The strike is over.
I just got back from the big WGA meeting at the Shrine Auditorium in downtown Los Angeles, and I am 97 percent sure of this for two reasons:
1. James L. Brooks, who has three Oscars, 19 Emmys, one measly Golden Globe and cocreated a little show called The Simpsons, told me, "I think we're gonna be good. I think the strike is over."
2. A kid named Jerome borrowed my pen so he could write down the phone number of a guy he was networking, because Jerome just lost his current job—as a strike assistant.
Check out our news story to get the exact timeline of what happens next, including when the TV business will be back at work (mid-weekish), but for my eye and earwitness report of what went on at the big show, read on...
read more about the strike here
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