mercredi 31 mars 2010
Photos : promo pics episode 6x11 in MQ+
Update 10:30PM : all promo pics added here on the gallery epi 6x11
WAOUH ! sound like this episode will be amazing !!
DESSSSSSSSSSS i missed you brotha ! *

WAOUH ! sound like this episode will be amazing !!
DESSSSSSSSSSS i missed you brotha ! *

Libellés :
lost season6,
promotional photo
Daniel Dae Kim Interview

“The End”: Per the producers, that’s the title of the series finale. And per Dae Kim, it’s going to blow fans’ minds. “It’s pretty amazing,” says the actor, who read his copy of the top-secret script last Thursday. “If you think about how many pieces the writers had to put together in order to make it fall into place, it’s mind-boggling, and they did such a great job. Some of the twists and turns are just so clever.”
He continued: “For me it was very satisfying. After I read it, I had to sit for five or 10 minutes, just reflecting and digesting, because it definitely makes an impact.”
With filming on the finale now underway, the actor is finding himself overcome with a myriad of emotions. “I definitely feel like a very important chapter in my life is coming to a close,” says Dae Kim, who’s already been cast in a starring role in CBS’s Hawaii Five-O remake. “It’s hard not to feel the weight of that. I’m looking back with great fondness and pride, and I’m also excited to move forward and start writing the next chapter.”
Click on the link to read the rest of the interview.
source: TvWatch
mardi 30 mars 2010
From Kristin

endell in Tallahassee, Fla.: Lost scoop, please! Jorge Garcia told you a while ago that people will start "dropping like flies." Are there really going to be deaths? Who?
Yes, there will be. And no, you aren't gonna like it. I'm sniffling just thinking about what's to come as I write this! The deaths don't happen till closer to the very end, but there is a big shocker this week that is also very disturbing, involving a main Lostie's (a candidate's?) well-being. All that said, there's lots of awesome romantic stuff up ahead that will make your heart sing (honest! and it rocks), so fear not: They are candy-coating the pain with much more sugar than Mary Poppins' lame old spoonful.
Randy118: Kristin, are we to assume that Richard Alpert is not a candidate to replace Jacob? Why would Jacob entrust him to be his greatest ally/messenger but not make him a candidate?
According to Nestor Carbonell (Richard), we'll get those answers. "I can't say much," he tells me, "but clearly they're going to go into depth with that."
Marco in St. George, Utah: Sayid was always my favorite character on Lost. Is it possible we'll get some sort of a happy ending for him?
Not on the island. Sayid is officially soulless—and Lost fans around the world let out a collective cry. Ever since his centric episode, it's clear nothing good will come of Sayid's future, but he soon makes a declaration that seals the deal. Fortunately, evil Un-Locke considers Sayid's inability to feel anything a good thing, saying, "It'll help you get through what's coming." Dun-dun-dun.
source: Kristin
dimanche 28 mars 2010
Yunjin Kim's wedding in Hawaii !

What a sudden announcement: Kim Yun-jin, the 36-year-old actress of U.S. television series Lost and Korean films Harmony and Shiri, will marry on March 28 in Hawaii. The actress released the news with little advance notice, via press release on the afternoon of the 28th (Korean time).
The groom, Mr. Park, is identified as a film producer who is the same age as Kim. She has been in a relationship with Park since 2007 after first meeting in 2002, when he was her manager. They began dating while she wrote her book, The World is Your Drama. Kim described her groom as “a very humorous and considerate person.”
The ceremony will be held on a private beach and attended by a small group of family and friends. Kim is currently filming the sixth season of Lost in Hawaii, so the couple will wait for shooting to end to embark on their honeymoon.
source :
Ryan podcast

Thanks to Demy for the summary.
@waikanea kate, hurley, sawyer. Kate had a blood stain
Kate, Sawyer, Hurley and Jack on the beach. Jack gets a back pack out of the ocean, he talks to Kate/Hurley/Sawyer and then they all follow him
Kate and Jack alone on the beach first they were having a conversation, Jack kneels down and seems he's sewing up Kate's wound (parallel of Kate sewing Jack's up)- Thanks to Franci for this report.
waikiki they rebuilt the flightline motel , it was same Locke's motel. Hurley was around there with his yellow hummer.
rehab hospital scene with Sawyer and Juliet according to a guard there was another scene with Jack and Kate
Police beach Claire, Miles and Lapidus. Claire comes out f the bushes with a rifle
Ajira plane + rain machine Miles and Lapidus were there
Saturday back at the basecamp at nuaanu avenue with Locke, Jin, Sun, Sawyer, Kate, Claire, Desmond and Juliet @ rehab hospital
Kate was dressed in what looks like a hospital gown
Fight scene with Sayid, Sayid jumps on Hurley's yellow hummer at the end Shannon turns out
Rehab hospital (severeal weeks ago) Locke/Hellen/Jack . Jacks goes to see Locke and say to himthat he have to have faith.
source: Ryan
vendredi 26 mars 2010
Video : Vodcast with Nestor Carbonell about episode 6x09
Libellés :
lost season6,
nestor carbonell
Set report on March 23rd

LOST filming at Police Beach on the North Shore on March 23, 2010. Photo courtesy Francesca.

LOST filming near Waikane/Waiahole on March 18, 2010. Photo courtesy Jan.
On the set,Josh and Matt too.

source: Ryan
jeudi 25 mars 2010
From Kristin

Lost's Nestor Carbonell: "There Will Be Major Heartbreak"
Even if you aren't a fan, you've probably heard how amazing last night's Lost was, and that is largely due to one of the best performances we've ever seen on the series television, by one Mr. Nestor Carbonell.
America's favorite guyliner model (but really, he doesn't wear it!) took a break from shooting Lost's series finale to reveal some things I didn't know about Richard, Ben, Michael Emerson's shiner, the finale script that kept him up all night (gaah!) and the "heartbreak" that is coming.
Nothing too spoilery, but it's juicy...
First, on behalf of the fans, you were incredible. This was perhaps the best Lost episode of all time, and Twitter lit up last night with very much deserved Emmy buzz for you.
Oh, thank you. The writers have broken convention in such a great way, in so many ways on this show, and definitely with the characters. I've been so lucky and blessed that I got this part and had it paid off three and a half years later with an episode like this! I'm just very blessed, very lucky.
Yeah, Forget Hurley. You won the lottery with this episode!
[Laughs] I know. Who needs those numbers!?
Did you ever think that you'd be the guy who'd get to be there when we all found out what the Island is?
I had no idea! I never knew it would grow like this. I came to this show auditioning for a great guest star role, and I almost didn't go in because I didn't feel I was ready to go in. But at the last minute I just said, I've got to take a swing at this, it's such a great part, and thankfully I got it. I never knew it would grow like this.
That final scene with Richard and Isabella is one of the most devastatingly beautiful moments we've ever seen on Lost. Is there any chance they could somehow end up together?
Without giving too much away, I can tell you that as soon as I read that script I was certainly wanting some resolution. And I think there will be some element of resolution for Richard. I can't say whether or not he has a chance at Isabella, but I just read the season finale and there has been some resolution for my character in a great way. The writers, yet again, just knocked it out of the park with the series finale. You'll see it as the season progresses, what they've come up with is pretty mind-blowing. I'm definitely very fulfilled not just about my character but with the whole show in general. It's an incredible task and they blew me away with what they come up with.
Lost, Michael Emerson ABC/Mario Perez
We now know that Jacob has been talking to Richard all along. And Ben also thought he was talking to Jacob. Is it safe to assume that Ben was not talking to Jacob all these years? His latest episode seemed to reveal that. And does this explain Ben and Richard's tension toward one another in the past?
It's a really good point, you're right. Michael's such an amazing actor and has flushed out that character so well and has exuded such confidence in the role that at times you think, this guy is Jacob. He may as well be. The irony is that he's not at all. He's like all of us, a pawn in Jacob's game or his experiment. But I'm not revealing anything to say that Ben hasn't been privy to anything Jacob has ever asked him to do. I've always been the conduit to everyone Jacob has tapped. If it was Widmore, if it was Ben, if it was Eloise Hawking, if it was eventually John Locke, no one's really dealt with Jacob directly and that's sort of the way Jacob wanted it.
We heard Michael got a black eye while filming recently. Is he OK?
Michael is fine, it was an accident. I won't say how it happened, I'll let him divulge that if he wants to, but he is just fine. You never know, it's a mystery that maybe he will reveal, but he's doing great.
What can you tell us about the finale?
I got the script late, it was like 10 something at night, and usually I go to bed fairly early because you've got to put the kids, but no, I was up at 12:30, pouring through it, reading pieces of it again. There's a lot of tight security as far as scripts—we all have to be there when they're delivered, but I was really, really, thrilled to get it, and again, just blown away with what they wrote. I'm anxious for people to see it and we're in the process of shooting it now.
Lost, Jorge Garcia ABC/Mario Perez
Jorge Garcia told me people are going to start dropping like flies...
There's going to be major heartbreak, there's going to be some very emotional stuff coming down the pike. But the emotional stuff, the payoff will be great. When you see it, and as I read it, it made complete sense what they were doing, and they're doing it in such a beautiful way, what it needs to be. And again, without giving away too much, I think people will be fulfilled even as they may be crying.
Oh good God. We must discuss below...And anyone care to join me in my Give Nestor Carbonell an Emmy campaign?
source: Kristin
Photos : 2 new group promo pics in MQ+
When i saw pics of the cast i thought, group pic will arrive, if i've bet, i could have win lol
Can be used for a banner on blog lol

Can be used for a banner on blog lol

mercredi 24 mars 2010
Photos : 35 additional promo pics for episode 6x09 in MQ+
Libellés :
lost season6,
promotional photo,
richard alpert
Photos : promo pics episode 6x10 in MQ+
Update 09:31PM : all promo pics of the episode added on the gallery epi 610
here fews promo pics for next episode, more coming soon ;)
"The Package" - Sun and Jin desperately continue their search for one another, and Locke confronts his enemy, on "Lost," TUESDAY, MARCH 30 (9:00-10:02 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.
"Lost" stars Naveen Andrews as Sayid, Nestor Carbonell as Richard Alpert, Emilie de Ravin as Claire, Michael Emerson as Ben, Jeff Fahey as Frank Lapidus, Matthew Fox as Jack, Jorge Garcia as Hurley, Josh Holloway as Sawyer, Daniel Dae Kim as Jin, Yunjin Kim as Sun, Ken Leung as Miles, Evangeline Lilly as Kate, Terry O'Quinn as Locke and Zuleikha Robinson as Ilana.
Guest starring are Alan Dale as Charles Widmore, Kevin Durand as Keamy, Anthony Azizi as Omar, Andrew Divoff as Mikhail Bakunin, Sheila Kelley as Zoe, Fred Koehler as Seamus, Chad Donella as desk clerk, Natalie Garcia Fryman as Ms. Kendall and Larry Joshua as Burditt.
"The Package" was written by Paul Zbyszewski & Graham Roland and directed by Paul Edwards.

here fews promo pics for next episode, more coming soon ;)
"The Package" - Sun and Jin desperately continue their search for one another, and Locke confronts his enemy, on "Lost," TUESDAY, MARCH 30 (9:00-10:02 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.
"Lost" stars Naveen Andrews as Sayid, Nestor Carbonell as Richard Alpert, Emilie de Ravin as Claire, Michael Emerson as Ben, Jeff Fahey as Frank Lapidus, Matthew Fox as Jack, Jorge Garcia as Hurley, Josh Holloway as Sawyer, Daniel Dae Kim as Jin, Yunjin Kim as Sun, Ken Leung as Miles, Evangeline Lilly as Kate, Terry O'Quinn as Locke and Zuleikha Robinson as Ilana.
Guest starring are Alan Dale as Charles Widmore, Kevin Durand as Keamy, Anthony Azizi as Omar, Andrew Divoff as Mikhail Bakunin, Sheila Kelley as Zoe, Fred Koehler as Seamus, Chad Donella as desk clerk, Natalie Garcia Fryman as Ms. Kendall and Larry Joshua as Burditt.
"The Package" was written by Paul Zbyszewski & Graham Roland and directed by Paul Edwards.

Libellés :
lost season6,
promotional photo,
sun jin
From Kristin

-There's a reveal about Jin and Sun that will shock you. They are *o* *a*****!
-We'll see Daniel Dae Kim shirtless. (You're welcome, Josh Holloway, who lobbied for that. And you're welcome, world.)
-Fake Locke reveals what they need to leave the island.
-We learn that a female Lostie is "expendable."
-There will be a "package."
source: Kristin
mardi 23 mars 2010
Photos : 50 new promo pics of the cast in MQ+
wow what a surprise to see all those new promo pic by ABC let's enjoy it ! and just 'cause i wanted it on the first set, i'm very happy kate got the cage background :) thanks ABC :)
don't miss LOST tonight guys !

all promo pics here : the gallery
don't miss LOST tonight guys !

all promo pics here : the gallery
Libellés :
promotional photo,
richard alpert,
sun jin
Zuleikha Robinson Interview

Lost’s Zuleikha Robinson on Ilana’s Origins
Tonight's Richard Alpert–centric episode of Lost, "Ab Aeterno," has been long anticipated by Lost fans and cosmetologists alike, as it promises to reveal the secrets of both his immortality and never-aging features. Also a big part of tonight's show, though, is Zuleikha Robinson, who plays Ilana, the island's mysterious Jacob-serving protector of stranded candidates. We spoke with Robinson about Ilana's last name and why she didn't kill Ben.
You've been on Rome and The X-Files, now you're on Lost. Is it in your contract that you'll only appear in cult hits?
No, I guess I just got lucky with those. It's been awhile, though, since The X-Files, so I think Lost was due.
When you made your debut in season five, did you know you were going to be promoted to a full-time cast member for season six?
When I booked the role there was a deal that the second year I'd be a regular. I mean, I wasn't 100 percent sure until they officially gave me the pickup date. But I had an idea.
How well did you know the show before joining the cast?
Not that well. And just because I tend not to watch television — and especially not a show that has such a huge following, because you spend so much time watching the show and not doing much else. But all my friends were such huge fans and would have Lost parties every week. I think I purposely avoided it. But when I booked the role I watched the third season and immediately, yeah, it's so compelling. I completely understand why it's so huge.
In a clip for tonight's Richard Alpert–themed episode, "Ab Aeterno," we finally learn the favor that Jacob asks of Ilana in the hospital: to protect the candidates. Of all the candidates, why Sayid? He seems the most tricky.
Yeah, I don't really know. All I can say is there's a group of people my character's protecting ... and we're still waiting to find out what that is.
At some point will we find out why she was in a Russian hospital?
Yeah, it is explained, actually, why I was in the hospital. The audience will definitely get an answer for that.
In the second clip, Ilana, Jack, Hurley, Frank, and Sun are sitting around a campfire talking about being candidates. Jack asks you what they are supposed to do now. Ilana responds with a not-very-reassuring, "I don't know."
Yeah. [Laughs.] "The shit's about to hit the fan and we're all screwed." She was educated as to what to do up to a point and once she experienced everything and took them along the journey she was supposed to take them on, she's kind of spent and she doesn't know what else to do.
Ilana does seem to know her way around the island.
When I first got the role, I definitely wondered if I'd been there before. But, so far, it seems I've been educated because of my job — as far as protecting the candidates goes — like what lies around the island and where things are, stuff like that.
Ilana has an interesting way of "protecting" people.
Why? Because I take [Sayid] down and pull him on a plane? Yeah, well, definitely. I'm supposed to bring him to the island for something or other. Whether or not we find out what that is, I have yet to find out. Oh, this show ...
In comparison to the other characters, where would you rate Ilana on the "mysterious" scale?
If mysterious is a ten, I'd say a ten. We've only gotten little bits here, and they're about what her deal is. Maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit, maybe more like an eight. Being the new character on the show, people know the least about me.
That's true. We don't even know her last name. Does she have one? Is she like Madonna?
I think she's kind of like Madonna. The scene where I took Sayid to the airport and I flashed a badge, my name on it was ... It wasn't even Ilana, it was something else. I think it was Mary or something. But I don't know what that is, it was obviously a made-up name because I don't go by that in the show. But, yeah, no last name. Oh ... That's not true! That's not true! That's so not true, I just remembered ... There is a last name and that comes in one of the other episodes.
Glad you remembered. Now it will be disappointing if it's Smith or Jones.
No, it's not. It's Radzinsky, or something like that.
Really? Did you just make that up?
No, no. I think that's what it was.
Click on the link to read the rest of the interview.
source: NyMag
Hurley Bobble Head Available for Pre-Order

Lost Hugo Hurley Reyes Bobble Head:
* Sweet and lovable Hugo “Hurley” Reyes.
* Bobble head out of the Lost TV series.
* Superb, series-accurate detail!
Sweet and lovable Hugo “Hurley” Reyes is presented in this fantastic bobble head. He stands 7-inches tall, is finely crafted of resin, and features superb detail that's accurate to the hit Lost TV series and typical of the wobblers in this series!
Via Entertainment Earth
From Kristin

David Park: Please tell me Desmond will get a chance to shine at least once in the last season of Lost! Where is he?
He will. You just wait. I can't really say much about it because it makes me so giddy (like butterflies coming out my nose giddy), but suffice it to say that all that lovey-dovey "Constant" stuff will be back. And you who love Lost's awesome emotional storylines will be very happy as the season progresses. In the meantime, we have this week's amazing Richard Alpert (Richard Carbonell) episode, in which you learn the four-letter-word that is used to describe the island. Make sure you come back to this section for my Lost Redux tomorrow night, 'cause we will have much to discuss!
Tim in Cookeville, Tenn.: We've seen Boone and Charlie, and there's been talk of other "dead" characters returning on Lost, but I've yet to see anyone address the most burning "returning character" issue of all: Will see Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje returning as Mr. Eko before the end?
Sadly, no. I'm told that he's the one character producers would have loved to have had on until the very end (and at the end), but way too much drama behind the scenes to make that happen. You've probably already heard, but Adewale did not want to be on the show any longer, and I hear things did not end well. So sad because Eko was amazing. On the upside, I can tell you that there will be at least one more returning character who has not yet been announced, and he's pretty major. Guesses?
source: Kristin
lundi 22 mars 2010
Sheila Kelly Interview

Exclusive: Lost's New Character Reveals All
It's hard not to be envious of Sheila Kelley. For one thing, she's calling from the Lost set in Hawaii. For another thing, she's calling from the Lost set in Hawaii. The good news? The 48-year-old actress -- who's married to actor Richard Schiff and has two kids -- is ready to deliver the goods about her role as mysterious Zoe on the almost-over ABC hit (Tuesdays, 9 PM) to Let the micro-analyzing begin!
Us: You're currently filming the second-to-last episode. What's the vibe on the set, considering that the end is near?
It's very...impending. Everybody feels like there is something coming. Like, this will lead to better things. There's a little sadness as well. I was on L.A. Law for five years, and my husband was on The West Wing for seven years. I know this is a huge transition for everybody. So you can feel that uncertainty. Like the last week of high school!
See what your favorite Lost stars looked like before they hit the small screen!
Us: So who's the homecoming king of the cast?
That's got to be Matthew Fox. And Josh Holloway is the bad boy. I have crushes on all them. I have never been around more attractive men in my life.
See more hot TV hunks!
Us: Was it weird being the new girl?
It feels like Sandy in Grease. I came to a very well-established set. It was a little nerve-racking, but the character that was written was so intriguing and multi-faceted and a little bad ass. That made things easier. I've had an amazing time. These are such open-hearted people.
Us: What else can you tell Us about your character, Zoe? Other than the fact that she wears glasses.
She is Charles Widmore's right hand. She does all his dirty work. But she has her own strategy and agenda as well. In one script, I'm going in one direction. In another script, I'm going 180 degrees the other way.
Us: That's not enough information. What else you got?
She is looking for someone on the island.
Us: Anything else?
Maybe this will make sense to you: This beautiful journey of this entire show, between good and evil, between science and faith, lies within Zoe. After I got the role, one of the first things I did was look look up what the name meant because there is so much mythology to everything. And I learned that "Zoe" is Greek and it means life.
Us: Give a cryptic clue that means nothing right now yet means everything in the long run.
Ok. Here is Zoe's clue: Zoe has the answer. Zoe knows. That's as good as it's going to get.
Us: Have you seen the final script yet?
I've seen it, but I haven't read it. I'd held the pages. It's red. My name is on every single page of it. I feel like I won the lottery! But the producers are very protective. And I totally respect that. After all, what is left in the world that is new and that exciting for people?
source: UsMagazine
dimanche 21 mars 2010
Ryan's podcast

Some filming stuff for episode 15.They set up a set at a waterhole, with a pipe to make it look like power lines generators and some kind of water opening.
Bamboo thicket,Jacob and MIB scene.Jacob having the Mib in a head lock dragging him through the jungle.
Kate and Sawyer walking into the lagoon together
Kate/Sawyer,Jack,HurleyFrank and maybe someone else on the Elizabeth that go out into the sea.There's a serious conversation between Jack and Sawyer.
There was a pregnant woman with black hair limping away from the beach.There was a young boy,possibly MIB,and he found a silver box box in the surf.
Young Jacob and young Mib playing backgammon woman from above in a coral/orange dress calls them.
Submarine scenes.Sub flooding and sinking. Kate gets knocked about. Desmond is there. Desmond tries and fails to save ana lucia's life? I really didn't get this part.
Jack and Widmore in the Sideways,but it's possible that Claire and David were there too.
Ben/Locke school.Desmond beats up Ben.Infirmary scene with an unknown woman.Maybe Alex?Locke was there too.Ben,Alex,Danielle scene where he meets her.Ben and Flocke conversation.Richard looks around nervously and it looks like he has been attacked by the smoke monster.
Jack/Flocke scene.Another scene with Flocke and Claire,she resists but she goes with him.
Lots of debris on shore.Jack,Kate and Hurley sitting on crates looking out the sea.Jack and Kate lying on the bank,but she's listening to her Ipod so I guess it's between the takes.
Jack,Hurley,Sawyer and Kate scene,but no details.
Another scene with Hurley and Jacob.
Michelle Rodriguez will be part of an episode.It's confirmed.
source: Ryan
vendredi 19 mars 2010
TV guide article : TOP moment of the week

8. Best Surprise: On Lost, we learn that con man Sawyer has a different job in the alternate timeline: He's a cop! A familiar-looking scene, involving a just-bedded hottie and a suitcase full of cash, is actually an LAPD sting op. (Nice touch: His code word is "LaFleur.")
source : tv guide
jeudi 18 mars 2010
Photos : additionnal promo pics for episode 6x08

here additional promo pics for Recon ! Let's enjoy more of our sexy Sawyer and also some nice pics of Rebecca Mader (I missed Charlotte and she rocked on the episode!)and Crazy Claire Bear and Kate !
more pics at gallery epi 6x08
Videos spoilers : 4 Soundbites with Nestor Carbonell
Nestor talks about his centric in those soundbites.
Libellés :
lost season6,
nestor carbonell,
richard alpert,
From Ausiello

Question: I keep hearing about this groundbreaking 15th episode of Lost that features none of the series regulars. Can you spill any dirt on why that might be? —Brittany
Ausiello: It’s not completely accurate to say there are no series regulars in it. It would be more accurate to say it’s really light on series regulars. As far as why, let’s just say it’s a big mythology episode and leave it at that.
source: Ausiello
mercredi 17 mars 2010
Photos : Promo pics episode 6x09

here only 5 promo pics for next week, very intriguing and this Richard's centric !
"Ab Aeterno" - Richard Alpert faces a difficult choice, on "Lost," TUESDAY, MARCH 23 (9:00-10:06 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.
"Lost" stars Naveen Andrews as Sayid, Nestor Carbonell as Richard Alpert, Emilie de Ravin as Claire, Michael Emerson as Ben, Jeff Fahey as Frank Lapidus, Matthew Fox as Jack, Jorge Garcia as Hurley, Josh Holloway as Sawyer, Daniel Dae Kim as Jin, Yunjin Kim as Sun, Ken Leung as Miles, Evangeline Lilly as Kate, Terry O'Quinn as Locke and Zuleikha Robinson as Ilana.
Guest starring are Mark Pellegrino as Jacob, Titus Welliver as man in black, Mirelly Taylor as Isabella, Steven Elder as Jonas Whitfield, Juan Carlos Cantu as Father Suarez, Jose Yenque as doctor, Izzy Diaz as Ignacio, Davo Coria as servant, Santiago Montone as prisoner and Sonya Masinovsky as Russian nurse.
"Ab Aeterno" was written by Melinda Hsu Taylor & Greggory Nations and directed by Tucker Gates.

others here : gallery epi 6x09
From Kristin

What the Island Is: For a couple weeks now, I've been teasing that a four-letter word will be used to describe the island. It has an O, and no A's or E's. Your final clue is this: You'll learn that word next week! Episode number nine is Richard Alpert's (Nestor Carbonell) backstory and it is not to be missed.
What else you need to know (Spoilers ahead!):
Spoiler: hide
-Someone we have not yet met will have an important message for Hurley next week.
-Fake Locke is going to tell Jin how he plans to get off the island, and it's pretty juicy!
-There is a "package" up ahead that might be the most butterfly-inducing reveal so far this season.
-In case you missed it, here's my sitdown with Rebecca Mader (Charlotte), who looked stunning tonight, did she not?
source: Kristin
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