Rumors have been swirling for the past month about Dominic Monaghan's upcoming projects.
In addition to talk that he might have a role on ABC's Flash Forward (with fellow Lostie Sonya Walger), there's been ever-noisier buzz about a possible Lost return engagement. Could it really happen?
Well, we just got a juicy tip that suggests there very well might be a place for doomed rock bassist Charlie Pace in season six of Lost. Here's what we're hearing...
A reliable spy tells us that Monaghan, one of the key original Lost castmembers, and Lost show runner Damon Lindelof had breakfast together this morning at a Fairfax district eatery in Los Angeles. Of course, the meal might just have been a friendly sit-down between two colleagues (and/or because waffles are delicious), but as Lost-loving optimists, we have to hope that it was a meeting where the two talents came to terms about the story that puts Charlie Pace back in the mix for season six.
Now, there's no telling what the last episodes of Lost will really be like. Speculation begins with a safe landing for Oceanic flight 815 and from there gets really, really crazy.
In the many months between now and the season-six premiere, the best we can do is sit back and let our imaginations run wild, collect pieces of the jigsaw puzzle and hone our dreams and theories about the castaways of Mystery Friggin' Island. So what's your theory?
If Dominic Monaghan is returning to Lost, do you think he will reappear as strung out 815 Charlie? Or would he be hanging out with Hurley (Jorge Garcia) as a transcendent (but dead) rock god? Does he have an alternate-universe dopplegänger? The possibilities are endless.
source : kristin eonline
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