Ryan podcast is up, you can listen here
the transmission
and here a summary made by su from outlaws
Last week filming at Hawaii Medical Center, Claire gives birth and Kate is with her, and Ethan is there as Dr. Goodwin (he said Goodwin, but I think he meant Goodspeed).
Built a big Temple set and a lot of scenes filmed there last week and this week. Jack/Kate/Sayid/Hurley/Jin/Miles/Sawyer. Not known when, and they are either held captive or being watched by the Others who are at the Temple. Dressed in reddish brown drab clothes, carrying stock rifles. Sound clip – shooting, beeping, cut…. Will be posted on youtube eventually. Two kids – Zach and Emma. The boy had more work to do than the girl.
Manoa Falls. The other side of the Temple in the jungle where the cages used to be. Jack in a bloody jumpsuit. Sayid bleeding. Hurley wearing red shirt. Kate/Jin/Sayid/Cindy the stewardess.
Beach camp yesterday. Ben/Locke/Sun/Frank/Ilana. Locke was not ‘himself’, not Un-Locke, maybe the real one.
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