here filming report of today, foxy was filming for epi 6x05
I got a text from my friend Jen today that said "I think Lost is taping across my street!" She saw tons of huge trailers, and they shut down one of the parking lots to the church. After she talked to her security guys at her complex, they confirmed that they were filming Lost. So I went over to check it out. When we first got there, they were setting up. Jen realized she forgot her camera, so we decided to go back to the apartment (since it was so close) and get it. While we were walking, we see Matthew Fox crossing the street with a security guard. Jen pointed him out, and I yelled "Jack!!". He turned and looked, but kept walking. I took a few pictures. We sat there and laughed about it. A little bit later, he comes walking back. Right towards us. Does not even look at us, and we're the only people on the entire sidewalk. As he got closer, I said something like "I just wanted to say hi". He didn't say anything, and still hardly looked at us. His hands were full of cigarettes and I think a drink. He smelled like alcohol. As he walked right past us, I said, "can I just get one picture?" He turned and said, "no, I've got to get to work". And that was our encounter. He completely blew us off. Not a friendly bone in his body. What a punk. He seriously could have made time for one picture. It's not like there was a crowd. It was just me and Jen. Also, for all of you girls who are Jack lovers, he does smoke AND dip. I guess he loves him some nicotine. That's gross. I'm thinking it was better that I talked to him instead of Sawyer. I might have been tempted to jump on Sawyer had I been that close. Sorry Spencer.
We hung out for a while and met some of the crew. They were so nice! I met the guy in charge of the sound mixing. When I got home I looked him up just out of curiosity, and it seems as though he is quite successful. Here is his list of shows he's done. He offered to take our picture for us when the security guard wouldn't (not the blurry one above, but one that Jen has on her camera). He invited us out to Murphy's after the filming, but we respectfully declined. We also met the guy who holds the mic up over the actors. Talked to him the longest. I think he liked us, because before they started filming, and he had all of his gear on, he came back over to us for no reason. So I decided he was showing off for us, and we took a pic with him. Unfortunately they were only filming one scene, and Jack was the only main character in it. And we couldn't hear anything that they were saying, so it doesn't help at all with trying to figure out the storyline. Anyways, I got the phone number for the production company, and I was told to ask for the casting department and talk to them to be an extra. I'm seriously considering it when I get back in January. They will be filming until April.
Oh, and can I just say that I for some reason talked myself out of bringing my lens that has some what of a zoom. I thought it'd be too big. Now I regret not bringing it. So you have to see these far away shots.
Here are some pictures for all of you fanatics to enjoy!

source : spencerstacy.blogspot.com
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