Warning:The second part is still an uncorfirmed rumor.
Thanks to our guy PF108 for the following snippets of the current filming of the Richard Alpert Episode
Ok Dark here is what I know, and it's pretty wild:
-On monday at Diamond head studios, they will be filming Alpert scenes on the Blackrock. There is a mock-up of the BR in front of a giant green screen inside there.
-Actor present during this scene are for Alpert, Father Suarez, Capt. Whitfield, and (and this is what they actually called him) the man in black.
Unconfirmed Rumour
-But this is not all, and it only gets wilder from here,there are a number of prisoners on this ship, including Sayid, Locke, Kate and Claire. One more thing (and Im not sure on this) all the prisoners have a certain # associated with them. Are these THE numbers, I don't know as of yet. Its possible other Losties are on board but thats all I know so far.
Will keep you posted when I find out more Dark!
Source: PF108@DarkUFO
source: DarkUfo
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