there is SOME spoilers in those reviews,i didn't read all but i thought it could be cool to post it for you guys :)
enjoy !
"Lost" doesn't lose a step when it returns this month to ABC. After a revitalized season last year, the intricately plotted series shows no signs of returning to the random or cryptic-for-cryptic's-sake episodes that once plagued it.
I've seen the first two episodes of season five, and all I can say is "Hold on tight." Here are 5 reasons you need to check it out.
1. If you thought the flashbacks, then flash-forwards, of year's past were fun, you're going to really enjoy this season, as the first episode shows scenes from at least three time periods. (And if you found all the time jumps tiresome before, stick these out. You don't have to keep everything straight all the time to still enjoy what's happening.) Time seems to be theme this season. Daniel Farady's past (and his journal) play a key role. And we also learn that Ben's plans have a deadline.
2. Almost everybody gets to reveal new layers to their characters. Without Jack, Sawyer has to pick up some extra responsibility on the island. Kate, so strong on the island, is living in fear back in the real world. And, best of all, Sun continues her corporate ice queen routine as she reveals her intentions to Mr. Widmore.
3. Answers, answers, answers. Now that this show only has a few seasons left, it's not afraid to dish out real answers in almost every episode that bring us tantalizingly closer to learning what the bloody hell Ben is talking about all the time.That big wheel Ben turned last season? You'll learn more about what it is. Why the Oceanic 6 need to get back to the island? A bit more about that too. Ben still answers some questions with questions, but that's just Ben. Overall, this mystery is revealing itself bit by satisfying bit.
4. These first two episodes of season five might the best Hurley episodes ever. Hurley has always been more than just comic relief on this show, but we usually had to wait for Hurley-centric episodes for him to get the spotlight and show some depth. Otherwise, he was just there to quip "dude" once in a while or be other characters' foil. But seeing Hurley, now teamed with Sayid and freshly sprung from a mental institution, try to live on the lam and still keep his mind intact was the highlight of these first two episodes. Plus, his hallucinations make for some great returning guests.
5. The fact that Hurley got some great screen time without this being a "Hurley episode" marks what I hope will be a new trend this season -- ensemble filled episodes. Neither of the first two episodes focused on one character over another. And while I'm sure we'll have some more of those episode sin the future (they have their upsides, too), I love me a good ensemble, and "Lost" has one of the best. If the writers can keep finding ways to spread the love around while still keeping the show's pulse beating strong, I'll keep coming back for every Dharma-loving episode.
What are you most looking forward to in next Wednesday's season premiere?
source :http://blogs.starnewsonline.com
THE big secret of "Lost" is finally out.
After four years, the mystery of "Lost" is revealed in the first few minutes of this season's much-anticipated fifth season debut, Jan. 19.
If you think you already know too much about what's in store, stop reading now.
At bottom, "Lost" is about time travel. That is what rescued the show last season from two seasons of go-nowhere stories.
VIDEO: Watch the newest 'Lost' promo
The stories began to flash forward - and the focus moved past the romantic triangle of Jack, Sawyer and Kate.
The upcoming revelation will lay to rest years of Internet wrangling and instantly settle about a million fevered questions between dedicated fans about what the heck has been going on this whole time.
Without revealing details, the remote island so integral to the lives of the castaways is home to what a very important scientist on the show calls "virtually unlimited power." And the "power" has been harnessed, quite haphazardly, for time travel.
"You have no idea how difficult it would be for me to explain this phenomenon to a quantum physicist," well-meaning super-scientist Daniel tells Sawyer, the island's loveable marooned scoundrel who has remained unhappily confused and shirtless since last season.
Time travel this season appears to have replaced flashbacks and flash-forwards.
Instead, while watching memories of the past or events in the future, chunks of the entire cast are sent skipping through time, like a needle on a vinyl record.
Of course, since this is "Lost," even with the big reveal out in the open, there are only a million other questions left unanswered. (After all, the show still has two years before its agreed-upon finale.)
For now, the story seems to have turned on itself. For at least part of the new season, the folks on the island don't know where or - more specifically, when - they are.
The action jumps between the handful of people who escaped the island last season, only to find themselves much worse off for leaving, and their friends who are still trapped on the time-warping island.
Like the classic 1937 Frank Capra film, "Lost Horizon," the cast of "Lost" finds itself struggling to get back and set things right.
source : http://www.nypost.com
Herc’s Seen The First Two Hours Of LOST’s Almost-Last Season!!
I am – Hercules!!
The screener begins with a warning: Don't give away the major plot twists of the first two hours of “Lost’s” fifth season (airing Jan. 21). This proves limiting.
A few notes:
* The season begins (again) with an awakening and a record-player. And twitchy scientist Daniel Faraday will very soon throw a little meta-illumination on why producers like to begin season openers with that device.
* This line is uttered in the first season-five teaser: “We went through six carbon drill-bits and the last one just fried.”
* The flashbacks and flashforwards are gone and, I’m guessing (and hoping), gone for good. The show now moves freely between players, back and forward in time, no longer tied to one particular character for the length of an episode.
* The first hour is a corker, aggressively advancing the story in all kinds of directions.
* By far the most intriguing developments in the first two hours occur on the island. The second hour feels like a bit of a time-killer, focused on creating an obstacle that will keep The Oceanic Six from getting back to the island too soon.
* The most interesting part of the second hour may be something Ben says as he directs Jack to pack his suitcase.
* If you’ve been wondering if showrunner Carlton Cuse was just teasing when he hinted that the island may have moved in time, highlight some invisotext for a definitive answer. The Island did indeed move through time, though Cuse was not telling us a key detail about that move.
* Faces from past episodes turn up at unexpected moments. (Hopefully the names of those playing these characters will be left out of the opening titles to preserve the surprises.)
* Characters we don’t see in the first two hours: Jacob, Christian, Charlie, Claire, Boone, Shannon, Michael, Walt and Smokezilla.
* A character referenced since season two but not actually introduced until his or her appearance in the mobisodes (the ones compiled on the new season-four DVD set) plays a memorable role in these two hours.
source : http://www.aintitcool.com
It’s now 10:00pm est, I’ve completed my umpteenth viewing of the first and second episodes of LOST’s fifth season and in a strange sense I wish I hadn’t seen them. Why? Because, first of all my hiatus has been extended by a week. Getting an early glimpse is great, but now I have to live with knowing that my steady stream of LOST goodness won’t settle into a regular rhythm until January 28th. Worse than that, though, is the fact that these episodes were so damn good, the wait is going to be infinitely more agonizing than it should be. Waiting for LOST is bad enough, as we all know, waiting when you know first hand that LOST has returned in top form, better than ever, to brighten up a blighted tvscape like a literal beacon of hope… well, direct me to the nearest cryostasis chamber - I’d like to sleep the next four-weeks off.
So, first the ground rules. The screeners beg that we protect the plot so I will do that. No spoilers will be given. Sorry. Maybe I’ll flirt with the edge of that a bit, though, so be warned.
Lost 5.01 - “Because You Left”
Lost season premieres are judged by, amongst other things, their opening scenes. Seasons 2 and 3 have always been my favorites, 4 was good but a little too loud and sudden for me - it lacked the illusory qualities of the others. Season 5 shares some similarities with 2 and 3 that are well worth noting. An alarm clock, someone going about a morning routine, and a subtle visual and audio clue that will echo with louder importance later on in the episode and probably the series. Where it excels is in revealing that the person we are watching is a character of mythic proportions for Lost fans, seen about doing things that we’ve always wanted to see him do and mixing with people we never thought we’d see him mix with, particularly this early in the season.
After the brain twister its back to the skeins left dangling last season, with one notable exception. Island side we are treated to a demented serving of beat the clock plotting with vignette after vignette of our characters dealing with the new rendition of the old ‘flash’ device. Some people are going to call the on-island events enigmatic, and in a way they are. Don’t worry though, there is a common thread of reason behind it all, but for the most part the on-island portion of the premiere is a fast paced, pleasingly weird, and entirely tantalizing demo of Lost’s new bag of tricks.
The tension resides off-island. How will they get back? Will they all want to go back? Slowly and surely we see these questions being answered, with some new questions popping into their place. Personally, I always suspected that Lost would not allow the ensemble to be apart for too long, and the premiere wastes no time in setting the stage for both the personal imperatives as well as the method of return.
Lost 5.02 - “The Lie”
With the premiere having recalibrated us to Lost’s mystical plot frequencies, 5.02 “The Lie” gets us back to more of a ‘character centric’ style. The episode is, in my opinion, a Hurley episode even though all of the plot threads are serviced. The consistency is incredible, reminiscent of season 4 but even more purpose driven. Maybe it is the lack of ‘conventional’ flashbacks-although, there are still a few-making the plot feel more condensed. Maybe it’s just the fact that I haven’t had any Lost in so long, regardless of what it is “The Lie” effectively quickens the pulse of “Because You Left” and ends with a character reveal that is stunning on the level of Sayid working for Ben.
“The Lie” is a stronger episode than 5.01 in the sense that it has a well defined ‘theme’ that permeates the plot, no easy feat when you are talking about a show that now has an a, b, c, d, e, and f storyline structure where most shows can barely manage the first couple of letters of the alphabet. After so many shows have seemed to be in some state of perpetual soul searching where their writing was concerned it was a relief to see that Lost’s gang of story slingers still know how to handle their six guns.
Bottom Line
It’s hard after four seasons to stir the coals and try to find the same white-hot flame that Lost burned in season one. It would be cliche to say Lost has returned to form, or is continuing to live up to its own impossibly high standards-we hear these things all the time. At this point, it seems enough to say that I went into it full-out excited, and came out full-out satisfied. Things happened I absolutely did not expect, and the fog of between season speculation cleared in a way that was enlightening to how wrong we fans can be sometimes, and how brilliant the writers can be at out-guessing us. Lost still has it.
source : docarzt.com
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