thanks sl Lost for this amazing promo :)
lundi 30 novembre 2009
dimanche 29 novembre 2009
Desmond and Jack promo pics s5 in MQ
and now it's done ! promo pics for s5 of all losties are on the gallery :) next week i'll put some of past seasons you maybe never saw ;)

Libellés :
lost season5,
promotional photo
On the set of Lost s6 with Cuatro
thanks SlLost for the vid, you can see the channel Cuatro visiting the set of Lost s6 and interviewing cast members
Terry O'quinn, Emilie de Ravin, Naveen Andrews, Nestor Carbonell and Michael Emerson
Terry O'quinn, Emilie de Ravin, Naveen Andrews, Nestor Carbonell and Michael Emerson
Libellés :
emilie de ravin,
lost season6,
michael emerson,
Naveen Andrews,
nestor carbonell,
sl lost,
terry o'quinn
samedi 28 novembre 2009
Ryan's podcast 11-28-2009

Thanks to Samy for the summary.
They were shooting a scene with Ben and his dad, and he's tells him 'This is not the life i wanted for you Ben'. After there is Alex that goes visit Ben and she says him something like 'You're the best'. so it seems that Ben and Alex are close even it the AU.
Then they were shooting at a restaurant, there was Sawyer looking quite handsome wearing black pants and purple shirt and with him there was Charlotte. Ryan thinks she his one of his marks.
The day after they were shooting at the police station again there were Sawyer and Miles, and Miles was a cop. There was also supposed to be there a character called Liam. Could be Charlie's brother or the name could mean nothing, Ryan doesn't know.
Shooting also at the Bowfin submarin musem, on a submarine, so probably the galaga will be back somehow. On the set Sawyer and Widmore.
Then he reports again the scene of the crash. Saweyr and Miles are on the street, Miles get into the silver car, Sawyer handles him a notebook with some pictures and Miles stares in particularly at one. Then a car crashes against them and a woman comes out running and goes towards the alley.
Later they filmed the scene in the alley and there is sawyer that follows the woman grabs her and pushes her against the wall, takes off the hood and sees that it's Kate!
Also monday they were shooting in Manoa valley and there were Kate, Sawyer, Locke, Jin, Cindy, Sayid, Claire and some of the Others.
The same people were also shooting at turtle beach were they were sort of setting up a camp and they were all kind of dressed like others.
He can't really say what kind of scenes they were shooting there.
source: Ryan
New Season 6 Hangman Game *Solved*

Here are 3 on Island plot points for season 6 so far: smokie now played by actor Terry O Quinn is recruiting, one of the Kwons is 42, there is a lighthouse on the island, and somehow all of these things are interconnected discuss.
Source: DarkUFO
source: DarkUfo
More Set Photos from last week

Thanks to Annie for the heads up on these new set photos from last weeks filming.
Check this link to see the pics:
source: Twitter
Libellés :
behind the scenes,
lost season6,
Episode 6.09 Filming Snippets

Warning:The second part is still an uncorfirmed rumor.
Thanks to our guy PF108 for the following snippets of the current filming of the Richard Alpert Episode
Ok Dark here is what I know, and it's pretty wild:
-On monday at Diamond head studios, they will be filming Alpert scenes on the Blackrock. There is a mock-up of the BR in front of a giant green screen inside there.
-Actor present during this scene are for Alpert, Father Suarez, Capt. Whitfield, and (and this is what they actually called him) the man in black.
Unconfirmed Rumour
-But this is not all, and it only gets wilder from here,there are a number of prisoners on this ship, including Sayid, Locke, Kate and Claire. One more thing (and Im not sure on this) all the prisoners have a certain # associated with them. Are these THE numbers, I don't know as of yet. Its possible other Losties are on board but thats all I know so far.
Will keep you posted when I find out more Dark!
Source: PF108@DarkUFO
source: DarkUfo
vendredi 27 novembre 2009
6x06 centric comfirmed

I've just learnt that we can now confirm that Episode 6.06 - Sundown is a Sayid centric episode.
source: DarkUfo
jeudi 26 novembre 2009
Happy Thanksgiving with Benjamin Linus

Sound like even turkey are scared of Benjamin Linus...
Well I wish you an happy thanksgiving, do not worry, Ben stayed on the island, caring of his hmm turkey ^^
Recent filming

Lost film production on North Shore of Oahu near Turtle Bay beach scene with Evangeline Lilly (Kate), Matthew Fox (Jack) & Terry O'Quinn (John Locke) filming on Tue, 11/24/09 & Wed, 11/25/09
source: Twitter
LOST episode 6x09 title and centric revealed !

Update: 26th Nov As most of you guessed the correct answer is "Ab Aeterno". This will be Alpert Centric.
source: DarkUfo
Libellés :
andy blog,
lost season6,
richard alpert,
Entertainment Weekly article:

Who's in, who's out... Emilie de Ravin's maybe-dead Claire — last seen haunting Kate's dreams and hanging with Ghost Christian in Jacob's shack — rejoins the narrative in a big way after going MIA last season. A number of certifiably deceased characters will be making seemingly inexplicable return appearances this coming season, including Charlie (Dominic Monaghan, now of FlashForward), Boone (Ian Somerhalder, now of The Vampire Diaries), and birthday-ambiguous Charlotte (Rebecca Mader, who can currently be seen in The Men Who Stare At Goats). The producers also recently told my colleague Dan Snierson that Juliet is indeed toes up — but actress Elizabeth Mitchell will materialize at least twice during the final sweep of episodes. (Let's take a moment and shoot furious eye darts of blazing indignation at her new show, V, for completely letting Mitchell down with mediocre material.) Nestor Carbonell (Richard Alpert) has been promoted to series regular. Henry Ian Cusick, who plays Desmond Hume, will not be a series regular this season, but it's believed we haven't seen the last of the ex-Hatchman.
source: Entertainment Weekly
Which of these is the title for Episode 6.09?

Quisquis Venio Venio
tempus temporis
Duco Down
Vir Secundum Velum
Nocens Concero
Ab Aeterno
source: DarkUfo
mercredi 25 novembre 2009
Miles promo pics s5 in MQ
tonight miles and tomorrow i'll finish with jack and desmond and then probably i'll check my private album and put new rarely :)

more on the gallery !

more on the gallery !
Recent Filming

Lost in production this week... characters Sun, Locke & Claire spotted at Manoa trail head yesterday (Mon, 11/23)
source: Twitter
Lost University meet your teachers !

Attention class! Your roster of Lost University professors has been revealed and let me tell you, I'm looking forward to learning about "Jungle Survivor Basics" from the likes of Jorge Garcia, Josh Holloway, Evangeline Lily and Terry O'Quinn. The quartet of fan favorites are just a few of the cast members who've been tapped to instruct fans in the ways of the Island with Lost University, officially described as an "immersive bonus experience powered by BD-Live technology." BD-Live means you've got to splurge for the Blu-ray release of Season 5 but honestly, if there's one TV show you're going to watch or re-watch on Blu-ray, Lost is it.
And just imagine the hours of educational entertainment that await you once you've enrolled in Lost Univeristy! You'll learn invaluable Island survivial skills like how to hoard cigarettes, alcohol and medical supplies from Josh Holloway.
Jorge Garcia will instruct you in how to collect and catalog in-flight service items strewn across a sandy beach and spot shifty looking individuals in your camp who are not on the flight manifest. Evangeline Lily will show you how to track the nefarious Island natives who like to kidnap pregnant women and bring them to their hidden laboratries for testing. And Terry O'Quinn will let you in on how to tell when it's about to rain, create descension amongst your once unified band of survivors and build a sweat lodge where you'll induce hallucinations about the guy who's dead now thanks to you and a drug smuggler's prop plane. Naveen Andrews, Daniel Dae Kim, Jeremy Davies, Yunjin Kim, Michael Emerson and Henry Ian Cusik will no doubt also have wonderous and useful knowledge to impart upon you as well. It's all here for you at Lost Univeristy! Lost: The Complete 5th Season comes to Blu-ray on December 8th, which gives you just under two-months to re-watch the season before the February 2nd premiere!
source : UGO
btw if someone know how work BD, let's me know, i've LOST blu ray but me and the technology high tech... lol thanks
Libellés :
blu ray,
evangeline lilly,
Jorge Garcia,
Josh holloway,
lost dvd season5,
lost university,
terry o'quinn
mardi 24 novembre 2009
LOST s5 AXN promo for several episodes
i was bored lol so i made this vid where you can see several AXN promo for s5
first one include jughead, the little prince, the life and death of Jeremy Bentham, la Fleur and Whatever happened, happened and the second it's for "the incident" part1&2
first one include jughead, the little prince, the life and death of Jeremy Bentham, la Fleur and Whatever happened, happened and the second it's for "the incident" part1&2
From Kristin

Annie B.: I don't care about alt Lost where Sawyer and Kate apparently do cross paths. Do you have any info about Sawyer/Kate on the Island, or are they doomed in the present time line (with Suliet and Jate still going strong)?
I know Team Darlton referred to "killing off" Juliet in their latest interview with People, but you've probably figured out by now that we'll see her alive somehow, which my source confirms. Hence, her guest spots in a few episodes on the sixth season.
Darrell in New Jersey: It's almost December already! Lost, please!
Honestly, guys, I'm so freaking confused right now because my rock-solid source is telling me two things that seem to contradict each other. I know most of you have heard about the "alt Lost" this season (see question above), and so have I. But I'm also told that the thing that I'm pretty sure needs to happen for "alt Lost" to happen does not happen. So until I know more (hopefully soon), I'm keeping my mouth shut and sending a magical little Pac-Man head to come and eat all the words I just wrote. Go, Pac-Man, go! Quick! In the meantime, if you have any good theories, post 'em below, will ya?
source: Kristin
Lost set at the waterfall with a LOT of our losties

first big thanks to FBL who found the info on @twitter LaSuaLuna who shared with me her experience on the set that i'll post here :) and also the Odi for getting info by one of his reader Wayfinder

it's probably for epi 6x08 since those days they're filming this episode
****** here more details
Juliette was not there, at least while i was there anyway, I watched from about 12:30 till they wrapped around 4. on my way up to the set i found out that they had stopped for lunch, there were a bunch of Others walking down in their gear, (at least 20 of them) I got a picture with Terry O'Quinn. Sheila Kelly was there, but she wasnt shooting, she was just watching, she's gonna be in the next episode. I talked to her, I asked her if she was gonna play Kendall and she just looked at me, grinned slightly and said she wasn't allowed to say. As far as details of the shoot, I couldnt really hear anything, people kept rolling by and taking pictures, which the crew hates by the way. So they kept pushing people back further away.
by the way, for all of you Twilight fans, apparently the kid who plays Jacob on Twilight was on the set to watch some scenes. dude rolled up in a limo. At least that's what the security guy said, I did see the limo but i never actually saw him.
so here the summary of the @twitter LaSuaLuna
Well to start off there's street signs that say the street leading to the trail is blocked until tomorrow at 3pm. No parking allowed.
Going into the trail there's tons of trailers for the equipment and further up are people w/holf cars to transport them cause it's muddy
They have a crafts table on the aide of the trail and then were they shoot they have lawn chairs and tents on the sides of the hiking trail

A blond woman was reading her lines and sayid was standing looking diwn at the shoot. I smiled at him & he nodded and smiled back!
there were people shooting. I could hear. Go!! Cut!! Marker! And they had lighting stuff.
then with what she told me it seem she saw naveeen during a break and josh too,a blond woman was reading a script (first people thought it was lizzie but when you read the second info, you'll see it can be someone else :)) lot of people were on the set and here more details about this set from today by Wayfinder
I was watching filming. I can confirm these people: Sawyer, Sayid, Locke, Kate, Jin, Cindy (all decked out in Others gear), and a whole bunch of Others, including some kids. Didn't see Zack or Emma.
Lyly's opinion : just wonder if it was my locke or flocke, and yes i'm still away of spoilers but it don't kill to read a bit sometimes ^^
lundi 23 novembre 2009
promo pics of the cast s5 : Sawyer and Kate in MQ
hi, i know i'm late but today i share promo pics in MQ of sawyer and kate for s5, i'll add more this week and FINISH IT lol then i'll add old pics of past seasons too, like that the gallery will start to be more great :)
enjoy !

more in the gallery !
enjoy !

more in the gallery !
New set pics of Sawyer and Miles-6x08
Libellés :
behind the scenes,
lost season6,
dimanche 22 novembre 2009
Update from Ryan

Evangeline Lilly was definitely not part of the car stunt or alley chase scenes filmed earlier in the day, but as many suspected, it looks like the hooded woman was supposed to be Kate. Commenter Bernard writes below:
Hey Ryan, the hooded woman was Evangeline/Kate. I watched the filming of the last shot of the evening at 6pm, by Mercury Bar’s alley way (around the corner from JJ Dolan’s). Josh/Sawyer and Evi/Kate are doing a close up scene where he grabs her by the collar and pushes her up against a doorway. I was close enough to see them, too far to hear them.
source: Ryan
New Set Video of Alex and Ben

Nothing too revealing but seems to be on campus and have no idea when this was filmed but it was posted yesterday.
Thanks to Annie for the heads up and Mike Nelson for posting this video via Twitter.
source: TheOdi
Update from Ryan "Lost" in the case

They set up a quick scene in the same narrow alley where Michael met Tom in an earlier season. Posters were hung, boxes were strewn, and a hose was used to add an extra layer of wet dinginess.
A slight woman in a black jacket and a grey hood pulled over her head repeatedly ran down the alley as a camera crew atop the Thomas building filmed her from above. She knocked down a stack of boxes as she ran, which would then be carefully set back up.
The HPU email suggested a woman would be chased, screaming, down the alley (and to therefore not be concerned). But I must have missed the screaming.
A smaller blue Dodge sedan was then positioned on the street behind Sawyer’s car, and a stand-in dressed the same way as the running woman sat in the driver’s seat.
They set up a dolly to film a zoom-in-to-tight shot of Sawyer in his left-side rear view mirror. Holloway then threw himself violently around behind the wheel, as if rear-ended hard.
Finally, the actors cleared out to set up for a stunt scene. The silver car was swapped out for an identical one, but with a camera in the back seat and a meticulously polished back window. The blue Dodge was backed up about 20 yards, and a large black SUV was added to the mix. Sawyer’s stand in and the woman’s stand in were briefed by Jack Bender as things were put into place.
An all-hands meeting was called in the middle of the street, then everyone took their places. Sawyer’s stand in, with his coffee cup, got into the silver car. So did, it appeared, Miles’ stand-in. The hooded driver got into the blue Dodge, another man in a white tee got into the police car, and the SUV driver got set as well.
And… action!
The blue car sped down the street. The black SUV passed on its left, then cut in front, causing the blue car to swerve and hit Sawyer and Miles’ car.
They filmed the stunt more than once. The first time, the blue car just gently crunched into the silver car’s driver’s side door. So the crew just pulled out the dents, spray painted the scratches, and buffed out the evidence.
The second take was much more solid, the blue car slamming into the back of the silver car, apparently as planned.
Standing by, an identical pair of silver and blue vehicles. They were apparently going to do it until they ran out of cars. But I had run out of time.
A friend said more filming was going to take place until evening on nearby streets, perhaps to depict the car chase that preceded the crash, or a foot chase that follows.
Though these scenes were shot out of sequence, I’d guess it unfolds as follows: Sawyer flags down Miles, and they sit in a car, sipping coffee and looking over photos. Suddenly, a blue car involved in a chase with the police crashes into them. The driver, a hooded woman, takes off down an alley.
Throughout the mythology of “LOST,” car crashes have been a major nexus for our characters’ encounters. Miles and Sawyer together is interesting, but who is the woman on the run?
I’ll give you three guesses.
For other pics,click here.
source: Ryan
samedi 21 novembre 2009
“LOST” on the Case

SPOILER ALERT: “LOST” is filming today near Hawaii Pacific University in downtown Honolulu today. Thanks to an email alert widely circulated among HPU staff and students, and a post from an HPU account on Twitter, fans had ample notice to head over to check out the filming.
From Ann comes this fantastic observation: “Josh Holloway (Sawyer) and Ken Leung (Miles) are here. Sawyer has a badge on his belt, Miles has a gun on his hip.”
In one scene, taking place in front of a “LaBrea” business, Sawyer is waiting in a new-ish but nondescript grey car. Miles walks up and gets in. They talk. Sawyer gives Miles a file or folder with photographs. Then Miles leaves.
Miles was wearing dark jeans and a leather jacket, and Sawyer was also in jeans and a rugged jacket.
Sawyer somehow again ends up in law enforcement with Miles? Could it be? Given earlier reports of the pair at a L.A.P.D. station, it seems likely. Sawyer was also seen with Charlotte (Rebecca Mader) at a fancy restaurant earlier this week, and the implication was he was “conning” her… But perhaps he was working for the police, and not a criminal enterprise?
This post will be updated through the day as information becomes available. I’m actually running errands with my family and posting via my iPhone, so please pardon the sparseness!
source: Ryan
Regarding Henry…

As most of you have noticed, Henry Ian Cusick is not listed as a regular in the press release for LOST season 6. I was a bit surprised by the reaction to this. I’m a big time Desmond fan, however… am I the only one not surprised that Henry isn’t going to be a regular?
Season 6 has a lot of story threads to bring together and let’s face it, the writers would have to invent things for Desmond to do at this point in order to keep him on the roster of regular – appearing in every episode - characters. Desmond had a tremendous role through seasons 2,3, and 4, but in season 5 it was very clear that his story was over.
I’d go as far as to say the ‘tapering off’ of Desmond’s story was in season 5. His major purpose was as someone who “the rules” did not apply to, who could carry a message from the past to the… err… present(?). (Not to mention taking a bullet from Ben.)
Please hold your Libby comparisons, no-one has said Henry won’t be appearing – just that he is not a regular. Hopefully we will get the answer to why the rules don’t apply to him (marinating in the Island ’s magical magnetism would be my guess), but the fact is he has not been involved in the overarching plot of the 815r’s since he provided safe passage to the Oceanic 6.
source: DocArtz
Small Filming Snippets - HPU - 21st November

I received this email this morning from my Hawaii Pacific University email account
Hello, HPU Community:
This is a notice that LOST will be filming a scene on Saturday, Nov. 21 from 10 a.m. to early afternoon in the alley behind the FS and MP buildings.
The moped parking area will still be available near Fort Street Mall, but will be not be available closer to the alley. There will be signs posted to that effect.
This is a chase scene involving a female actress who is “running away from the cops.” Fake police cars will also be involved in the scene, on Bethel St. and Beretania St.
Any faculty, staff and students who are at the Downtown campus this Saturday not to be alarmed by a (possibly shrieking) woman running in the alley, or other strange noises, as it is only Hollywood. Thank you!
source: DarkUfo
vendredi 20 novembre 2009
“LOST” Underway

SPOILER ALERT: This morning, local blogger Vernon Brown was attending a shipmate’s re-enlistment ceremony at Pearl Harbor when he spotted the “LOST” crew setting up for a shoot. He posted the news to Twitter, along with a few pictures. Meanwhile, long-time lostspotter Eric, who works at Pearl Harbor, sent in word of the shoot a few minutes later. Suffice it to say, more than a few fans were able to stop by today.
The shoot was at the U.S.S. Bowfin Submarine Museum, next door to the U.S.S. Arizona visitors center. Filming took place on and inside the submarine, as well as inside a small exhibit space in the Bowfin complex. The exhibit displayed a cross section of a typical submarine interior, and since it was blacked out on all sides, most likely the crew was using it to film submarine scenes in slightly less cramped quarters.
Spotted on the set were Josh Holloway (Sawyer) and Alan Dale (Charles Widmore), under the direction of Jack Bender. I stopped by on the way home from work today, they were filming one last shot down the submarine hatch with Holloway. Then, Holloway and Dale followed the crew as they disembarked the submarine as the sun began to set, moving over to the enclosed exhibit.
It seems safe to assume that Episode 6×08 is Sawyer centric, as he’s been busy this week. And it’s great to see Dale back at work. The mind boggles at the implications of having Charles Widmore interacting with Sawyer aboard the Galaga. In a world where Oceanic Flight 815 doesn’t crash, how much success has Widmore had in his hunt for the island? Or, could it be possible that Widmore has never lost his control over the island in the first place?
Check out a few more photos here. ... 009/11/19/
source: Ryan
Libellés :
charles widmore,
lost season6,
jeudi 19 novembre 2009
Official date of LOST return

2rd february 2010 at 9PM
source : @twitter Carltoncuse
and official press release
ABC announces the premiere of the sixth and final season of "Lost," with a special all-night event on Tuesday, February 2. A recap special will kick off the night from 8:00-9:00 p.m., ET, followed by the much anticipated two-hour premiere from 9:00-11:00 p.m.
The series will then air in its regular time period - Tuesday nights from 9:00-10:00 p.m., ET - beginning the following week, on February 9.
"Lost" stars Naveen Andrews as Sayid, Nestor Carbonell as Richard Alpert, Emilie de Ravin as Claire, Michael Emerson as Ben, Jeff Fahey as Frank Lapidus, Matthew Fox as Jack, Jorge Garcia as Hurley, Josh Holloway as Sawyer, Daniel Dae Kim as Jin, Yunjin Kim as Sun, Ken Leung as Miles, Evangeline Lilly as Kate, Terry O'Quinn as Locke and Zuleikha Robinson as Ilana.
"Lost" was created by Jeffrey Lieber and J.J. Abrams & Damon Lindelof. Abrams, Lindelof, Bryan Burk, Jack Bender, Edward Kitsis, Adam Horowitz, Jean Higgins and Carlton Cuse serve as executive producers. "Lost," which is filmed entirely on location in Hawaii and premiered on September 22, 2004, is from ABC Studios.
source : ABCmedianet
Filming today at Bowfin Submarine Memorial

#LOST Alert! Filming today at Bowfin Submarine Memorial in Pearl Harbor! Starts in about one hour!
source: Twitter
Lost Episode 6.08 - Recon - Filming Details

The scene is actually very boring but it's overtones tell you where they are going with the show. Sawyer is working with someone on the telephone. He gets up from the table and uses the restroom and receives instructions from the person on the phone. Sawyer is playing the redhead Charlotte because he knows she has been on the island. Sawyer runs his usual con but Charlotte doesn't bite. She senses Sawyer is trying to play her and she calls him on it. Sawyer tells her the truth and about him knowing she was on the island as a child and this entire thing connects back to Charles Widmore. Sawyer wants "on the boat", and the man he is talking to on the phone seems to be in charge of Sawyer. That's about it. Nothing to exciting.
Other small stuff
Sawyer is dressed very nice as is Charlotte.
When Sawyer uses the phone he says he is going to the restroom but he just walks into a little hallway near the restroom
Sawyer picked her up earlier in the day and charmed her (this is referred to)
Sawyer knew exactly what Charlotte would want to eat and drink and this raises red flags for her
Charlotte keeps looking at an asian man in the restaurant and Sawyer notices this. This is when they quickly walk out of the restaurant together.
We were told they were filming a fight scene later in the day at another location.with Sawyer in the scene with the Asian man
Source: NardDogDeluxe@DarkUFO
source: DarkUfo
Libellés :
lost season6,
Remember me trailer with Emilie de Ravin
one of the movie I'm looking for ! i really can't wait to see emilie and rob in it ^^
Emerson calls Season 6 “dark, bloody, opaque”

In an interview with the Honolulu Star Bulletin, actor Michael Emerson (Benjamin Linus) discusses his experiences at the Emmy Awards, and describes what he’s filmed for Season 6 so far — as vaguely as possible, of course. The key excerpt:
Emerson returned to Hawaii in August to shoot the sixth and final season of Lost. Though he confirms that completed episodes are “very dark and bloody,” he’s able to offer little about where the plot is going.
“I thought I would be able to see the ending that was coming, but I can’t,” he says of the series finale. “It’s still so opaque.”
Nor does he have any idea how the character will evolve, though he can guarantee Ben will never veer toward monotony. “I’ve had some vintage Ben stuff already, in the great tradition of Ben Linus manipulating a turnaround or surprising the audience. And there’s lots of that this season.”
source: Approaching Lost
one promo still of Emilie in "Remember Me"

emilie and robert promo still for "RM" i really can't wait this movie !!!
source : LJ remembermemovie
mercredi 18 novembre 2009
Evi at Gala 2009 in LA on friday

Los Angeles, CA (CNS) - Ewan McGregor will be leading other celebrities in a charity gala to benefit orphan children around the world. The "Star Wars" star is set to host the Go Go Gala 2009 on November 20.
The second annual gala, by non-profit organization Go Campaign, aims to raise money for orphans and vulnerable children around the world.
Funds raised this year will support orphaned infants in rural China; a kindergarten for HIV/AIDS affected kids in Moshi, Tanzania; a mobile education unit in Haiti; legal rights and health rights education for children in Arusha, Tanzania; the construction of an eco-building and micro-business in the mountains of Peru; and a shelter for refugee youth returning to Liberia, among many others.
Gracing the event are stars Evangeline Lilly, Jessica Alba, Jonah Hill, Cash Warren, Cheryl Tiegs, Jesse Metcalf, John Togo, Danielle Bisutti, Dave Stewart and his Rock Fabulous Quartet, and Cirque du Soleil performers.
The night, to be held at Social Hollywood on November 20, will also honor TOMS shoes founder and chief shoe giver Blake Mycoskie.
All proceeds from the event will go directly to support the charity.
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