Before to go to work, news spoilers, but sigh, i hoped something new...
Lynn: I'm dying for some solid Lost scoop! Specifically about the Left Behinds, is there anything can you give me?! They're going to make us sweat out the fate of Jin. We won't see him at all for the first three episodes, and it's not until episodes four and five that we'll really understand what happened to him when the freighter exploded. I am actually slightly concerned that he's dead and just hanging out on the Island in tangible-ghost form à la Jack's dad. And if that's the case, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, I am coming for you.
Rebecca in Ipswich, Mass: I'm dying for Lost! Me, too, and hey, this just in (literally as I was hitting the button to publish this): I'm now hearing from sources that Jin will be found Leo DiCaprio-in-Titanic style, floating on a door. Alive or dead? We shall see! Place your bets below. (And personally, I'm grateful at the moment that the Island's waters don't seem too frigid.)
very interesting article with spoilers for new season with clue about the island stuff too hmm i guess we can expected to be lost with season 5 lol *****
"I'm lost!" actor Doug Hutchison revealed with a laugh in an interview with SCIFI WIRE, referring to the return of his character, Horace Goodspeed, to ABC's SF series Lost in the upcoming fifth season for at least a four-episode arc.
Hutchison will reprise the role of the hippie Dharma Initiative member, who was apparently killed in an earlier season. He begins shooting sometime in the next two weeks.
Hutchison--a genre fan fave as Victor Tooms on The X-Files and as Loony Bin Jim in the upcoming Punisher: War Zone movie--admitted that prior to the offer to appear on Lost during season three, he'd never seen the show.
"I never really got into Lost," Hutchison said. "I never knew what it was about. I didn't understand it. The only thing I understood was that it was insanely popular with its fans. But my agents called me and said, 'They're really interested in you at Lost for this particular role.' I don't even remember what the role was, but it was a flashback, and that was it. It was basically one flashback in this episode, and, not having seen the show, I just made this silly assumption that this character and this flashback was finite."
Hutchison added: "So I really wasn't interested in just going to do one flashback in Lost, no matter how popular it was. On top of it, they wanted me to go and audition for this, because it's a huge show. Now, mind you, I'm not beyond auditioning at all. I've gone in to fight for roles that I love on television or movies or whatever. But it's got to be something I really want, that I'm really passionate about, for me to go in and try to fight for it. So I passed. I told my agents, 'I pass.' And they were not pleased. They were like, 'This is Lost. You don't understand.'"
Eventually, the Lost producers dropped the need for an audition and made a straight offer--the lure of 10 days in Hawaii won out, and Hutchison's portrayal of the easygoing hippie immediately stood out. "He's part of the Dharma Initiative," Hutchison explained. "He's this cool, weed-smoking sort of just laid-back throwback to the '60s. He's this cat who has flashbacks from the '60s to the '70s, all the way up to the '90s, and he's an integral part of the role of Ben [Michael Emerson] on the show and how Ben got started, because he knew him when Ben was a little boy."
Goodspeed was introduced, and died, within one episode. "So imagine my surprise when this past season, I get a call from my agents [saying], 'They want you again on Lost,'" Hutchison said. "I said, 'Well, wait a minute. Are these more flashbacks?' They said, 'No. It's current.' I said, 'I'm dead!' And they said, 'Yeah, well it's Lost.'"
"I got the script, and sure enough, now Horace Goodspeed…I don't know," Hutchison added. "I don't know what's going on. Nobody knows what's going on on that island, but I'm either a ghost or a memory, a figment of one's imagination or a piece of the island. I could be I'm conjured by the island. I shot that out in a day, and now I got a call from my agent about a month ago saying, 'Lost would like to have you do at least four episodes for this coming season, pending your availability.' I don't know what they have up their sleeve. I'm lost!"
All Hutchison really knows is, Goodspeed will be "resurrected in some incarnation."
As for other characters returning for season five, it's been leaked through various sources that Jin (Daniel Dae Kim) will be back, as will Ana-Lucia (Michelle Rodriguez). Emilie de Ravin is rumored to be back for season six.
Hutchison will next appear in a supernatural Western called The Burrowers (currently making the film festival circuit) and as a comic-book villain in Punisher: War Zone (Dec. 5). He is also the producer and creator of a new Web series called Vampire Killers!, which is set to debut on Oct. 1. Lost returns with new episodes in February 2009.
today i bought tv programm for my mum and i looked it during my lunch at work and OHHHH surprise, article about dubs for tv show ! as you can see they put women of dh, dr house for house, meredith and derek for GA seem for them the lost couple is skate lol
I thought it was a good idea since people come here, you can speak in english or others languages just don't put spoilers here, think to people who don't want to learn about it ok ? ;) enjoy :)
again and again lol guess lost is back for real, so many news since fews days, i'm so happy, i really missed to do update and write SPOILERS :) enjoy !! kiss lyly
The scene he was in was filmed at the Sheraton Waikiki in Honolulu on th 31st floor penthouse suite. I cannot divulge any info so don't try to twist my arm :)
Magoo's shot is of him sitting at a table eating. Well, all the food had been there for AWHILE and was cold/soggy/icky. He was supposed to eat french fries dipped in ketchup. The assistant director told me what he wanted him to do and I explained to Magoo. They set the shot and yelled rolling.....action! Not 3 seconds in Magoo is shouting across the room that the fries are cold! ACK!!! Ok, no worries. I tell him it is okay, just pretend, yadda yadda yadda. Take 2-rolling....action! About 7 seconds in "I can't reach the milk!" I'm thinking they are gonna kick us out?! Ms. Lilly (did I mention how WONDERFUL she is?!) went right over and adjusted the table so he could reach the milk. Okay, try again Take-3 rolling.....action! UGH, one of the extras messed something up and Magoo got it right! On Take-4 I told the AD that Magoo might do better if he could eat the watermelon that was on the plate. The AD said as long as he doesn't talk he can eat whatever he wants, LOL! So, he ate watermelon, everyone hit their marks and it was done! Apparently it was okay that it took us 4 tries to get the scene done because they called us back for 2 more days next!!!
yes yes in late again but i'll do more update this week end^^
I work at a building on Bishop Square downtown, and as I was driving into work this morning (09/24/08) I noticed film crews at the corner of King and Alakea. As I drove by I saw Jack's truck parked on one side of the street, and Kate's Volvo on the other side. Evangeline Lilly was sitting in her car, and Fox was standing next to the truck as traffic was let through. I parked my car really quick in my garage, and ran down to walk by the filming. Essentially, Jack was parking his truck, got out and walked over to Kate parked across the street. I took some shots (attached), but they were from my camera phone, so they aren't the best, sorry. But you can definitely make out Jack's truck and Kate's car, and in the forth picture you can see Jack (between the trees with his head turned).
It’s been a busy few days for the “LOST” crew. This morning, they turned up in the heart of downtown Honolulu, taking over Alakea Street near South King St. — an immensely busy intersection. On the scene were Matthew Fox and Evangeline Lilly, and their respective cars (the classic Ford Bronco and the stylish silver Volvo).
Jack gets out of his truck and crosses the street to Kate, sitting in her car. He kneels at her window, and they have a long conversation. Suddenly, Jack rises to his feet, and after a few more words, darts around the front of her car and jumps in the passenger seat. The pair then speed away.
Later in the day they moved everything up the street, and up 16 floors, inside 1100 Alakea Plaza. No clue what was filmed behind closed doors, but at least one tenant thinks they saw Michael Emerson.
More photos from this shoot here, and a video here. Special thanks to Brian, Kelly, and Howard for their tips!
Yesterday, “LOST” was running two units at disparate location shoots.
First, they took over the Pacific Marina Inn off Lagoon Drive, right in the flight path of Honolulu International Airport.
It was a rainy morning, but they brought their rain trucks anyway, allowing them to conjure a downpour on cue. It was another Jack and Kate scene, but mum’s the word on what happens at this motel… or where the motel’s located.
Meanwhile, on Queen Street, they filmed at the Honolulu Brewing and Malting Company building.
This distinctive, historic red brick building previously hosted “LOST” as the loft Charlie shared with his brother Liam, but I’m pretty sure the structure was playing another time and place. A green screen was set up on the sidewalk fronting the building, which means the scene could’ve been anywhere. My guess? London.
OMG i wish i could be in this shop lol anyway enjoy thanks amel for finding this one, love you my sweetie friend *hug* god i wish they could an advert TOGETHER please people put a little message here ! lyly cool water campaign !
I told you it's really big i'm still in shock lol read it or not it's your choice, i'm spoilers addict and we're in hiatus so it's normal that i read it lol andy blog BIG SPOILERS
- College campus scene in winter, contemporary, Oxford? - Names from various sightings at very active Kualoa shoots. - Medical scene with new female names and Mattingly (Yankees shoutout). Clinic or institution? - Strong hints of a Desmond/Penny baby. Seemed a guess at Phillipines shoot last week, but other clues now, including (not mentioned on podcast) casting for very young baby, Caucasian," dark hair okay, not Aaron." - Butcher shop but no Dominic? Same day as Ana Lucia shoot?
Question: All these years with your damn puzzles! I have a little puzzle for you to figure out, Mr. Ausiello: S**rf*s bl*w! Good luck with that one. -- Kyle Ausiello: Smurfs blow! Wow, that was F-U-N. Now I'll return the favor with another one of my phenomenally successful multiple choice quizzes, this time pertaining to the fate of a certain MIA island on Lost. We will come to learn that one of the following is true in Lost's fifth season premiere. A. The Island moved forward in time. B. The Island moved backward in time. C. The Island did not move in time, but it did move in space -- to another location on the planet. D. The Island did not move in time or space -- it's still there, but Dharma tech renders it invisible to the naked eye.
Question: Thanks for the interview with Emilie de Ravin, but do you know for sure that Claire will be back for Lost's sixth and final season? I'm suspicious. -- Devon Ausiello: I was too, but then I asked executive producer Carlton Cuse and he put my mind at ease. "Claire is a wonderful part of the show and the audience can rest assured that they will see [her] again on Lost," Cuse told me Sunday night at the Governors Ball. "It's just all part of Damon and my grand plan for how the story is going to be best told. And we don't want someone to be on the show and not be serviced well. The story that we're telling this year is going in some other directions, but we'll circle back around to include Emilie we think in a very exciting way."
I have some nice exclusive spoilers for you all today from one of my new sources called Kronos and deals with the recent Desmond, Penny and Ben filming.
1) For this episode there are no main flashbacks or flashforwards, and it is very linear like a normal television episode. 2) Desmond and Penny have been flying under the radar for awhile and they're having a kid. 3) They move around every few months and in this episode they are in a city named Mati. 4) Ben is hot on their trail. 5) Ben Tortures someone from the Widmore Group 6) We find out that there are a handful of Dharma stations located throughout the world. They are not just on the island.
11 Things I Learned about TV and TV Stars at the Pre-Emmy Parties At the Entertainment Weekly/Revlon pre-Emmy party in Beverly Hills, Daniel Dae Kim spilled a little tidbit about the "very bad things" that supposedly happened to the Left Behinds after the Oceanic Six were rescued: "There are definitely consequences to moving the Island. There are some that will pay a heavy price. Some people will suffer physically, some will suffer psychologically..." And at the HBO Luxury Lounge at the Four Seasons Hotel, Jorge Garcia dished that when he got the first scripts for season five he was "shocked" and that Hurley has some big changes in store this season...
************* Petra in Yakima, Wash.: Can you tell me any more about the nature of Ben's plan on Lost? That's just what I asked Evangeline Lilly yesterday at the Emmys, and she told me, "Hmmm? Is Ben's plan's coming together? Is Ben's plan comprehensible is the question? Can anyone make sense of Benjamin Linus?" Ah, sounds like a classic Lost brainteaser! I also ran into Michael Emerson at the HBO party (he and his wife Carrie Preston are an adorable couple BTW) and asked him how Ben was going to get everyone to go along, and he said, "Oh, it's not a question of why they should go along, it's a question of do they want to survive." In the words of the great thinker Shaggy: Zoinks!
******* Speaking of tight sets on lock down -- like that transition? -- Jorge Garcia broke the radio silence and gave me some Lost scoop: "I've read up to script four at this point. But script one blew my mind. It's really, really crazy. It starts right where we left off. Hurley is right where Sayid picked him up in the mental institution. We see what happens to the island in that first episode and it's pretty insane. I was just like, wait a minute, what was that again? I'm still just trying to wrap my head around it." Jorge said getting the Oceanic 6 back to the island is a major theme this year, but he's more curious about how the whole power struggle between Widmore and Ben Linus is going to pan out: "There was some really cool stuff that came out in this last episode [four]. Actually, there's a great reveal in the third one too. Two was pretty fun, but there's something in the fourth that's really cool. Also, I get to wear something in episode four that I'm very excited about."
As for changes to the show in season five, Jorge said it's tricky to categorize the episodes as 'anybody centric': "It's not as clear cut as it's been in the past. We don't have the moments where someone stares off into space and then we cut to something that happened in their previous life. They've gone in a slightly different direction as far as how they're telling the story and they're definitely trying to show what's going on with more people in every given episode."
Lilly Evangeline Lilly, who was running around the carpet looking for her girlfriends, Elizabeth Mitchell and Yunjin Kim, agreed: "It's a whole new format. And all the original characters are revolutionized, so what you're used to watching in Kate, Jack, Sawyer, Hurley, Sayid, and even Sun who's been steady since season one, is [out the window]. We're all brand new people. It's very exciting to sort of act a new character and not the same thing over and over again."
Emerson_preston Unfortunately for Michael Emerson -- who walked the carpet with wife Carrie Preston, whom you may recognize from True Blood -- he hasn't been doing much acting at all as of late: "I honestly haven't worked that much so far [in the first four episodes]. You won't see a lot of me early on [in the season]. I think they're saving up something terrible for me to do here pretty soon." On the subject of what we can expect, Michael said that while getting back to the island seems to be one of the plot lines, they're still not sure why they have to do that. But they are determined nonetheless. He also said he is surprised by the amazing amount of mobility in season five: "We're all over the place. It's a real ride now. You know, every season, Lost ramps it up a notch, they always add some new device, some new convention. And I think, as time goes by, the show gets a little more fragmented, a little more of a puzzle." Oh, perfect...