Will Ben's childhood girlfriend, Annie, be showing up on Lost this season? And any word on Rousseau? — Adam
MATT: I'd give my Dharma-brand nuts to have the castaways time-trip to the Others' very early days and spy on nerdy Ben and his pubescent crush. And who knows, maybe that territory will be plumbed when we get a Ben-centric episode in mid-March? As for "the French woman," I'm holding firm to my belief that we see Danielle in this week's episode. (Team Darlton will dissect my theory in this Thursday's "Getting Lost" video
source : tvguide.com
thanks andy for those spoilers for epi 5x09 and 5x12

One of my production sources has allowed me to reveal the following
1) 2 New People will accompany the O6 back to the Island
2) We will see another crash
3) We will see Ms. Hawking inside the Lamppost Station
4) Sawyers has to to lie. The lie hinges on everyone's safety, especially his own
5) Someone we've seen will be shown to be Ethan's Mother.
my theory about the sawyer lie : sawyer and co will find dead bodies of dharma team maybe they were just arrived on the island and just got their clothes but the people who give it to them died too (maybe attack by the hostiles) so dan will say we need to go in the orchidee station 'cause i guess locke went there and they want to stop him SO the first scene in the first episode could be like i thought, i mean present time not fb as everyone think but the plan don't work 'cause locke already left and so dan need to find how they can change what he did BUT dharma people found them and bring them in otherville and they need to pretend to work for DI until dan can get what he wants !
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