first big thanks to FBL who found the info on @twitter LaSuaLuna who shared with me her experience on the set that i'll post here :) and also the Odi for getting info by one of his reader Wayfinder

it's probably for epi 6x08 since those days they're filming this episode
****** here more details
Juliette was not there, at least while i was there anyway, I watched from about 12:30 till they wrapped around 4. on my way up to the set i found out that they had stopped for lunch, there were a bunch of Others walking down in their gear, (at least 20 of them) I got a picture with Terry O'Quinn. Sheila Kelly was there, but she wasnt shooting, she was just watching, she's gonna be in the next episode. I talked to her, I asked her if she was gonna play Kendall and she just looked at me, grinned slightly and said she wasn't allowed to say. As far as details of the shoot, I couldnt really hear anything, people kept rolling by and taking pictures, which the crew hates by the way. So they kept pushing people back further away.
by the way, for all of you Twilight fans, apparently the kid who plays Jacob on Twilight was on the set to watch some scenes. dude rolled up in a limo. At least that's what the security guy said, I did see the limo but i never actually saw him.
so here the summary of the @twitter LaSuaLuna
Well to start off there's street signs that say the street leading to the trail is blocked until tomorrow at 3pm. No parking allowed.
Going into the trail there's tons of trailers for the equipment and further up are people w/holf cars to transport them cause it's muddy
They have a crafts table on the aide of the trail and then were they shoot they have lawn chairs and tents on the sides of the hiking trail

A blond woman was reading her lines and sayid was standing looking diwn at the shoot. I smiled at him & he nodded and smiled back!
there were people shooting. I could hear. Go!! Cut!! Marker! And they had lighting stuff.
then with what she told me it seem she saw naveeen during a break and josh too,a blond woman was reading a script (first people thought it was lizzie but when you read the second info, you'll see it can be someone else :)) lot of people were on the set and here more details about this set from today by Wayfinder
I was watching filming. I can confirm these people: Sawyer, Sayid, Locke, Kate, Jin, Cindy (all decked out in Others gear), and a whole bunch of Others, including some kids. Didn't see Zack or Emma.
Lyly's opinion : just wonder if it was my locke or flocke, and yes i'm still away of spoilers but it don't kill to read a bit sometimes ^^
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