5x03 : Locke and Richard
Me and my wife watched as both Terry O'quinn and Nestor Carbonell ran from armed men. This was episode 5.03 according to the crew. Someone on set said that the scene they filmed previously was the set up to the shooting and chase and that involved Locke and Alpert running across the island to a rock formation with a square in it from a previous season. The guard said the Alpert character retrieves some sort of device on the way to the rock formation and he uses this device along with the rock formation with the hole in it to discover what year it is. Can you tell me what season this rock formation is in because we are clueless about that?
Source: JD@DarkUFO
I'm not sure which episode they were filming this week but a friend of mine who works at Waimea Falls Park told me this story about the filming going on there this week.
She saw Locke in a big banyan tree. He was in some type of stunt harness and was up in the tree facing the tree trunk. It looked like he was trying to climb the tree. And here's the good part...he gets shot in his upper thigh. She saw Locke's stunt double get into the harness at some point too.
Nestor Carbonal was on set too but she couldn't verify that he did the shooting.
Also, there was a small Cessna type crashed plane at the same set very close by.
Source: HaleiwaDiva@LostTV Forum
SPOILER ALERT! Updated Sept. 3 at 7:24 a.m. HST. The “LOST” production crew was hard at work the day after Labor Day, spotted on opposite ends of the island. At least two units were filming today, one in Waikiki and the other on the North Shore.
This morning, I was directed into Waikiki, where workers were just setting up for a shoot at King Kalakaua Plaza. Under it, to be precise, in the parking garage for Niketown and Banana Republic.
And sitting in the corner, waiting for its cue, was Dr. Jack Shephard’s trusty steed, the old Ford Bronco.

But that’s not all. My wife Jen and I happened to have dinner last night with Dustin and Elvee, visiting “LOST” fans we first met at Comic Con in San Diego. And they just happened to be headed out to the North Shore today.
I encouraged them to stop by the beach set at Papailoa, a.k.a. Police Beach, as I’d heard there’d been some goings on lately. And sure enough, “LOST” was filming there today, too.
Says Dustin:
“Saw Sawyer, Rose, Bernard, Juliet, Miles and Charlotte. First scene we saw had Sawyer, Bernard, Rose, and Juliet. They appeared to be having a conversation in the jungle. Second scene had Charlotte and Miles, going back to camp. We watched for about 90 minutes. According to one of the crew, it was for Episode 5×01.”
I also heard from Carole from Chicago, who sends this report:
We went out and saw them filming a scene with Elizabeth Mitchell and Josh Holloway. We also saw Vincent the dog! The scene had Sawyer, shirtless and in jeans, talking to Juliette. We also think they may have been shooting with “Rose” as well, as when we were walking by, we heard someone ask if Rose was ready and miked up… When we made our way back, security for the property saw us and then walked us through a wooded trail back to our car — because if we would have went back via the beach, we would have been in the shot. As we walked through the woods, we saw some tent-like structures that were probably used at some point for filming. Because we didn’t want to get into trouble, I only snapped photos from far away. I did get a good one of Vincent though!

source : ryan blog
2 commentaires:
im your favorite reader here!
what happened to the other one?
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