's really something you can't expect to see in this situation.
It's true Mark's flash gave us view of a mosaique with pictures, photos, papers and it's where we'll start everything, i think the scene i liked it was when mark tried to remember what he saw and how they filmed it.
We learnt too some people can share the same flashes and I guess this opportunity can also change their life, 4 people will share this experience on the episode, the first one know eachother, the second not yet...
I'm really intrigued by Oliva and Mark's daughter flash, i dunno what she saw but it affected her a lot, she said she have had a bad dream that's the only thing we know but i'm sure she saw something who scared her.
Maybe people didn't believed it but it's true we can see a kangouroo on the episode, it was a "funny" moment not the moment we saw it but more the way it happened.
The pilot shown us the first piece of the puzzle of Flash Forward, all the world black out during 2 minutes and but i can tell you the most shocking thing i saw during the episode happened at the very end, when you see this moment with demetri and janis you can't say "i give up on FF" NO ! you'll want to see more.
I fall for LOST 'cause of the mystery and the way they intrigued me, in ONE scene, FF caught me as LOST did.
FF will be the new best show of this fall ? hard to say, many seem to be great but i can say i'll follow it and i can't wait to see Dominic Monaghan and i've good idea what could be his character on FF 'cause of what i saw in this episode possibly linked to the demetri and janis scene i'll say but wait and see lol
I'll end my review with this line, friend's bracelet is the beginning... After this moment, you know what they saw will be part of their life, will they accept it ? or try to change it ? I'm really curious to understand how what they saw will happen, we got a part of this explanation when the "pact" was scelled with the friend's bracelet but it's just the beginning, more will come and i'm very confused but still intrigued as well !
I will know the answer, only if I watch the season :) follow me guys ^^
hi guys, i'm sorry i didn't posted my FF review yet, i'll tonight or tomorrow but for tonight i'll share with you promo pics of some LOST actors in their new show Sonya Walger and Dominic Monaghan from Flashforward
we got first look last week but here 3 abc house promo where you can see josh and emerson playing sawyer and ben on the new abc house campaign ! enjoy !
hi guys, i got chance to see "V" pilot yesterday night and i thought i could share with you a review concerning this episode. this is my first review so i hope i'll do it great.
V is very an new interesting show, i never watched the first version around the he 1980's but i chose to follow it 'cause of Elizabeth Mitchell that i really loved on LOST.
the 5-10 first minutes introduced every main characters, you can't tell exactly what will be their role on the show in those minutes but it was introduced in a good way, different storylines and you wonder but HOW they'll get to meet eachother ?!
during those minutes you can see there is earthquake and you can see how people reacted, the fear of what is going on and then you met the leader of the Visitors : Anna (Morena Baccarin). If you watched the first sneak peek we got that i'll post here, you can see a bit of this moment. There is a "funny" moment during the meeting 'cause at once moment she spoke in french and i'm french and i really enjoy to hear people speaking french on movie and show ^^
After the meeting with the visitors, you can see during the pilot different way people dealt with it, some will love them and even give them a devotion, some will fear them or not sure what faith they've to believe, that's the way you'll more meet one of the main cast the priest jack (Joel Gretsch).
Jack is a very interesting character, he's someone who believe in god but not sure what it should do concerning the V. In contrary the father thinks the V is a good sign for them and the church.
You meet too Erica Evans and her son Tyler (Logan Huffman), she works on FBI and you can see already weird thing happened in her job too. Tyler and Erica seems to have complicated relationship, tyler is in "love" with the V people and got chance to be more close of them...
There is also a kinda new Hurley on this show, it's tyler's friend and he said all time dude lol
Also, you meet Ryan (Morris Chestnut) who seems to want to just have his simple life with valerie (Lourdes Benedicto) the woman he loves. Chad Decker (Scott Wolf) is a reporter very ambisious who will get Anna attention for the good or the worst ? We can't tell yet !
during the episodes you can have mixed feeling about the V people, you can see the good side of them with chad or tyler and the worst and dangerous with erica, jack, ryan and others people.
when the episode end, you know things will never be the same for all of them. I really enjoy the effect when you see the spacial ship and the "utopia town" All the actors are very great and interesting, some more mysterious as ryan, Anna or the beautiful Lisa (Laura Vandervoort) that Tyler will have a crush and the others are "normal" (at least for now lol) but i love the mix between normal people and the aliens too.
I loved the Logo too, it's simply a V letter but written in blood it seem at first, it was scary too lol like when you watch horror movie i could say !
I don't know if i've favorite scene but there is a scene between Chad and Anna and the way they shown it and how she spoke it was scary lol
If you love those kind of show and also Elizabeth Mitchell ! trust me you'll like it :)
next to come in fews days, my review on flash forward pilot ! stay tuned ! Lyly
Just because Elizabeth Mitchell is off fighting reptilian aliens and filming in Vancouver for V, doesn't mean she can't fly on over to Hawaii to give fans a proper sendoff for Juliet.
As Mitchell teased before, we will see Juliet "pretty immediately, and then I'm not sure after that, but I think it will be satisfactory." Mitchell actually knows exactly what Juliet's doing this season, and while she doesn't let many spoilers slip, she does tease a resolution that may make fans smile and sigh.
Which fans are smiling though? The Skaters or the Suliets? Watch the video above to get the scoop and then hit the comments below.
on this vid, where you can see the comedian Paul Scheer (who made the painting for darlton at sdcc) you can see what will be the title of episode 6x01 ! LA X !
You can own your very own 8X10 glossy print of this photo. Adam Bouska, the photographer and cofounder of the NO H8 Campaign and the on-going fight for marriage equality has generously offered to allow fans to purchase the photo for $25.00, plus $5.00 for shipping and tax . (The campaign is, as of yet, not an official 501(s)(3) nonprofit organization.)
Rest assured that all proceeds go to the NO H8 Campaign and will help fund the on-going fight for marriage equality.
Please e-mail your order (adam@bouska.net). You can pay via PayPal using adam@bouska.net to send the funds. Or, if you prefer, you can send a check or money order, along with your order (please make sure to provide your return address) to
i'll skip the part concerning his new show (i can't wait to watch it !!) Vampire diaries to put what he said about his possible return on LOST !
Q: Are you going to be returning to Lost? Ian: That's the idea.
Q: Are you going to go back to the plane, before it crashed? Ian: I don't know any of that stuff, but that's the idea. We're working it out and making it happen.
Q: Do you have any idea what the storyline would be? Ian: I have no clue. And, I probably won't know until the day I get there. That is the one thing that I am really curious about. Over the years, those guys have gotten so smart to not tell actors anything because we talk to you guys.
Q: Were you surprised when you got the call about returning to the show? Ian: We had spoken about it for awhile, and then I hung out with Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse at Comic-Con and we came to the conclusion that this will happen. So, we're just working out the details. The problem is just the dates. Honolulu is really far from Atlanta, and I'm on the schedule every day with The Vampire Diaries. Usually, when I would go back to do an episode of Lost, it was a seven-day vacation with a great hotel suite on the beach, lots of per diem, a convertible to drive around in and massages. This is going to be a red eye from Atlanta to Hawaii, getting off the plane, shooting, crashing and then going back.
Q: Are you excited to revisit Boone? Ian: One last time, yeah. It will be fun. I just can't wait.
Q: Is it nice to know that you'll be able to play a part in closing out this show that you helped get started? Ian: Yeah. Hopefully, it will be different and Boone can get his power back. There was always some element of solidarity in him. It was just never able to be played out. But, I could be completely wrong. He could just be the same push-over he was.
Q: Have you kept up with the show at all, as the seasons have progressed? Ian: I haven't been able to, as much as I'd like to. But, I'm going to do some major catching up, before I go down there.
Elizabeth Mitchell is a lead on ABC's V, but she told reporters on Saturday that she will indeed return to her role as Juliet on Lost, though she appeared to have died in a nuclear explosion at the end of the fifth season.
A journalist at the Television Critics Association summer press tour in Pasadena, Calif., asked if she'd indeed "kaboomed" herself.
"It did seem that I kaboomed myself with the bomb," Mitchell said. "I like that word, anyway. I don't think it's going to be that way. I am going to be traveling to Hawaii more than once, so we'll see how that plays out, because my [V] producers have said it's all right, so that's good."
Call it synergy: ABC says she can be on both of their shows. It sounds like a guest spot on Lost's sixth and final season, though. "Yes, I will actually be back on Lost," she said. "I can't say whether I'm dead or not, but as in all things in Lost, it'll be fairly tricky."
Later, she told a group of reporters: "I really love half of it. As in all things with the writers, I know that the half that I'm like, 'Really?' is the stuff I'm going to be like, 'That was the best thing I ever did!"
An imaginative campaign from ABC to promote its series for the 2009-10 season is being expanded.
The campaign, which began in May, is centered on the fanciful notion that the stars of all the shows broadcast by ABC live together in a house as one big happy family. Think of it as sort of a marketing spin on “Big Brother.” (Video below.)
The commercials that have appeared so far have been general in nature, featuring ABC stars like Sally Field (“Brothers and Sisters”), Teri Hatcher (“Desperate Housewives”), Matthew Fox (“Lost”) and the late-night host Jimmy Kimmel. New spots that are to begin running on Saturday, which will be available in longer versions next week on abc.com, will promote four new sitcoms that are to make their debuts on Wednesdays in the fall.
The new Wednesday series touted in the commercials are “Hank,” starring Kelsey Grammer; “The Middle,” starring Patricia Heaton; “Modern Family,” with an ensemble cast that includes Ed O’Neill; and “Cougartown,” with Courteney Cox. They are to appear from 8 to 10 on Wednesday nights.
The vignettes in the commercials include Calista Flockhart of “Brothers and Sisters” welcoming Mr. Grammer to the ABC house and showing him to his room. He offers her a tip; she tells him she is not a maid. Also, Josh Holloway of “Lost” and Ms. Cox exchange ripostes at a barbecue. And some of the newcomers are pressed into doing laundry for the casts of established ABC series like “Dancing With the Stars” and “Grey’s Anatomy.”
“We started with the people who are very familiar faces,” said Marla Provencio, co-executive vice president for marketing at ABC with Mike Benson. Now the idea is to use the premise of the ABC house to “introduce our new Wednesday comedy line-up,” she added.
“The great thing about the ABC house campaign is that it has such great legs,” Ms. Provencio said.
For instance, if ABC is to broadcast a special show like the American Music Awards, she added, the celebrities who are nominees could appear in commercials as if they had been invited to the ABC house “for a special dinner” or “television night.”
The campaign is being created internally at the marketing department at ABC, part of the Walt Disney Company, with Becky Daugherty, vice president for specials and late night, and her staff members. Vince Manze, a former NBC marketing executive who is a consultant to ABC, is also helping develop the campaign.
The Dharma Initiative A project discussed for years in and around conspiracy circles. Once thought to be lost, this explosive documentary series has never been seen before...until now.
The five-part video series will screen as follows: Episode 1: July 23rd, 2009 Episode 2: August 4th, 2009 Episode 3: September 8th, 2009 Episode 4: October 15th, 2009 Episode 5: November 16th, 2009
sorry i couldn't resist, imagine if parkman was really on LOST lol in Tv guide interview, gregg grunberg spoke about a possible return of the pilot on LOST !
It might be a busy season for Grunberg, who has also been approached about appearing on Lost. The actor, who played pilot Seth Norris of the Oceanic flight in the very first episode, got a call about coming back for the last season of the hit ABC show. Grunberg is totally game for anything the Lost producers can cook up for him, but he has no idea what they are planning. “That’s literally where my call ended,” he says.
Norris didn’t survive the island, but as more of Lost’s characters who met the grim reaper are signing on to appear one last time, it would only be appropriate to bring back the man who flew them to the island in the first place. “If NBC will allow it,” Grunberg says. “I will go back.”
big thanks to andy who gave us details for the bonus on the dvds
Runtime: 66m 2s
Additional material; SEASON 5 BLU RAY BONUS 100TH EPISODE Runtime: 18m 12s
BONUS - LOST ON LOCATION (Runtime: 35m 58s) 00:04:06:10 THE LIE 00:05:00:24 THE LITTLE PRINCE 00:05:59:15 THE LIFE AND DEATH OF JEREMY BENTHAM 00:04:36:00 NAMASTE 00:04:36:01 HE'S OUR YOU 00:04:44:21 WHATEVER HAPPENED HAPPENED 00:06:53:20 THE INCIDENT
Lost - Blu-ray Release of The Complete 5th Season Enrolls You in ‘Lost University’ In-depth updatable bonus material is exclusive to BD Live on Blu-ray disc
Press Release
A Unique Immersive Blu-ray™ Experience Powered by BD-Live™ That Extends the Stories, Secrets and Mythology Of one of the World's Most Engaging Shows
Enrollment starts soon for LOST University, coming to LOST: THE COMPLETE FIFTH SEASON On Blu-ray High Definition December 8, 2009
Burbank, Calif. August 3, 2009 - Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment is proud to bring fans a groundbreaking new multi-platform Blu-ray experience, "LOST University," featured on the highly anticipated Blu-ray release of "LOST: The Complete Fifth Season." LOST University is a captivating immersive bonus experience powered by BD-Live that will expand the world of "LOST", giving viewers around the world an unprecedented interactive experience unlike any other before it.
Viewers will be able to join LOST executive producers Carlton Cuse, Damon Lindelof, the cast of "LOST," and a panel of esteemed experts for a vast array of courses at LOST University, delving into the themes and storylines regularly explored on the groundbreaking television series. Through this robust, engaging, multi-semester experience, students will gain a better understanding of the story, unique insight to the mysteries of "LOST," and perhaps even valuable clues as the show heads into its final season. "LOST University" will be accessible through several portals, starting now with http://www.lostuniversity.org, where "LOST" fans can enroll beginning September 22, 2009, months before the university goes completely live on December 8, 2009. The main campus of "LOST University" will live on the "LOST: The Complete Fifth Season" Blu-ray disc, and will be powered by BD-Live.
Each visit to LOST University through the "LOST: The Complete Fifth Season" Blu-ray disc will connect viewers to a unique and exclusive experience, powered by BD-LIVE technology. Upon launching the innovative interface, students immediately get access to their personalized lesson plans, compelling HD Audio-Visual presentations and communication from the LOST University faculty and staff. Like any real university, campus life at LOST University is not solely focused on higher learning, pop quizzes and homework. Through an extended web experience, students will be able to pay visits to the campus bookstore to purchase LOST U merchandise, or discuss their school experience and "LOST" theories through study-groups on the LOST University message boards. Potential students will even have the opportunity to prep for the LOST U experience in advance on http://www.lostuniversity.org with story and character refresher courses and advanced reading suggestions...all providing information vital to getting up-to-speed with the world of LOST as it heads into its final season.
LOST University expands the world of "LOST" - viewers won't just visit that world, but begin to understand it. Every semester, LOST University brings students deeper into the mythology, the history, the philosophy, and the mysteries of television's ultimate mystery. LOST University will offer a wide variety of entertaining and informative courses including...
* Introductory Physics of Time Travel * History * Family Psychology * The Languages Of "LOST" * Jungle Survival Basics * Deciphering Hieroglyphics * Art Of "LOST" seminar * Philosophy 101 * ...and all things "LOST"
About LOST: The Complete Fifth Season Blu-ray The show that revolutionized primetime proves once again why it is television's most addictive and creative series, as the epic story of "LOST" twists, turns and spirals through time in its brilliant fifth season. Destiny sends the Oceanic 6 back to the Island and into the heart of the enigmatic Dharma Initiative. The reason they had to return and the fate of all those who were left behind is revealed as the momentum builds toward the much anticipated series finale in 2010. Some of "LOST's" most pressing questions are finally answered in a spectacular 5-disc collection, packed with deleted scenes, exclusive interviews, as well as Blu-ray exclusive content like LOST University.
"LOST" stars Naveen Andrews as Sayid, Henry Ian Cusick as Desmond, Jeremy Davies as Daniel Faraday, Michael Emerson as Ben, Matthew Fox as Jack, Jorge Garcia as Hurley, Josh Holloway as Sawyer, Daniel Dae Kim as Jin, Yunjin Kim as Sun, Ken Leung as Miles, Evangeline Lilly as Kate, Elizabeth Mitchell as Juliet and Terry O'Quinn as Locke.
"LOST" was created by Jeffrey Lieber and J.J. Abrams & Damon Lindelof. Abrams, Lindelof, Bryan Burk, Jack Bender, Edward Kitsis, Adam Horowitz and Carlton Cuse serve as executive producers. "LOST," which is filmed entirely on location in Hawaii and premiered on September 22, 2004, is from ABC Studios.
LOST: The Complete Fifth Season Blu-ray STREET DATE: December 8, 2009 Pricing: Blu-ray Disc: $79.99 (U.S.), $94.99 (Canada) Rated: US: 'TV - 14 LV'; Canada: 14ATechnical specifications may only apply to feature
Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment, a recognized leader in the home entertainment industry, is the marketing, sales and distribution company for Walt Disney, Touchstone, Hollywood Pictures, Miramax and Buena Vista product, which includes DVD, Blu-ray Disc and electronic distribution. Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment is a division of The Walt Disney Studios. source :http://www.tvshowsondvd.com
hi guys i'm back but too much tired to work on something for Evi so here what i found online and i add one of my fav pic of this amazing actress we love !