read or not your CHOICE but there is very very much spoilers by the actors/actress on this article! thanks LM
enjoy :)

and thanks LK from fbl for the transcript of the scan.
“…and what of Kate’s other star-crossed love, the sexy con-man Sawyer? “Just two nights ago, I was doing a scene on a patio with Josh Holloway,” Lilly spills. “When Kate first sees Sawyer, there’s almost a feeling of seeing a ghost. I really believe she thought he was dead.”
“…”We all don’t succeed” in getting back to the island, teases Yunjin Kim, whose character, Sun, “takes matters into her own hands” in her quest to avenge the death of husband Jin.”
“”Terry O’Quinn (Locke) appears in only half of the dozen new episodes shot so far, but he isn’t complaining. “Previously, that would have been a disappointment, but the stuff I’ve gotten to do [this season] has been so good.”"
“This season tweaks the flash-forward and flashback formula, but time will continue to play an almost adversarial role in the characters’ attempts to free themselves from the island’s grasp. “I have no idea where I’m at or what I’m doing,” says Josh Holloway (Sawyer), speaking from home after weathering a rainy-night shoot that lasted until 3 a.m.”
“Blame all this time-traveling on Lindelof, who identifies himself as an expert on the subject. “If it relates to any kind of time-travel, I’ve read it or seen it or studied it,” he says, explaining that Lost’s time travel differs from how the device is employed on NBC’s Heroes, where good and bad incarnations of the same character routinely interact to alter future events. “Those are things we are very disinclined to do,” maintains Cuse. Still, says Kim, viewers will find out later this season that certain characters “change something in the past, which is a huge turn in the story line.”
“The producers plan to delve more deeply into the island’s earlier residents. “We’re really interested this season in showing more of the history of the island’s inhabitants,” says Cuse. Elizabeth Mitchell (Juliet) says her character comes in contact with ruins of the island’s ancient civilization, while Holloway says “a whole new crew of people with a connection to the Dharma Initiative are introduced,” - one of whom may be Sawyer’s new love interest. Additionally, Emerson says, “We discover there are people Ben fears and to whom he must answer.”
“Despite Matthew Fox’s claim that he knows where it’s all headed, the rest of the cast remains in the dark about the questions viewers most want answered. But it’s a welcome conundrum to those like Jorge Garcia, who recently found himself exploring with childlike wonderment the Lost soundstages. There, in a dark corner, he came upon a structure he describes as “the greatest set I have ever seen on this show. It’s where a pretty climactic moment occurs and sets a lot of things in motion. I didn’t even have a scene in there, but I was like [gasps], ‘Oh, my gosh - is this the thing??’” How about a hint? “I can’t,” he apologizes. “It’s too good.”
There’s a rundown of what D&C consider to be the 10 episodes that most prepare viewers for Season 5. I’ll skip TV Guide’s summaries fo the eps, but give D&C’s spoilery hints:
Walkabout - “Locke and his relationship to the island is very central to the fifth season,” teases Lindelof.
White Rabbit - Christian returns. And “the fact that Christian’s wearing white tennis shoes is a mystery that will be answered this season,” Cuse says.
Deus Ex Machina - “We will learn the whole nature of why the Swan Station exists.”
The 23rd Psalm - “You learned the monster was able to pull memories from a character’s life,” reminds Cuse. A greater understanding of the monster will come this season.
Live Together, Die Alone - At last! The statue will make a reappearnce, but the big questions - why four toes? Who built it? - will have to wait for Season 6.
Flashes Before Your Eyes - Establishes that characters have no control over their ultimate fates. “Only on the choices they make on the way there,” says Lindelof. Cuse says Fionnula Flanagan is “important in the overall storytelling of Lost.”
The Man Behind the Curtain - “You’ll be seeing some of the Dharma Initiative characters you’ve seen in the past,” confirms Cuse. “You’re going to get a nice juicy chunk of Ben’s backstory this year.”
The Constant- The consequences of incorrectly entering or exiting the island (on the wrong compass bearing) will play a crucial role as the Oceanic Six attempt their return. Midway through the season, we will learn the island pulled off one doozy of a masquerade.
The Shape of Things to Come - “There’s a lot of mystery about the power struggle between these two men (Ben and Widmore),” says Cuse. “Are they both bad guys? Is one a bad guy? Or are they ultimately both good guys? That’s something we are exploring more this year.”
There’s No Place Like Home-
“The season premiere is basically Part 4 of the finale.” Locke’s faith will continue to be tested by the island and/or Jacob - likely with “great personal sacrifice” says Cuse. We’ll see Locke’s death midway through the season, though a central question on the series - What does the island ultimately want with Locke? - won’t be answered until Season 6.
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