i know, it's nothing to do with LOST (ok she mentionned it) but this interview is for this amazing woman that i admire for years, our sweetheart Kristin Dos Santos who is now mama of the baby named Luca Alexander (future fiancé of Miss Java Holloway ;))
so let's bring some love for her here, i'm sure you really don't mind my "non LOST" post right ? :)
so if you wanna read the article it's here
Kristin interview
and here short mention of LOST by kristin
Which five TV shows should busy moms be making room for on their DVR?
1. Modern Family — Not only the best new show of the season, it’s like a comedy support group for new parents. My husband and I die every time baby Lily is on screen.
2. Glee — Because who doesn’t love it? (Straight men who are lying, that’s who.) It always makes me happy.
3. The Office — Pam is pregnant! And that show always makes me laugh.
4. Lost — It’s so mind-consuming you can really forget about dirty diapers and dishes while you’re watching. (And Josh Holloway’s abs don’t hurt either.)
5. Secret Diary of a Call Girl — It’s like reading an awesome chick-lit book and just about the farthest cry from mommyhood imaginable. An awesome guilty pleasure and the hubby won’t mind watching either!
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