vendredi 31 juillet 2009
lost severals ABC vids from comic con
How Many Episodes of Lost Is Dominic Monaghan Doing?

Production on Lost season six doesn't begin for another few weeks, but thanks to Comic-Con, we're starting to get a sense of the new season, including which cast members might be back to cavort in those alternate timelines the producers teased.
Which brings us to Dominic Monaghan's beloved Charlie. His appearance on stage as the grand finale of Lost's panel all but confirmed that Mr. Pace would be back for the final season of Lost. But is it true? And if so, how much might we see of him? Here's what we're hearing...
Sources tell us exclusively that, yes, Dom's deal to reappear on Lost is done and that the original castmember is set to appear in three episodes in season six.
No word yet on the answer to the big question: Is Charlie alive? We'll have to wait until Lost returns to ABC in January 2010 to find out.
Source: Watch with Kristin
jeudi 30 juillet 2009
others Lost actors at comic con photoshoot from EW

source : EW
mercredi 29 juillet 2009
thank you ... start=1860
And all other forums, twitters people, facebook people and even my friends i annoyed to sign the petition, we reached the GOAL there is two days and nothing could have happened without you :) so thanks
LOST Panel at comic con BIG post here !

i made this post on doc website where i work so i copy and past the link and you can see a LOT of pics, videos and great article :)
enjoy guys !
Josh Holloway's summary at The Ardavany Approach

a big thanks to for sharing a summary to me of the event Josh was yesterday :)
More details and possibly video, photos soon
btw if you take it, please credit my blog too i could appreciate thanks :)
1.) People fart and play scrabble a lot on the set. (he mentioned this more than 3 times, lol)
2.) When it comes to love scenes, he discusses the boundaries with the actress before shooting, and away from set. Most actresses (including Evangeline Lily) tell him "to just go for it and do whatever he wants!" He doesn't get nervous with her anymore but he used to. Aw.
3.) Elizabeth Mitchell is great and he got to the emotional center in that moment by visualizing losing his wife and/or child and thinking about what it would really mean to be unable to save their lives.
4.) The set is dangerous and you have to be your own advocate. Take control of the scene and make it safe for yourself.
5.) He loves the action sequences and the fight scenes.
6.) He does not know what is going to happen on the show, and he got the pages of the finale script less than 3 hours before he shot it.
7.) 90% of the lines uttered as Juliet is about to fall are ad-libbed. The only scripted line for Sawyer to say: "Don't let go." So wow, Josh really added a lot of layers to that with his peformance.
8.) The close ups of the scenes were done indoors with Elizabeth and Josh at the top of an erected set with a 40ft drop. Josh watched her fall and was able to react to that rather than just imagining it.
9.) If he hits Matthew Fox in a scene, it's Foxy's responsibility to sell the punch, not Josh's! LOL.
photoshoot with jorge, nestor and emerson at comic con

sorry guysi'll post more photos of the cast at sdcc tomorrow, i worked a lot in my house today that i'm tired as hell enjoy anyways funny face of the three guys ^^
source : ew
Elizabeth Mitchell's Interview about LOST

i'll post online the LOST part
Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse did announce that Juliet would be returning this season on Lost. When are we going to see you?
Pretty immediately, and then I'm not sure after that, but I think that it will be satisfactory.
Based on the faux commercials they showed at Comic-Con, it seems that things have been reset. Is Juliet going to have a happy life now?
That would be so amazing. It really would, and I think we've all expressed a desire for that, but you know [Damon and Carlton], they're devious. They're devious little genius little guys, so my feeling is that I don't know, but I'm willing to go along for the ride to find out. I would hope after everything that they put her through that she does have a happy life, but it doesn't always work that way.
Does that mean a happy life with Sawyer?
She was pretty happy, huh? That was awesome.
Do you want to see her with Sawyer?
I don't know. I didn't at all, and now I've watched the episodes [from last season], and I've watched him, and he just captivated me. He was so happy, so in some ways I feel, like, "Good for him!" when she's around.
Are you going to be in many episodes, or is V going to affect that possibility?
V doesn't affect it all. Lost is done. They're set in what they're doing. The success or failure of V doesn't in anyway influence Lost. They've had this last season planned for a really long time, so I think that it will be whatever it is. I'm not sure exactly what that is, but I know that it will be enough that they mention me.
source : kristin eonline
mardi 28 juillet 2009
LOST season 5 finally in france !

it was confirmed by the website of the french channel, LOST arrives here 19th august for 3 episodes at 11PM !
when i told you they don't give a shit about fans here, now you got it !
source :tf1
lundi 27 juillet 2009
photo of dominic monaghan at LOST panel with a message !

when dom arrived at LOST panel you could read a message on his hand
thanks SL LOST for the photo
you can read on his hand “Am I Alive?”
'Lost' star Josh Holloway relishes fatherhood

Holloway and his wife Yessica’s first child, a little girl named Java, was born in April, and he says the best part of fatherhood for him changes often. “Now it’s just those smiles,” he says. “Every morning when I first get to see the little bean smile, it just makes my heart explode. It’s really just added richness to my life. I don’t care how everything else goes now, as long as I’m a good father.”
The upcoming sixth season premiering early next year, which Holloway begins work on next month, will also be the final one for the series. So will he stay in Hawaii after it’s over, since he’s built a life there? “I’m working on my bikini tan and my surfboard business, but it’s not coming along too good,” Holloway jokes. “I’m not sure. We’re in love with Hawaii, we have very close friends there, and I fish like mad. So we’re gonna keep the place and go in and out, unless acting goes the way normally acting goes and I’m broke and I have to rent it.”
source :
lost poster for season 6

Update 07/27/09 : new poster, i dunno who posted it i'm so sorry with all news i'm lost so i credited everyone who was at cc for it lol
now i can see better and here my finale list !
dan, boones, miles, michael, ana, charlotte, shannon, desmond, eko, kate, jack, sawyer, locke, ben, sayid, libby, sun, jin, claire, hurley, juliet, charlie, frank, bernard, richard ?, rose
and also a vid to introduce the poster during the panel thanks ODI

at comic con people got chance to see the first look of the poster for the LAST season of lost
i tried to see who was on it and here my list maybe i'm wrong lol it's not easy it's not BIG pic. tell me your list too !
I see dan, boone, maybe miles, richard, possibly claire, charlotte, shannOn, dunno, eko, kate, jack, sawyer, locke, ben, sayid, libby, sun, i think it's piKki lol, hurley, rose, charlie,jin, bernard and then the 2 last i dunno
and check too the hieroglyphs too ! what it mean ?
dimanche 26 juillet 2009
Lost comic con many articles

you got the report and the vid of the panel but here a lot of interview that actors made or even of the panel !big thanks of su from outlaws for finding a lot of links
enjoy :)
interviews of the LOST PANEL
kristin eonline
tv guide
Josh holloway's interviews
LOST press room interview with nestor, josh and jorge !
Lost cast members interview with G4
spoilers too concerning charlie's character returns !
severals vids of the LOST panel !
Kate on Americas Most Wanted comic con video
what does that mean ? alternate life after the bomb blew up ? or just a teaser ! guess we've to wait fews months to know the answer !
lost panel videos at comic con in HD !
hurley's commercial video at comic con
what do that mean ? seem like alternate hurley's life and we all know when video are shown at comic con ! it mean something on the show !
jack's plan worked so well that losties past and futures changed ?
do they could remember about the island ?
but if they're OFF the island, why nestor will be a regular cast member next year ?
darlton, darlton, you teased us and we're ready to suffer again for fews months lol
kristin eonline photos from the LOST panel and press room
you can see more here
Teamkristin eonline

Nestor Carbonell Becomes Lost Season Regular

Lost's Nestor Carbonell (Richard Alpert) will finally be a series regular next season. "I'm moving my whole family to Hawaii next week," Nestor tells me. "This whole time I've been flying back and forth, but now I'll be living on the island with the others. They tell me I'll be in 16 of the 18 episodes." Executive producers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof say his backstory will take a significant time to reveal. Adds the actor: "Obviously Richard doesn't age, so I'm most curious to know how old he is and if he's in fact pulling the strings.
source : tv guide
samedi 25 juillet 2009
josh holloway in the press room

thanks jopinionated of the pic of josh holloway ^^
and here fews things he said during the press room thanks jen from kristin eonline
-Josh Holloway says he and Elizabeth Mitchell were worried about proving their whole relationship in three scenes
-Josh Holloway, paraphrase: Functional relationships (Suliet) don't make for good drama. Skate is better TV
-Holloway says Sawyer's state of mind post-Juliet is "destroyed." He will be "salty" and angry again.
-Josh Holloway thinks Sawyer will/should die saving a frog; he doesn't fit in society well, can't live in the world
Comic con live event
for now
7:00PM (my time) : Darlton, Jorge, Emerson, Josh and Nestor were seen !
stay stuned for more !
7:12PM free poster for the finale season (thanks ryan for taking the pics for us ) and PENCIL of the LOST university

7:24 PM :
new photos of the Hall (always ryan that i thanks a lot for us who can't be here)

7:34 PM : doc reveals that terry is here too !!!! AND There is a mysterious sixth seat!
7: 59 PM(one minute !!) panoramic view of the HALL !

jopinionated :mystery box on panel stage near nametags for Darlton
8:06 PM : The entire multiseason cast is appearing in the screen -- Locke is facing backwards!
jengod: Promo for Lost University, polar bear and physics studies.
08:10 PM : new promo
jengod: They're showing a fake ABC documentary about the Dharmaites. Tells us to piece the puzzle together. Mysteries of the Universe. Credits look just like Fringe credits. LOL - sponsored by Kia
"Nobody's gonna take me alive." Music video recap of season five. LOST: THE FINAL SEASON.
darlton are HERE !
08 :11PM : jengod: Carlton: "We are very excited to be here for our final CC...the most important thing we could do is honor the fans. Our theme is fan appreciation."
Damon mentions the camper-outers. That's us!
Carlton: We wanted to celebrate some of the stuff that you have made
08 :14PM :Lost parties...Dharma products...Dharma cake... And now we're reliving ANa-Lucia and Libby.
Fanvids. Muppet babies meets Lost. Jack has problems with his Xbox. I heart fanvids. Red Sox Natioan for life. JAWYER VID!
08 :16PM : Damon thanks fans for that
08:18PM jengod: They want to try to show us that they weren't always just making it up as we went along. Damon: "We have talked for quite some time about how the final scene of the show is in paper." Damon and Carlton both have a page of the last scene.
Final pages of Lost...Stapling them together. Carlton is securing the pages in the box. Night of the finale they will go on Jimmy Kimmel Live and open the box and read the pages proving that this is the final scene of the show. Carlton and Damon have the keys on their person. Don't mug them!
08:20PM jengod: WOW, the question line is all the way around the perimeter of the room. The sayer of the "secret word" during a question will get a special present.
televisionary We'll be seeing many characters we haven't seen since Season One.
by jengod Q: Will season six have similarities to season one? Damon: "The biggest moment in the show's life was when we were able to announce the show's death." They will be closing a loop. Good chance you will be seeing many familiar characdters. Carlton: There was a running around the jungle feel in season one, and the emotional discovery in the first season, we have a way that we can do that in the final season. Damon: It's our goal to watch the final season of the show and not know what we're going to do next.
08:25PM jengod: Will Faraday be happily married with children next season? CC: "Faraday is dead. If you like zombie weddings, maybe." Damon: "If Jack and crew were successful, it could mean that Faraday was happily married." Carlton: You will see Faraday. Yay Jeremy Davies.
08:26PM : Carlton: Each season of the series is its own thing. Season six is different. Time travel season is over, Flash Forward season is over.
08:28PM : Ryan: Fan contest for theme song. Over 100 submissions. Connor Mcfarlane, runner up. Winner, Matt, Prose (?), and Erin from San Diego.
08:29PM :jopinionated Hurley commercial!
ryan :Sponsor messages from Oceanic Airlines, Mr. Clucks (with Hugo Reyes), America's Most Wanted wants Kate Austen.
08:31PM jengod: America's Most Wanted segment about Kate Austen! John Walsh hosts. Awesome.
What?! John Walsh is saying Kate killed her stepdad's plumbing business assistant not her evil stepdad. Weird.
08:32PM Jorge Garcia is here !
08:33PM jengod: Jorge's Q: Were the last five seasons wiped away by Jack's plan?
Carlton: "Just trust us." Jorge: "Last time I trusted you you said Nikki and Paolo were going to be awesome."
Jorge: You're gonna answer all the Q's? Damon: Everything that matters.
08:34PM Emerson is there !
Emerson: "What happened to one question per person?!"
08:36Pm : jengod Jorge and Michael's banter is awesome. Video coming.
slLOST Ben audition tape as Hurley
08:38Pm :jengod: Jorge to Emerson: "You wanna dance? Let's dance."
jengod: Emerson is wearing a bandana and cargo shorts. Hilar. looooool
08:40Pm :televisionary "We would be incredibly remiss if we didn't give you Richard's backstory before the end of the series." -Carlton Cuse
08:42PM : jengod: Q: When are we going to get a Richard Alpert flashback? Is it going to be coincident to the arrival of the Black Rock? A: We will get Richard's backstory before the show ends. Richard's flashback is fairly involved.
Q: Is Juliet OK? And if she's not, can you make her OK?
Damon: Did the bomb detonation have the desired effect, if it did, she's OK. If it didn't, prognosis not so great. Elizabeth Mitchell will be in Lost in the final season
Question asker with time paradox problem has a nose bleed. "Hold on, I need my constant." It's Dharma beer.
Bob Stencil gets a T-shirt.
08:47 Pm : Ryan Is Jacob's nemesis named Esau? Emerson: That may be too much, but I like the way you're thinking.
Nestor Carbonell in the house! Now Stuart is on the mic! Who made the food drop? May cover in S6.
jengod: Q: Is Jacob's friend at the beach named Esau? Michael Emerson: We deal in biblical imagery, so that might be too much, but I like the way your mind is working.
jengod: Q: Does Nestor Carbonell wear eyeliner? Nestor is here backstage!
08:49PM :jopinionated Hmmmm...Emile de Ravin here?
jopinionated lol or not, no Claire in person
08:52PM : jopinionated Sawyer is here!! well, Josh holloway
08:55PM televisionary Holloway shocked Damon and stole his key to the lockbox. ;)
08:56PM jopinionated Emerson steals 'final scene' from Heroes!!
08:58PM televisionary Script pages are for #Heroes, not #Lost. Big top explosion, Sylar, Parkman. This is hilarious! "WTF is this?"
09:00PM televisionary In Memorium video for all of the characters who have died over the years.
09:03 PM televisionary You are LOST but not forgotten. Dominic Monaghan in the house!!!!
09:04 PM BuddyTV Dominic showed up at the end. The final season of LOST will be the biggest thing ever. Great Comic-Con panel!
LOST fans waiting for the LOST panel and visited by surprised people ^^
thanks odi for sharing with us photos of DARLTON who vistied themself the fans who are waiting on the line for the LOST panel since yesterday !

Lost Star Joins New ABC Drama, Yet Questions Remain

Dominic Monaghan's foosball-playing cameo in that ABC fall promo now seems a lot less mysterious: The Lost alum has officially joined the cast of FlashForward, the network's new action-drama premiering Sept. 25.
Watch the mysterious ABC promo
But with one riddle solved, another arrives: Who is Monaghan playing on FlashForward? ABC's press release conspicuously sidesteps the issue, and network reps did not respond to's requests for clarification.
FlashForward concerns the aftermath of the world's population simultaneously blacking out for two minutes and 17 seconds. Upon coming to, people realize they may have just had a glimpse of the future.
Since Monaghan was not in the original pilot, it could be that he is playing a character to be introduced later, perhaps someone with information about this worldwide phenomenon. Or maybe he is playing... oh, that's right, those of us who saw the complete pilot are not allowed to talk about that. Never mind.
Monaghan's appearance in the ABC promo initially triggered talk that Lost's Charlie would resurface, perhaps even alive, during that show's final season — a possibility that still remains.
source :tv guide
vendredi 24 juillet 2009
josh holloway and his family, article in french magazine
Elizabeth Mitchell on Lost's Juliet: 'She Had Found This Kind of Peace that I Fought Very Hard Against'

There’s this thing about women named Juliet: They’re famous for meeting tragic ends. Elizabeth Mitchell’s character on Lost was no different — after finding unlikely love with Sawyer (Josh Holloway), she sacrificed herself to set off a crucial bomb — but luckily, Mitchell’s career has new life after that death. In addition to a mysterious number of additional episodes she’ll shoot for Lost’s final season, she’ll be seen later this year toplining ABC’s reboot of the alien miniseries V.
At Comic-Con, I talked to the actress about Juliet’s journey, the tumultuous period after she learned of her Lost fate (then had it somewhat revoked), and the alien-hunting yet to come.
Congratulations on the smooth transition between Lost and V.
I know! Who would have thought?
How did it go down? When you were told you’d be coming to an end as a regular on Lost, were you immediately offered V by ABC?
Basically, the two things happened within days of each other, which I was very surprised by. And, of course, the decisions were left to people more powerful than me. [Laughs]
But surely you had some input.
Well, V was actually a very personal choice on my account. It was somewhat brought to me, but it was along the lines of, “Oh, and then there’s this.” But I’ve always loved the idea of playing a female protagonist on a sci-fi show. I just like it — that’s the kind of thing I watch. [Gesturing to her husband, seated nearby] Like, we’re huge Battlestar Galactica fans. I think sci-fi is sexy, I think it’s fun. I love watching procedural shows, but I’m not as fascinated by them — not really at all. Being in them and acting in them is not really my thing, so I realized that if I was gonna do [a TV show] again for a long time, I would want it to be fun and incredibly challenging for me, something I’d have to stretch to reach.
So what’s the stretch for you in V?
First of all, the thing that was really fun about Juliet is how still she was, and how she watched everybody. For three years now, I’ve been in her mindset, which is a really unique and bizarre and kind of wonderful place to be and I’ve loved every minute of it. The character I play now [on V] — which I’ll be doing at the same time as Juliet [in future Lost episodes], which is going to be really interesting — is incredibly intelligent but vulnerable at the same time. Her anger and her emotions are far more forthright than mine or even Juliet’s are. There’s an honesty to the way she does things that’s fascinating.
And I think the idea of my character having a son who’s sixteen is gonna be…I mean, I have a son who’s four, and already, I can’t believe the words that come out of my mouth. There’s a thing about motherhood that I have never had a chance to play, which is weird at 39, right? You would think that I’d have played so many mothers by now. [Her husband interrupts: “You don’t look 39.”] Ah, that’s nice. [“Getting there, though,” he adds, as she laughs.]
"I think my mom is happiest about the makeup. She’s like, “You get to wear makeup, you can finally look pretty!”"
Are you happy that you have a role where you can wear different clothes, as opposed to Lost, where you’d wear the same thing for multiple episodes?
I think my mom is happiest about the makeup. She’s like, “You get to wear makeup, you can finally look pretty!”
That can be kind of jarring — it’s like when people from Survivor appear on the reunion show, and you’re like, “Why did you put on all that makeup?”
I always feel that way! What I always enjoyed about Lost is that we’re there with almost no makeup on our face, we’re emotionally naked, we’re sweating, we’re hot, and we’re generally pretty disgusting, and the camera catches it. There’s a certain beauty to seeing people the way they are.
Even before this last season of Lost, you talked about how you thought Juliet would probably have a tragic ending.
Yeah, I always figured that she would. I actually had thought that she would end up doing something terrible, but then as it went on, I kind of thought she would end up doing something incredibly noble, which is what she did by sacrificing herself. The character was insanely complex and insanely fun. As she started going more in one direction, I thought, “Well, obviously this is going to come to its natural conclusion.”
Do you mean she finally became happy, and that never lasts long in Lost?
Yeah! Happy and not as complex, do you know what I mean? She and Sawyer had found this kind of peace that I fought very hard against and Josh fought very hard against, and we were so wrong, which is really nice. When I watched it, I liked it, and I don’t usually like anything I do.
"I had always liked Sawyer with Kate! I mean, not to be a fangirl — which I am — but I just really actually liked them together."
Why didn’t you think it would work?
Well, I had always liked Sawyer with Kate! I mean, not to be a fangirl — which I am — but I just really actually liked them together. I liked their chemistry, their passion. What I didn’t anticipate is how Josh would play it and how he made it so honest and so happy and so real. When I was watching him, I was like, “That’s why that relationship works.”
Were you worried about incurring the wrath of your fellow fangirls?
I mean, I came on the show incurring that. I immediately hooked up with Jack and they were like, “Uhhh, no!” [Laughs] So I wasn’t as worried about that — I think as an actor, if you’re worried too much about people liking you, then you don’t really get to play the character so much. It’s not that it’s not great when people do like you or love the character or any of those things — it’s the most amazing thing ever to have that — but if I went into it thinking something like that, I don’t think I could have done it.
This year, though, the fan approval for your character and her relationship with Sawyer seemed to shoot through the roof.
Yeah, it was surprising.
Do you think it’s partially because audiences started trusting Juliet? During your first two seasons, it never seemed like she laid all her cards on the table, but this year, she felt complete.
We finally felt like we kind of knew everything [about her]. Every time something would come up before, she always had a wealth of new information and you kind of got the feeling that she shared it when she needed to.
On a show like Lost, was it a nice thing to think, “Oh, I think I finally know everything important there is to know about my character?”
I think I didn’t, because I have this crazy active and oddly weird little mind that tries to find all the wiggle room in places, so I think that I was still going through all the ways that things could be more complicated than it was. And when it turned out to be very simple, I was very happy. I was happy watching it more than I was playing it.
It’s funny that you began your tenure on the show sharing scenes almost exclusively with Matthew Fox and Michael Emerson, and you finished by sharing them almost solely with Josh Holloway.
I was very, very sad — and I hope that it’s rectified — that I didn’t have a final scene with Michael Emerson. I thought that built to a crescendo that then just died. There was a reason for that, but as an actor, that was hard for me because I just loved him so much. The same thing happened with Jack and Juliet — they got to a certain point and then they disappeared. But I love the fact that [the writers] do their thing and kind of just write whatever they want. It’s great.
"As an actor, they asked us to sign all this confidentiality stuff and I don’t think we ever did, so it really comes down to the moral question of, “Who are you loyal to?”"
Obviously, when you started shooting V before the season finale of Lost aired, speculation began that Juliet would be killed off — so much so that you were being officially billed as a “special guest star” in V, even though ABC has now confirmed you play the lead. Were there machinations involved to try to keep all that secret?
There were some machinations, but the thing that’s so fantastic about Lost is that they tend to keep things mysterious. I mean, I literally don’t know what’s going to happen and no one else does, and that’s what’s fun about it. As an actor, they asked us to sign all this confidentiality stuff and I don’t think we ever did, so it really comes down to the moral question of, “Who are you loyal to?” And where I’m finally loyal to always is the work. It’s more fun for me when people don’t know what’s going to happen.
I mean, the thing about Lost is that you may say, “Well, Elizabeth’s on V now, so we’ll never see her on Lost again,” but that’s probably not the case. As it is, it’s a complete surprise, and anything that happens further on in the series is a complete surprise, and I wanted that to be the case. When Lost is over and V is over, then we’ll have to have a big chatfest and talk about everything and that’ll be great, but for now, I was very happy that no one was saying anything one way or the other. One thing happened with Lost, and then another thing happened with V, and then something [else] happened with Lost…
You mean, they came back to negotiate for additional episodes after you booked V?
It’s been a rollercoaster, yes.
So originally, you didn’t know you’d be coming back to Lost?
I didn’t know what was going to happen. They also said that they didn’t know either, at the time. It happened in three weeks, it was just crazy…When V came up and everything happened that happened, it was at the very, very end [of the season]. No warning, kinda. [Laughs]
When you do your additional episodes next year, you won’t be a regular anymore, which means that these scripts will sort of exist in a context-less vacuum for you. Are you afraid that you won’t have any idea where your scenes fit into Lost lore when you film them?
No, I trust those guys. I trust those guys to write beautifully. The way they write those characters and scenes and emotions, it’s very wise to trust in their words.
jeudi 23 juillet 2009
Elizabeth Mitchell speaks of Juliet's at the "V" Panel
Lost Bosses Aim to Keep Secrets at Comic-Con "Farewell Tour"

While Lost fans still have 18 hours of supernatural storytelling to look forward to come 2010, one harsh reality stands true: The ABC serial's appearance at the San Diego Comic-Con this Saturday will be its very last visit to that very big show.
"As Carlton [Cuse] says, it's 'the Cher farewell tour,'" fellow executive producer Damon Lindelof tells "So he will be performing 'Believe' in a unitard." Without missing a beat, Cuse confirms his plan to get "hair extensions" in time for his big number.
Get our day-by-day guide to Comic-Con 2009
In all seriousness, the Lost bosses are taking this year's Con-fab very seriously, seeing as "it's our chance to commune with our most committed fans," says Cuse. "We go to Comic-Con to put on a really good panel, and this year will be the same."
What can the lucky throngs pouring into the San Diego Convention Center's Hall H on Saturday morning expect from one of the convention's hottest tickets, the "Lost: The Final Season Begins" panel?
"We're going to be showing some things, some new material," Lindelof teases. "And then we open the floor to fan questions, and answer them as honestly as we can."
Exclusive: Check out Lost's Emmy-reel picks
But will that fan Q&A be spoilery? Lindelof says he and Cuse plan to "leak out some of the things we want to share," yet he also affirms the producers' resolve to keep details about Lost's swan song under the biggest lock and key in the drama's already-covert history.
"We're going to be very protective of the story in this final season," says Lindelof, "because we want people to watch."
But lest Comic-Conventioneers worry about walking away empty-handed, Cuse promises this: "There will be some cool stuff revealed, no question."
source :tv guide
LOST items at comic con
andy blog
thanks odi and docarzt for the photos you can se more on their website

SD Actors Meet Josh Holloway ("Sawyer" on LOST) in LA, Tues July 28th! (Santa Monica, CA)

Los Angeles and San Diego acting instructor, Tom Ardavany, founder and director of THE ARDAVANY APPROACH, will be having a special panel discussion with his former student, Josh Holloway ("Sawyer" on ABC's LOST), Tuesday, July 28th, at 8pm in Santa Monica, CA. Tickets are only $25!
Josh will be sharing his experiences working on the set and relating how his training with Tom has helped him with his work over the years. Please see the attached flyer for the details.
THE PANEL NOTICE GOES PUBLIC IN LA TOMORROW, so if you can attend, you MUST CALL TODAY to book your seat(s). The venue is very intimate (only 60 seats total are available) and spaces will go fast. Call THE APPROACH STUDIOS in LA to reserve your space at: 310-450-2848
We really want San Diego Actors and Filmmakers represented so that we can persuade Josh to come down south to talk to us directly! Thanks and we'll see you Tuesday!
Tom Ardavany is a Los Angeles acting instructor who has led 5 of his acting clients on to win two Golden Globe and three Emmy awards. He teaches THE ARDAVANY APPROACH to film and theater actors, writers and directors in Los Angeles and offers entry, intermediate and professional level acting classes in Encinitas, Ca. Actor Neil McDonough (Desperate Housewives, Band of Brothers) calls Tom, "The best f**king teacher in this (Hollywood) town!"
On Camera acting classes are held every Thursday evening at 960 2ND street, 2nd floor, in Encinitas from 8pm-11pm. Interested students may audit Tom's class when space is available but an RSVP is REQUIRED. Please contact Debi Beard: for audit availability. Auditing is only available for first time, non-participating prospective students.
source :
mercredi 22 juillet 2009
The LOST Auction for may 2010 !

Be ready guys (i'll be) to get items of LOST !
Fans of "Lost" will be getting a sneak preview at Comic Con! ABC is pleased to announce the "Lost" auction will take place after the series finale in May 2010.The original props, costumes and set pieces from the hit ABC Television Series "Lost" will be at the 'Con from July 23-26, 2009.
ABC is pleased to announce the "Lost" auction will take place after the series finale in May 2010.
In celebration of our fans around the world, Profiles in History has been selected to auction a selection of original props, set pieces, costumes and collectors' artifacts from the entire series in order to give our fans a chance to own a piece of one of the greatest, most iconic shows in history. A first look at some of these items will take place at this year's San Diego Comic Con."
Profiles in History, the world's largest Hollywood memorabilia auctioneer, will host this four-day sneak preview at booth #315 at the San Diego Comic Con July 23-26, and conduct this auction in May 2010.
Kate's toy plane, Hurley's winning lottery ticket, Locke's hunting knife, Sawyer's letter, Charlie's guitar, Mr. Eko's club as well as other key props, costumes and set pieces from the first five seasons of LOST will be on display at Comic Con.
Profiles in History President, Joseph Maddalena: "Profiles in History is thrilled to be holding the Lost Auction. Lost is one of the most iconic TV shows ever created, and we are working in conjunction with ABC to offer fans from around the world an opportunity to own a memento of this amazing show. This is a once in a lifetime
For more information about Profiles in History and to download complete catalogs from previous auctions, please visit "here"
Profiles in History has sold the following Hollywood items: Christopher Reeve's 'Superman' costume from Superman: The Movie

Josh and Evi petition ! we need you

ok, i guess you noticed the widget on my blog since fews days but here i want to post about it, with friends we made a petition to ask a last photoshoot of josh and evi together 'cause we love them it's true but also 'cause LOST will end and we hope many photoshoot and media attention for our favorite show; we try to get 500 signatures and we're close to it 411 ! so if you wanna help us a little bit i could appreciate your action :) it's just a signature but it mean a lot for us !
thanks for reading it and thanks if you sign too