Thanks to Samy for the summary.
They were shooting a scene with Ben and his dad, and he's tells him 'This is not the life i wanted for you Ben'. After there is Alex that goes visit Ben and she says him something like 'You're the best'. so it seems that Ben and Alex are close even it the AU.
Then they were shooting at a restaurant, there was Sawyer looking quite handsome wearing black pants and purple shirt and with him there was Charlotte. Ryan thinks she his one of his marks.
The day after they were shooting at the police station again there were Sawyer and Miles, and Miles was a cop. There was also supposed to be there a character called Liam. Could be Charlie's brother or the name could mean nothing, Ryan doesn't know.
Shooting also at the Bowfin submarin musem, on a submarine, so probably the galaga will be back somehow. On the set Sawyer and Widmore.
Then he reports again the scene of the crash. Saweyr and Miles are on the street, Miles get into the silver car, Sawyer handles him a notebook with some pictures and Miles stares in particularly at one. Then a car crashes against them and a woman comes out running and goes towards the alley.
Later they filmed the scene in the alley and there is sawyer that follows the woman grabs her and pushes her against the wall, takes off the hood and sees that it's Kate!
Also monday they were shooting in Manoa valley and there were Kate, Sawyer, Locke, Jin, Cindy, Sayid, Claire and some of the Others.
The same people were also shooting at turtle beach were they were sort of setting up a camp and they were all kind of dressed like others.
He can't really say what kind of scenes they were shooting there.
source: Ryan
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