samedi 31 octobre 2009
Evangeline Lilly and Jeremy davies sharing short moment with horse
LOST bonus s5 : making up for LOST time
Official date for Lost season 6 announced by ABC
It was published by ABC, the date of season premiere of LOST season6 will be january 20th !
source : abc
“LOST” in Late October

October 30th, 2009
SPOILER ALERT: Leading into Halloween, it’s been relatively quiet for “LOST” production. Most of the work took place behind closed doors at the Hawaii Film Studio. But a couple of visiting fans stumbled across the crew at work at location shoots that bookend the week, and passed along brief reports.
From Brooke, a California fan who already sent in a report from a Kahala shoot covered in the last “Transmission” podcast, found “LOST” at work on Monday at the First Presbyterian Church of Honolulu at the Ko’olau Golf Club in Waimanalo. There wasn’t too much to see, as the filming was taking place inside the church kitchen. But the cast trailers, and some friendly crewmembers, confirmed that it was a scene focused on Naveen Andrews (Sayid). Perhaps we’ll see him again demonstrating his culinary expertise. And he was interacting with both new and surprisingly familar faces.
Spotted on the set, John Hawkes, who’s playing a new character named Lennon. Lennon’s casting call described the character thusly: “Scruffy, edgy, charismatic, and slightly stir-crazy, Lennon can be deferential when it’s called for. He’s the spokesperson/translator for the president of a foreign corporation. He’s a wily negotiator, and far more powerful than his lowly position would seem to indicate.”
But that’s not all. The scene apparently also included Omar (presumably played by Anthony Azizi) and Keamy (Kevin Durand). Now, when we last saw these two gentlemen in the Season 4 finale, “There’s No Place Like Home,” Omar was blown up by a grenade kicked his way by Keamy, and Keamy was stabbed to death in The Orchid by Ben. Perhaps they, too, will get a second chance.
Today, “LOST” was spotted back at Waipahu High School. And, like last time, Michael Emerson (Ben) loomed large. But it’s the other stars that were spotted that make the school shoot so tantalizing. According to Pati from New York, mixed amongst many backpack and book toting students was none other than Tania Raymonde, Ben’s deeply mourned daughter Alex. She also saw, to my great glee, ninth grade science teacher Leslie Arzt (Daniel Roebuck).
Most of the buzz on the set seemed to surround an actor in a trailer labeled “Van Peebles.” Pati described him as having “a cop, principal, gruff, hard ass kind of look.” After spending over an hour on the Internet Movie Database, she says she’s confident it was William Atherton. Atherton — known to many as Templeton Peck in “Ghostbusters” or the annoying reporter in “Die Hard” — was cast for “LOST” only a few days ago, as confirmed by showrunner Carlton Cuse on Twitter.
My money’s on him being the Ed Rooney-esque principal at Alex’s school.
source: Ryan
vendredi 30 octobre 2009
Lost dvd s5 : whatever happened happened location
lost dvd season 5 :Deleted scenes special disc
Episode 6x08 - New Casting Call

source: DarkUfo
Lost dvd s5 : The little Prince Location
next namaste ;)
The fate of Juliet, Damon answer us !

During the explosive season finale of Lost last season, Elizabeth Mitchell's character, well, exploded. Or did she? After all, in the Lost universe, falling hundreds of feet down a massive well and then being mere inches away from a hydrogen bomb when it explodes could either mean the character got blown to smithereens or that they'll just wake up the next morning with a piercing headache and a severe urge to pop some Dharma-brand acetaminophen. Well, in the case of Juliet, executive producer Damon Lindelof confirms in this week's issue of Entertainment Weekly (not yet online) that the female half of Sawliet is, indeed, toast. "The decision to kill Juliet was absolutely brutal," he said, before adding that "[Carlton Cuse and I] have to really love you to give you a finale death." Don't shed too many tears for Juliet, though: As we told you back in June, Juliet is set to appear in "an unspecified number of episodes" during the sixth and final season of the show.
source :
jeudi 29 octobre 2009
lost dvd s5 special disc : LOST location 316 and this place is death
LOST location : this place is death
LOST location : 316
Elizabetch Mitchell "I cried for a couple days when I found out I was being written off the show"

Elizabeth Mitchell, former "Lost" fertility doctor Juliet, says that when she found out she was being killed off on the ABC drama, she and co-star Evangeline Lilly went on a bender.
"I cried for a couple days," Mitchell says in Entertainment Weekly's latest issue, on stands tomorrow. "Evangeline and my sister came over, and we drank until we fell asleep on the couch, which was not good, because none of us are big drinkers. We woke up and said, 'Let's do ice cream next time, okay?'"
Up next for Mitchell is ABC's "V," yet another sci-fi thriller - which is just fine with the actress, who labels herself a "dork and a nerd."
"They know I'm one of them. Completely," said Mitchell. "Like a wolf in sheep's clothing, I'm a sci-fi fan - with a soccer mom on the outside."
source :

—StevenAusiello: I have a better idea: Let’s scrap the chart and forget we ever had this conversation. In return, I’ll share this Lost nugget with you: I hear Team Darlton will give us the answer to one of Lost’s oldest and most confounding mysteries. And I’m pretty sure it’s an answer none of us expected to get.
source: Ausiello
Lost Boss Answers You: So Is There Any Freaking Romance in Season Six or What?!

After five years of Lost being the craziest, most compelling show on TV, when season six premieres this January, we'll learn everything we ever wanted to know about the Island, the Lostaways and the mysteries of the show.
Well, that's what we're all hoping for anyway. We just caught up with Lost show runner Damon Lindelof at Golden Apple Comics here in L.A. and pestered him about whether or not the final season is really going to deliver the answers fans want. D.L. was on hand to promote his Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk comic compilation, and he graciously took questions from the audience and gave each attendee a little exclusive one-on-one time while signing the books.
We took advantage of the situation to ask about the love situation on Lost and to snag you answers about the hieroglyphics and "4 8 15 16 23 42."
Read on to see what the Lost boss shared about love, the numbers and the mysterious question posited by the secret poster code...
For those fans of Lost who are invested in the romance on the show, will there be anything for them this year, or is this primarily a mythology season?
That's an excellent question. Our focus remains where it's always been: on the characters. And there are significant and emotional bonds, from both the friendship and the romantic angle, that we would be remiss in not exploring; we probably won't be exploring them in the way that you think. That's my official answer.
All right, last night you tweeted about this event, and you said that you would address the numbers question.
Oh, well that was just to get people here. [Laughs.]
Are we going to get an answer on the numbers this season?
When someone asks what the numbers mean or are you going to answer the mystery of the numbers, it's a very interesting phrasing of a question, because I would pose it back to them: Well, what does an answer to "what do the numbers mean" look like? The answer that I'm giving now, my political answer, is that we've made a lot of the numbers in this show, so the idea that in the final season of the show we are telling everybody that we're in answer mode and you're never going to see the numbers again, or you won't understand a lot more about the numbers than you do now, would be a cop-out. You would legitimately tar and feather us. But the one question that I can't answer is what someone's own level of personal satisfaction is going to be when all is said and done. We've gotten a sense from some people that there's no such thing as a definitive answer to a question, you know? You say that this is the definitive answer and sometimes fans do like, "No, it's not, I still think that there's more there." So all we can do is basically tell the story that we want to tell and answer the questions that are relevant to that story and hope that the audience leaves with some degree of satisfaction. But Lost wouldn't be Lost if there wasn't an ongoing debate as to whether or not questions were answered satisfyingly or not.
OK, this might be a little esoteric, but who is the leader, and why does it matter?
That is very esoteric. I don't know, you look like a Jennifer—I think what Jennifer is referring to is in some of our Lost season-six promotional materials there are some hieroglyphics. Various hieroglyphic experts—who are those guys, by the way?—have taken a crack at interpreting what these hieroglyphics translate to, and one of the popular theories that is now emerging is that they translate to this question, "Who is the leader?" So if that's what he thinks it means, you'd have to ask him. I don't know why we would make people work so hard just to enjoy a poster!
Really? There's nothing about Locke versus Sawyer versus Jack versus Sayid versus Ben?
Nope, nothing. Who cares about leadership?
You've done a number of events like this. You've received a lot of questions from fans. Has there ever been a question where you guys are like, "Wow. That reminds us. We haven't played with that story yet" or that has helped you guys frame a storyline based on some feedback?
I think there are questions that percolate up that if I were a fan of the show I would be asking the question. I think that most of the writers on the show think like fanboys, whether they are boys or girls. The fact of the matter is no question is ever asked of us that we're not asking ourselves. So by the time someone asks me if Libby's ever coming back to the show for the 14th time, I'm like, "Trust me. I wish we could figure out a way to make that work." Like, I wish I could talk to the actress and get down on my hands and knees and beg her to come back, but the reality is, you know, there are certain questions that every time you're asked it's a pain for you because you're basically like, "I know man. You're absolutely right."
Marvel Publishing Inc. 1. You should go buy the Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk premium hardcover compilation, in stores now. Without knowing a darn thing about Hulks, Wolverines or ultimate universes (our book inscription said "Let's be honest, you don't care about Hulk and Wolverine—but you WILL! Hugs, [scribbly Damon Lindelof signature]"), we can tell you that it's worth it just for the fistfight with the panda.
2. Do you expect season six to be ecstatically satisfying or dizzyingly disappointing? What do you demand to know before you're a fully satisfied Lost customer? Tell us in the comments!
source: Kristin
mercredi 28 octobre 2009
Lost bonus special disc : locke's leg, ben vs desmond, and brose requirement
here as i promised early, vids of the special disc
locke's leg
Ben vs Desmond
Brose requirement
i'll try to fix the quality tomorrow guys, i got issue with my computer
From Kristin...

source: Kristin
LOST dvd5 caps of special bonus disc
you can see the set of epi 5x12 with Ben and Desmond fight

it was set of the shooting scene the fight, it was two stunt who made the most part and it wasn't emerson in the water.
Emerson funny's line : more gun, more violence, they can't just talk lol
HIC said it's the first time desmond was shot lol
more caps here:desmond vs ben pics
Then Rose and Bernard retirement

they've laugh all together when rose (sorry i don't remember her name ) when she said said jack has a bomb who cares. Josh visited Brose's house and said to Sawyer and Bernard can trade now lol
more caps here :Brose requirement
Locke's leg

sorry not sure of the name but it's plaster for the leg of locke when he hurted himself in this place is death, so you can see terry sitting on a chair while the girl is working on it.
more caps here : locke's leg

This place is death
set of the smokey moment and a bit at the beach too, you can see mostly how they make the scene of Nadine and Montand, interview with DDK too
caps here This place is death

set of the airport and i think the girl said it could serve later too, maybe it was an little hint of well you know what i mean

caps here 316
Small snippet/teaser

Thanks to "Second Circus" one of my on island connections for this following snippet.
On the Island, Locke is a true man-about-town... er jungle. Not only is he seen reuniting with a number the original Losties, including the badass, rifle-toting Claire, but he even finds the time to get stabbed by a genuine Iraqi.
Source: Second Circus@DarkUFO
source: DarkUfo
Cuse Confirms William Atheron Will Make a Guest Appearance

source: DarkUfo
mardi 27 octobre 2009
No news footage for LOST promo on thursday
FYI, sources say that the new Lost promos on Thursday will NOT have new season six footagesource : twitter at jennifergodwin
Evangeline Lilly: I'm a loner

Evangeline Lilly has revealed she struggles in relationships - as she enjoys being alone.
The 30-year-old actress - who plays Kate in hit drama Lost - did date her co-star Dominic Monaghan but revealed she can't imagine herself getting married.
Evangeline said: "It's a real struggle for me - I am very independent and I do very well on my own."
She added: "I don't get lonely, really. I like to be alone. Some people have to focus to make themselves spend time on their own, but I'm okay with that. I'm the opposite. I'm always alone and I love it."
But Evangeline revealed: "It's been my goal to socialise more this year because I am such a geek and I thought I should try to do a bit better with my socialising skills. I'm the ultimate geek when it comes to socialising."
Kate is adoptive mother to Aaron in season five of Lost - which is out now on DVD - and Evangeline revealed she has thought about adopting herself.
She said: "For a very long time, I have had intentions to adopt. We have a huge population problem on earth. I have always wanted to have a child of my own and I will always want to go through the gift that women have been given to experience that, so I hope to be a mother at some point. I think I can allow myself one child - and from then on, I think I would have to adopt."
source : press association
Snippets from Damon

The countdown to Lost's final season is underway.
Are you excited? Depressed? Terrified of what awaits our beloved castaways after that insane Season 5 finale?
Last week you sent me loads of questions for executive producer Damon Lindelof, and he was happy to answer them when we met up at the Austin Film Festival. Read on for Lindelof's thoughts on the last episode, returning characters, "the numbers" and so much more.
Lindelof: We're actually writing the eighth episode right now and breaking the story for the ninth episode. We're filming the sixth episode. The blueprint for the entire season is done, but we only write the episodes one at a time, because the actual genesis of the scene-by-scene work is the fun part. So we're almost exactly halfway through.
There's been so much analysis of the this year's promotional poster. Do you have a big part in creating that?
Yeah. Everything in the design of that poster is intentional. We oversaw it -- now we know the audience looks at that stuff so closely, so we don't want there to be anything that we don't approve, especially at this point in the game.
Why is neither Walt nor Vincent in the Season 6 promo picture? -- Holly
Well, I'm not going to explain why anything is what it is, other than that everything is by design. You'll just have to watch the final season and decide for yourself. It's a little bit like, "Why is Paul McCartney holding a cigarette with his right hand when he's a lefty on the Abbey Road cover?"
Is the ending you envisioned when you first created the show still in place? -- adanzis
That's a great question. Yes, the actual ending ending is exactly the same as we'd always planned on it being, except we didn't know if we were going to get there after two seasons, four seasons or after six seasons, so the road to the ending has had to change significantly. But the ending itself? Whether people like it or not, that's the ending we've had.
Will Walt will have any major role in the upcoming season? He was important for a while because of his "gift," but that story has never been realized. -- mrhymes01
I think a lot of people are justifiably frustrated about the Walt of it all. We said he has this special ability, and the Others obviously grabbed him and studied him for awhile, then they got freaked out by him and decided to let him go.
I think that there are certain stories on the show that feel like dangling participles based on external factors. For us, we were incredibly limited by the fact that Malcolm David Kelley was growing at an exponentially faster rate than the show was progressing. So, you know, when we showed him in Season 5 and Locke is trying to recruit members of the Oceanic Six, the only way that it worked was to see him three years older. But hopefully, why Walt was special and the role he played on the show will have a new significance when all is said and done. And I'm not sure we really need the character of Walt to explain the significance.
Libby is someone we get asked about a lot, and she's another one of those cases where it's more of an issue of our relationship with the actor than it is our desire to tell the story. It's our hope that Cynthia Watros will come back one more time and finish that story, but that's up to her. We asked her last year, she wasn't interested in doing it. Hopefully she'll change her mind.
One actor definitely won't be returning for the final season, right? Can you tell me more about that?
We did ask an actor who's played a significant role on the show to come back and do some work on Season 6, and they said no. But I'm not going to confirm who that is. All I'll say is that person was never a series regular.
Damon, I have a question about my second-favorite character on the show, Frank Lapidus. Ever since he appeared on the Season 6 promotional poster, there has been a lot of speculation on message boards. So, anyway, my question is: Will Frank be promoted to main character status next season, and if so, will he be getting a -centric episode? Because that would be basically the most awesome thing ever. -- Bish-Fiscuit
Yeah. Lapidus is definitely a series regular this season. Jeff Fahey was just a recurring character up through last year. Now, whether or not Lapidus makes it until the end of the season is anyone's guess, but he's definitely one of the A-team this year.
How many people do make it to the end of the season?
You really think I'm going to answer that question? Not all of them, that's for sure.
Are we going to return to the numbers? They obviously played a huge role in the beginning. Then we got away from them and started focusing more on the characters. Will we ever come back to them? -- Tommy F.
I like Tommy's question a lot better than the way I usually hear that question, which is, "What do the numbers mean?" I can say one of the things we're really focused on doing this year is trying to make the entire season as satisfying as possible. We know if we wait until the very last episode of the show to give answers or revelations there's no way it'll be satisfying, so we're trying to give out that stuff as we go along. And all I would say is, this is the final season of Lost. We would be enormously remiss if we were to not evaluate the numbers and their significance.
Will we find out what Ben and Kate talked about on the beach when he had her join him for breakfast wearing that dress? It has been driving me crazy for so long! -- sarbarmar
This is one of those things that, no matter what we say, it doesn't matter how many times we say it. I don't know what it is about that scene where people think this really significant piece of information transferred between the two of them on the beach ... Kate is actually working undercover for Ben or something like that.
Nothing happened. That's the real answer. We never intended it to feel that way, and when we say nothing happened, they think we're lying or we originally had a plan and abandoned the plan. All I can say is, hand to God, nothing happened.
At the end of Lost's final season, will we have an ironclad, nothing-else-to-say conclusion, or will we be left with the possibility of spinoffs and feature films? -- mveedubs
I think it is our intention to end the story of Lost in the final episode of the television series. We have no desire whatsoever to make a movie or leave any threads hanging. That being said, some people will think it's enormously satisfying. Other people will think it's not satisfying enough. It all depends on the way that you watch the show. But the worst thing we could ever do is just answer some things and then say we'll answer other things in the Lost movie in theaters two years from now.
The television show is our version of Lost, and once it ends, that's the end. J.K. Rowling said she was going to write seven Harry Potter books, and she was true to her word. There are six seasons of Lost, and that's it.
It's clear that you and Carlton Cuse have formed a creative friendship on the show and will be forever linked in Lost fans' minds. Are there any plans for the two of you to use your collective genius on projects post-Lost (with or without the polar bear)? -- GoolayGirl
I love collaborating with different people. J.J. (Abrams) and I created the show together, and Carlton and I run the show together. And writing the (Star Trek) movie with Bob (Orci) and Alex (Kurtzman) ... I love finding new creative partnerships but then continuing the partnerships I'm already in. So I don't know if it will be soon or later, but I hope Carlton and I work together again on something entirely different than Lost.
I am actually curious as to the status of Damon's involvement with the Dark Tower series. Is there hope for us Stephen King fans that this project is in the works? -- Lorrie Q.
You'll be hard-pressed to find a huger fan of The Dark Tower than me, but that's probably the reason that I shouldn't be the one to adapt it. After working six years on Lost, the last thing I want to do is spend the next seven years adapting one of my favorite books of all time. I'm such a massive Stephen King fan that I'm terrified of screwing it up.
I'd do anything to see those movies written by someone else. My guess is they will get made because they're so incredible. But not by me.
In today's film and television industries it seems like there are far fewer writers willing to take risks for originality's sake. What advice do you have for aspiring writers who are passionate about a particular story, even if it risks not being given a chance by today's audiences? -- Josh G.
As cliched as it sounds, if you have an original voice and an original idea, then no matter what anybody says, you have to find a way to tell that story. My only advice would be you have to exercise patience. I think the freshman mistake is you feel such passion for something that you need to tell it now, as opposed to saying, "Let me establish myself, and five years from now when I'm a little bit older, a little bit wiser, a little bit more experienced, maybe that's the time to tell that story."
Sometimes you get a present for somebody a month before their birthday and you just want to give it to them immediately. But timing is everything. So I would say it might feel like your idea is a hard sell now, but maybe in a couple years the timing will be right. Whatever you do, don't give up.
Is there any chance that once this season ends there will be a continuation of Lost through a movie, books, or website? Will you be doing anything to keep the fans alive after Lost is over? -- Shannon K.
I think the fans themselves will probably generate a lot of material like fanfic and that kind of stuff. But I feel like our story's over. We don't own Lost -- ABC and Disney do. So if they decide to generate some of that stuff, they might very well do so, but it's not going to be with our participation. As much as I want the fans to have new material, I feel like at the end of the day they'd want to kill us for it, because the whole purpose of announcing an end date is to end.
Are you sad it's ending?
I'm not sad it's ending. I'm really happy it's ending. I'm sad about the fact that we're not going to be writing it anymore -- like, the process of writing it and working on it is such an incredible thing. I don't feel sadness that the show is ending, because I feel like it's exactly the right thing to do. I can't imagine that we ever would've gotten this far if we hadn't announced an end date. It would've just gotten absurd and boring and stalling and ... it would've sucked. I'm so glad that's not the legacy of the show. The legacy of the show is going to be this instead.
Do you think more series should follow the Lost model and announce end dates?
For me as a viewer, I like knowing where I am in the book. Certainly for Battlestar, it was great to know where you were in the story. I think viewers sometimes want to know that, and it also helps them get over frustrating patches of stuff they don't like. But it all depends on the show.
Some shows sustain themselves forever. There's no reason that Grey's Anatomy ever needs to end. I remember when Heroes first came on the scene, people were asking Tim (Minear) that same question. He said, "Heroes can go on forever. There's no reason it ever needs to end, because there will always be characters with these abilities, and there will be interesting stories to tell." Heroes has a different design than Lost does. But I look at a show like FlashForward and I go, yeah, it would probably help that show for them to say it's a three-season or four-season show and then it ends, so that the audience at least gets a sense of where they are in the story.
Lost has inspired me to learn more about literature, philosophy, history, time travel and so many other subjects. What is the coolest thing you have learned about that you didn't know prior to creating the show? -- GoolayGirl
Good question. Well, we started doing research on time travel back in Season 2. ... Way back in Season 2, we found out about this thing, CERN. It's this gigantic particle accelerator that they're going to turn on, this multi-billion dollar project. 60 Minutes actually did a story on it. It's fascinating: They're trying to create anti-matter, quarks and all sorts of crazy things in there, but it keeps breaking. They keep pushing back the date they're going to turn it on. So I've become sort of obsessed with this project and the guy on the team that's behind it. Normally, that science stuff goes right over my head, but I'm fascinated.
I would love to know what song Damon thinks would best match the mood of Season 6. -- dmachado13
Wow. I'd say Visions of Johanna by Bob Dylan.
I have that song on my iPod, and when I hear it I think about the show. There are certain lyrical phrases in that song that are very well-suited to Lost.
Has the Lost team been documenting the process of creating the show since the very beginning? As a fan who loves the way the show is constructed, I hope once the show is over, we may see some sort of documentary-style feature or a book that will tell fans how the show was conceived and the creative process that occurred as the show moved through the years. -- Bryan in Cincinnati
I think there's going to be a Lost encyclopedia where we talk a lot about that stuff, but it's not like we've been bringing camera crews into the writers' room so they can see how we do what we do. A lot of the creation of the show is like a magic trick, and I think it would be like David Copperfield explaining how he made the Statue of Liberty disappear.
Although I acknowledge that people are really interested in the creative process of Lost, mostly it pertains to ... it all goes back to the idea of, "Are we making it up as we go along?" That's the question that people really want to know the answer to, and they want some proof. They want us to document the fact that we weren't making it up as we went along. And, in the spirit of the show, we just have to say, "If you choose to believe us, then that's what faith is all about." If you choose to disbelieve it, then we don't blame you. At the end of the day, all that matters is the story itself. If you feel satisfied by it, it shouldn't matter whether we had it planned from Day 1 or whether we made it up as we went along.
In some places we did have to make it up as we went along, because Adewale (Akinnuoye-Agbaje) wanted to leave the show, or the Nikki and Paolo idea didn't work, or we didn't have an end date so we had to tap dance, or we went over-budget so we had to put them in cages for four episodes in a row. There are certain things where we had to adapt to whatever real-world scenario was happening with the show. But creatively speaking in general, there had to be a plan.
What is your least favorite episode of Lost?
Oh, my god. (Pauses) I think my least favorite episode is this episode that we did the first season called "Homecoming." It's when Claire comes back from having been in the jungle for a couple days after she was abducted by the Others, and Ethan comes after her. The backstory is Charlie is trying to go straight and he's selling copiers. At the end of the episdoe, he shoots Ethan. I wrote that episode, and it's my least favorite episode of the show ever.
I'm surprised by that answer. It's not an episode fans usually name as their least favorite.
The episode fans bring up most often is "Stranger in a Strange Land," which is the epiosde with Bai Ling and Jack and his tattoos. And basically, I feel like it's unfair to bag on that episode. Am I a huge fan of it? No. But at the same time, there were so many different circumstances that led to that episode that needed to be written and so many ideas that didn't work. The fact that it all coalesced ... There was a bad casting decision made. There was a bad premise decision made. There was a bad flashback story. Just everything that could go wrong did, but I don't think it was because the script was terrible. "Homecoming," I think, was flawed on almost every single level that an episode of Lost could be.
So do you think you've become a better writer since Lost began?
I hope so. I feel like I've become a better listener, and if that's led to better writing, I don't know. I'm still incredibly proud of the pilot, having written the pilot, but I'm equally proud of the Season 3 finale. But writing is like being a really good baseball player: Even really good baseball players strike out all the time. So I just have to allow myself to say, "Sometimes I write better than other times." I think I know more now than I knew at the beginning, but I don't know if I'm any better of a writer.
They said this past Comic-Con was the last Lost panel ever. That's not true, is it? You've gotta come back one last time after it's all wrapped up. Because we all know you won't answer ever single question on TV! -- Rafael J.
I think the idea of appearing on the Comic-Con panel to answer the questions the show didn't answer would be almost as bad. If we don't answer it in the show, it's because we didn't want to answer it. Would we go to Comic-Con and do some kind of retrospective at some point where we get everybody back together to talk about the show? Yeah, I think that would be cool five, 10 years from now. But certainly not next year, a month after the finale has aired.
I have lots of questions but Damon won't answer them (and I wouldn't want to spoil anything anyway). Can he at least tell us when the season premiere will be? Joshua H.
Honest to God, they haven't given us a date yet. I don't even know what night it's going to be on. We've been on Wednesday at 9 for awhile, but now ABC's comedies are actually working. And I actually like Modern Family and Cougar Town, so I'm not sure that they'll move them.
I don't know what it means for us, but all I've ever heard is mid-to-late January. We're doing 18 hours -- two-hour premiere, two-hour finale -- so if we end in mid-May, we can't premiere any later than late January.
source: USA TODAY
Filming Update and Photos - 22nd October

Thanks to AlaskaDave one of the Lostpedia SysOps for sending this excellent set report and photos all through to us.
Right near where they filmed Claire's Log (iconic log where Claire gave birth,and where drugged up Claire and Ethan hung out), we stumbled across a somewhat large lean-to built entirely of wood and old tarp. There was a pelt (animal skin) hanging on one side of the lean-to.
As luck would have it, and as I was sneakily taking pictures of the lean-to, a yellow Penske truck pulled up the valley (LOST Crew!) and began to unload tons of old looking crap - old pots, pans, an old bicycle, old metal boxes.
Some of these old metal boxes had some Dharma logos on them. I wasn't able to get a clear pic of the Dharma logo stuff, obviously, as I was sneaking the pics.We stayed to watch them dress the set by tossing tons of old shit all around the lean-to, and inside it. Are we to assume this is the lean-to that Claire brings Jin to? Ironic they were filming right next to the Claire log, eh? :)
Wow, Beach Camp is all a flutter with activity! In the main part of Beach Camp, there are lots of smaller little lean-tos, made of sticks and airplane wreckage. However, there are a few larger structures, made with larger sticks and tarps.
Just a few hundred yards down from main Beach Camp, they've rebuilt Eko's church, still just made out of sticks, exactly how we saw it last in S2. HOWEVER, the coolest thing is that, right next to the church, they have built a grave! Presumably, this is the gravesite from the Sun-spoiler.
Some pretty major stuff here, including a great find left behind by some forgetful crew member :p Otherville was dressed up to look WAY run down. Almost like... its hard to say, but they made it up to be quite broken down and all torn up apart. The playground set had been taped off and looked like something major happened to it.
They still have the old lights set up around the entire set, and there are broken malibu lights along all of the walkways in Otherville.
Here's the cool thing: When we were poking around the playground set, we stumbled across a box left by a crew member that said "2007 Otherville: Broken Malibu Lights" - which places the Otherville set in a timeframe, and verifies that the set is supposed to look all broken up and run down (not that we thought any differently of course :p). Inside were the same lights we had been seeing all over the main Otherville set.
Well, they've slapped a new coat of paint on The Flame, and have rebuilt the interior! Previously, the flame had no interior walls (as can be seen in Enter 77, when Mikhail is patching up Sayid). However, as of very recently, they've patched up the walls, and have updated the paint.
They've also updated the Dharma logo on the outside of the structure.
Well, we were escorted off property (read: kicked the fuck out), but not before securing a pic of the back of the Temple.
One of the cooler sights was the John Locke well (that he fell down into before meeting Christian in the FDW chamber), which they seemed to be prepping for filming. Same with the Anthony Cooper Pillar. I cant find my pics of that, Im sorry. I know I suck :p
This isn't a huge thing, but the interesting thing is, normally there's this little structure at the end of the Pala Ferry Dock, but this week, the structure has been made to look all torn up and taken down. Again, may not be anything huge, but is kind of a neat little find.
Source: AlaskaDave via DarkUFO
To see all the locations pics,click on the source.
source: DarkUfo
New Set Report and Photos

Update: 22:10 Benjamin just emailed me and as most of you suspected that last line should not read "Terrible" but "Awesome". :)
Update: 20:55 It looks like Benjamin now thinks that the logo maybe just a generic Dharma one.
Thanks to Benjamin for the following. Benjamin is hoping to maybe get a better photo of the new Logo and a description of it.
I'm Benjamin, Claudio's friend.
I am in the team of the blog "" and of the forum "". Richieleb of our forum takes to us of Hawaii of the reports of exclusive filming. There are 3 photos with this set report.
Sorry for my English but I am French ! lol !
Here is the rest :
"Hi all, how lucky I was to have spent time with the production team to see Hurley, Jack and director Jack Bender to three feet, and staying a little longer in the rain, I think I saw that Claire, as on one of the photos I took (I had not noticed) by the larger team blog, we see his name appears with that of Jack. Jack is left for 15 hours, and if you go on the blog to see the pictures, the picture where we see two tents covered, and well into 15 hours, he stood there a dozen technicians and a big vision-pana rail close to film a scene from the little camp, I'd be Claire who attended the scene, security told me to go away because the scene had too many new things. One of the scripts that came to see a technician special effects, talking about fire. If you looked at the photo of the camp left one can see a kind of book with a Dharma logo.
On October 21 around 13:30 am if returned, the team was filming in a protected area for two or three hours I saw no one. I took other pictures, the camp had changed his appearance. A new sign dharma down, and one can see inside the shelter. It has pictures of trail or Jack and Hurley were filmed. Jack Bender with the cameraman who kept a small Panamanian hands vision, micro understood, and Hurley and Jack stood in the place where we see a large rock in the middle of the trail. It was difficult to see because at 10 feet there was a small tent with two women who had their film scenes. And I was standing behind with two technicians and one that blocked the path to other foreigners (those who visited the park) while they were filming. I think they took the views in both directions. Hurley and Jack wandered down. The other photos are those filmed the trail, a place especially with large trees should be easy to recognize in episode six that technicians confirmed to me. For an hour or more technicians who attends the scene, were brought from the ends of branches with leaves to hide the iron bars that you see on the edge of the trail.
On October 19 I had been at base camp original (very safe and this one-hour walk on the beach, because everything is private between the road and the beach) the camp is very messed up, the church is always present and there is a hole near for a body in the small cemetery. I have pictures I would put maybe somewhere else. If nothing else I come back to mind. I will share with you. The location of Paradise Park is beautiful, a beautiful jungle stream (they often go through) and very large and strange trees. The next season will be terrible. Thank you"
Source: Benjamin@lost-spoiler.over-blog
source: DarkUfo
LOST first promo of s6 will air after FF this thursday !
what a best new, i love when LOST mean something in my life, 29th october will be the birthday of my mum lol
so what do you think, new footage or not ?
This just in, the first Lost final season promo (0:15) is tentatively scheduled to premiere during the end of FLASHFORWARD (with Lost's Dominic Monaghan joining the cast) this Thursday (Oct. 29 -- first night of November sweeps). Promos for V (starring Lost's Elizabeth Mitchell) will heavily be featured in this hour as well.
lundi 26 octobre 2009
Casting News

It looks like Maggie Grace is headed to Oahu in November to shoot top-secret Lost scenes as Shannon Rutherford, who was buried on the island back in ’05. Producers had invited Maggie back earlier, but the busy actress had to wait for shooting to conclude on a string of three film projects, including the role she just wrapped as Cameron Diaz’s kid sister in “Knight & Day,” also starring Tom Cruise. I’m hearing Shannon may be cut into an episode shot earlier this fall with brother Boone, played by Ian Somerhalder
Source: TV Guide Magazine
source: DarkUfo
When/If We Will See “Man In Black” Again

Titus Welliver has been spotted in Boston filming a new movie. The actor was gracious enough to let the world know when/if he would be appearing on LOST.
“There’s craft service and he’s got a massage table,” joked Welliver, who is headed back to La-La in a couple of weeks to film episodes of “Lost,” “Sons of Anarchy” and “The Good Wife.”
The quote comes from the BostonHerald website. Does this mean M.i.b will be abandoning his Locke meat-suit, or that a Jacob/M.i.b flashback episode is on the way?
Thanks to KevinB for the tip
source: DocArtz
Set Report and Photos - 20th October

Thanks to my good friend Claudio for sending us this English version and photos of a recent set visit that one of their team from was lucky enough to witness.
In parking ther was a lots of truck, I follow the way and the other side of a bridge there is a new little camp, I take pictures, we can see a Dharma logo. Half an hour later I returned to the parking and I see Jorge Garcia, he embarked in a van and climbs to a trail. I back to the camp again in a little path, I get near a group of technician and one of them is Jack Bender, and Jorge Garcia is repeating a scene. The team descends to return after dinner, next it started raining and it was impossible to take pictures, but I mingled with the technicians. They were filming for episode six, Jack Bender gave me a bottle of water, and they have started filming in the trail several times. They blocked access to both ends,I descended the first time, Matthew Fox was walking ahead of me, he revire to talk to someone. He wear a red sweater and a red spot on his forehead. During this time they installed a big camera in a tent, but security didn't want I witness in the shooting. Matthew Fox is left with his car a little later, and apparently he has not turned to the scene of the camp. I left at 3PM. They had not started filming in the camp, but I knew there would be special effects and fire. The next day I went back to 13 hours, but they turned in another inaccessible location, I did not see anyone for two hours. I have other photos of the camp (next email), there is a chamgement the camp, I took pictures of the exact path where they filmed Jack and Hurley. Very beautiful tree easy to recognize, shooting back (they go down) and face. It has metal edges along the path. The day before, they camoufffé it with branches.

Source: lost-spoiler.over-blog
source: DarkUfo
Lost bonus s5 : Building 23 Beyond With Michael Emerson
dimanche 25 octobre 2009
LOST season 6 a break during the Olympics ?

At the Office for the Arts we had a surprise visitor yesterday from Carlton Cuse ‘81. Mr. Cuse is the Producer and Writer of the TV show ‘Lost’ on ABC. The office was quite busy since it is Parents Weekend, so I wasted not a minute. I ran up to him hoping to ask politely about ‘Lost’ but what came out was:
“WHEN IS LOST GOING TO START AGAIN!!!? I CAN’T WAIT. MY FAMILY CAN’T WAIT. MY CATS CAN’T…” and then I went on without breathing for 2 more minutes.
Mr Cuse graciously explained that the show would begin again in January then stop for the Olympics and then start back again in February.
I failed to ask whether this would be the year of zombies on the show. He has promised zombies on the show. Sadly, it is last season of Lost.
source :
Ryan's podcast

Quick summary:
-First shoot was at High School. Michael Emerson and Terry O'Quinn present. Ben had dark-colored hair. Title of the episode was the Substitute. Looks like either Ben or Locke has as job of a substitute teacher.
-Next shoot was in the neighborhood or Waikele. They were using the same street where they filmed Nadia's house. Locke in a blue van drives up in a hurry to Helen's house. Description of the scene that Ryan heard is that Locke tries to see Helen, but it doesn't turn out good. At the end of the scene, he falls out his wheelchair just as the sprinkles go off on her lawn, and he goes wet.
-Next shoot was very interesting. They were shooting right across Ryan's office. Box company scene. Locke's blue van present and Hurley's yellow Hummer. Locke is leaving the building in a wheelchair with a box on his lap. He's not working in a company anymore. When he get to his car, Hummer is blocking his door. He gets mad, starts yelling. Hurley walks to him. They have a conversation and Hurley writes a check.
-Next one was in Manoa Valley. They were using a house there. The scene was inside the house and he was visiting his mother. This is for Jack's episode.
-Next shoot was at Center Intermediate School. Most of the filming happened inside. They used the auditorium. Dark, concert scene. Inside there were students with instruments. They had judges. There was a piano player. Darlton was also there. Another character on the scene was Dogan. They waited after nightfall to film an exterior scene.
-Next shoot was where fake Others village was and Dave/Hurley scene. They've build a new set there. Based on the position at the edge of the cliff, they built a lighthouse. MF, Jorge were there and went to meet Jacob.
-Next shoot couple of days ago was University(couldn't make out which one). MF in his Bronco drives up and runs into the building. They scene may have involved Dogan. Ryan believes it included Miles.
- Last shoot was on Friday. They were back in Kahala. They were using modest home. Nice suburban scene, with green lawns and little houses. School bus arriving. Taxi cab was there from LA. Someone maybe arriving from the airport. This scene was for Sayid. He carries a bouquet of flower, and Nadia opens the doors. It looks like things are slightly better shaped for this couple, unlike for Locke and Helen. Fans saw Sayid putting a little blonde girl on a school bus. Final element of this scene was that they specifically filmed a mysterious character in a white Lexus driving past the house, looking at it and speeding of quickly. They filmed this shot many times to basically show someone was doing surveillance on the home. Character was described as Middle Eastern and someone named as Omar or Omer.
Sayid's brother was also named Omar.
Thanks to Helena from Outlaws for the summary.
source:: Ryan
vendredi 23 octobre 2009
Detailed Set and Filming Report

Here is another report from my good and "colourful" friend on the island "Le Point d'Exclamation".
Yo dark!Got more scoop stuff for ya.Was able to catch some filming
dude. You already have some pap snaps of the shoot earlier with Hugo
and Fox but here is what I saw a little.Rememeber dont use my bloody
name as those crazed lost peeps will nab me and take me to smokey or
some shit.
ok you will need to watch super careful when this episode is on the
air and will need a tivo or some shit to get a screencap as hugo who
actually seems to have gained weight
has some very detailed notes and shit on his arm from when he met that
Jacob dude in the that "shiney" area as one of your other crazed
sources called it!
I saw Jacob, hurley and this samuari dude lol called dogen or whatever
all together in the temple. You have some photos whatever already of
this set.
Jin gets rescued from the "pirate" looking dudes by would you believe
Claire of all people. She has gone all chuck norris on them and looks
f**king terrible!
She is all serious and unkempt and not the little hottie that we all
remember her for! (dont tell me wife I said that!)
She kinda resembals that crazy french chick in season 1. Jin then
wakes up in one of her makeshift shelter thing-a-me-bobs.
She has also taken one of the pirate dudes hostage or something.
little hard to make it all out as some big fat dude who was watching
it with me would not STFU.
Both jin and the pirate hostage dude are bleeding. Claire definately
knows how to work a weapon now.
Cant wait to find out wtf happened to her to make her so different.
I could not see more because those damn security blobs spotted us and
started to approach us but being so heavy we quickly out paced them.
also got some stuff on sawyer and kate coming up soon will shoot you
an email very soon once i have checked some stuff out but i heard
something about a wedding/engagement ring. its not going to be pretty
in your bloggy comments when those crazies shipper types read it ha
good luck with that
ill try to get some more stuff later in the week as my mate might gets
some intel on the new filming locations and scripts
over and out!
Source: Le Point d'Exclamation@DarkUFO
source:: DarkUfo
I got my Locke Poster !
viva LOST ! i hope we'll have again amazing posters :)
Small Filming Snippets

source:: Twitter
source:: DarkUFO
jeudi 22 octobre 2009
Latest from Kristin

source:: Kristin
Harold Perrineau interview with Kristin about Michael

You gotta love a man who likes to clear the air.
Harold Perrineau just rang up to kindly reveal an answer to our blind item—"Guess Who's Not Returning to Lost?"—which outed a former Lost star as a holdout to return for the final season.
It's not him.
Despite everyone and their mother's brother's lover (even the Los Angeles Times!) assuming Harold (Michael) was the Lost holdout, Harold reveals that he has not turned down an offer to return to the show.
So does that mean he's coming back?
"Honestly, no one has asked," Harold tells me. "But if I was asked to come back to Lost, indeed I would say yes. We all started that journey together, and I would love to be able to end it with everybody. It would be a great thing to do, to get to say goodbye to them all at the same time. I would love to go back and hang out a little bit."
Now, assuming that Lost is resetting the clock as rumored and going back in time to the original Flight 815, it would seem that there may be a serious glitch to bringing Perrineau back: Walt. After all, Malcolm David Kelley, who was a wee 13-year-old when the series started, now looks like he could be playing defense for the Lakers or voicing a Barry White biopic.
"That's what I was actually thinking would probably be the trickiest part," Perrineau says. "I mean, I know they've been going back and forth with time travel, but if we were to go all the way back, how do you do that? You'd have to recast [Walt]. Or do some crazy CGI, like Little Man. That would be weird!"
Despite the hullabaloo over the comments he made after Michael was killed off Lost, Harold tells me he honestly has no beef with the show. "Those people are my family. And not like my twisted, dysfunctional family, but people I totally love, you know what I mean? It was a great show for me and I'm really glad to be part of that."
"There are no hard feelings," Harold adds. "Period. That's the real truth."
Harold called in from Vancouver where he's currently shooting the sequel to 30 Days of Night: Darker Days—yay, vampires!—and is also working on an album "just for fun."
Personally, I would love to see Michael/Harold again before Lost's final credits roll—with or without Walt.
source : kristin eonline