thank su for the scan *hug*

I've just been sent an episode title for Episode 4.10 - "Something Nice Back Home". This may change but my source was pretty sure this would be the title.
source : andy

They filmed at Leilehua High School today 04/03/08. there was a high school logo that said "cowin heights knights." I have the picture that my sister sent me cause she attends there...
She said something about them filming some kid coming out of a locker...? idk.
Source: athena@DarkUFO

Leilehua High School plays a high school in the 1950s
Episode 4x11 - On Island Filming
It’s been a busy week for the “LOST” production team, and with five episodes to produce in a little over a month, that’s hardly surprising. We’re deep into the production of Episode 4×11, which is apparently Locke-centric, and “LOST” crews have been spotted all over the island working hard to bring the story to your TV screens.
On Thursday, workers returned to the old Waimano Home in Pearl City, where Locke’s birth (and an apparent visit by Richard Alpert) was filmed the day before. I’m told the folks on set were much less talkative on day two, and the set was apparently a different part of the facility… but both Terry O’Quinn and Lance Reddick (Matthew Abbadon) were seen in the neighborhood.
That same day, visiting German student and fan Marcel again caught “LOST” at work, this time high in the mountains. They were filming an on-island scene along Manoa Falls Trail, complete with mysterious DHARMA door in the grassy hillside. He saw Josh Holloway and Emilie DeRavin in the morning, and when I joined him during my lunch break, we watched Daniel Dae Kim, Yunjin Kim, Rebecca Mader and Jeremy Davies traipse through the jungle, over and over and over again. Making television is hard work!
But that’s not all. Word quickly spread on the coconut wireless thanks to some excited Teach for America workers, a handful of which were thrilled to find “LOST” setting up shop at Leilehua High School in Wahiawa (just one town over from where we live in Mililani). I headed up to the campus after work, and was able to watch them film a couple of scenes.
The young extras were dressed in 1960s fashions (brown gingham dresses and high socks), including several cheerleaders… much to the delight of some Leilehua High School boys that were hanging around. And attention was focused on a young man with brown hair, a collared shirt, and a severe countenance. It was John Locke at sixteen, having an intense conversation with a teacher, a green “Cowin Heights Knights” school crest hanging over his shoulder. Let’s just say our “Man of Faith” has had issues with science for a long time.
“LOST” returned to Wahiawa today, filming more at Leilehua High, and filming another scene elsewhere in the neighborhood. No sign of any actors, but the sight of some classic American cars was hard to miss.
Source: Hawaii Blog
Season Finale Casting
I do know the season finale is featuring a couple Australians. Donna, 40ish blonde and pretty, who has to deliver some bad news, and Millbanks, a tough outdoorsman. Whether that means it's Claire-centric, I do not know.
Source: Secretagentman
Another filming update
Late word from Wahiawa United Methodist Church, reporting several “gorgeous” 1950s or 1960s cars. And one of them was apparently enlisted to film a dramatic scene in which a little girl (perhaps five years of age) runs out of a house and gets struck in the street.
Source: Hawaii Blog
Episode 4.12 - Casting Info
Caucasian, 40s, blonde, pretty, Australian. Has had to deal with many set-backs in her life but is strong and has persevered. Now has to deliver painful and emotional news. VERY NICE CO-STAR in finale ...MUST BE AUTHENTICALLY AUSTRALIAN OR BE ABLE TO DO AN IMPECCABLE AUSTRALIAN ACCENT.
Any ethnicity, 30s to 40s, pretty, pleasant and sharp as a whip. She is a leader and quick-witted. Can manage difficult personalities with ease. Can hold sway three people in a room or a hundred in an audience. VERY NICE CO-STAR in finale.
30s to 50s, Australian, rugged, smart, works outdoors with his hands. The kind of guy you'd want with you to get out of a tough situation. CO-STAR...MUST BE AUTHENTICALLY AUSTRALIAN OR BE ABLE TO DO AN IMPECCABLE AUSTRALIAN ACCENT
Source: Bannerman@DarkUFO
Have I mentioned in the last week how much Damon Lindelof rocks my world? No? Well, in that case: Damon Lindelof rocks my world.
You guys have been emailing for more info ever since the official Lost magazine published a quote from D.L. promising a "spectacular kiss" in this season's finale, and frankly, I was dying to know myself! So I broke down and went to the man himself, asking:
"Is there still such a kiss in the works, even with the strike-shortened season? And could you give the fans any hints about who might be doin' this spectacular kissing?"
It's still in the plan.
It's still spectacular.
It will happen between a boy and a girl.
But it doesn't happen on the island.
Your fan,
Lost - Ensemble
Hold. The. Coconut. Phone! It doesn't happen on the Island?!
Okay, so does that mean it happens in the ocean just off the Island? Or in the sky above the Island? Or in a flashback...or back in the real world between two of the Oceanic Six?! Argh! Could it be Sun saying goodbye to Jin? Claire saying goodbye to Aaron? A new coupling in the future we haven't yet seen? (Kate and Sayid? Sun and Hurley?)
As for the opposite-sex info, well, I guess that kills our Juliet-Charlotte makeout dreams. Phewey.
So tell me, who do you think does the kissin'? Make your pick in the poll below and then share your take in the comments...
Source: E!Online
Season Finale Scoop
Here is a little scoop for you all from a contact who has always provided me with excellent filming information.
- A Big scene is being planned for filming currently involving the Rescue
- The Freighter people are NOT the ones that do the rescuing
- The Season finale will leave you ballistic as far as cliffhangers go.
So who does rescue the Oceanic 6? I'm guessing Penny.
Source: DarkUFO
IMo i could say ben and/or penny...
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