Question: I miss Claire on Lost. Emilie de Ravin is such a great actress. Will she be back for all of next season? --Kelly
Ausiello: Yes! After sitting out last season, de Ravin will return as a full-time series regular for Lost's sixth and final season, Team Darlton confirms. "Damon and I are very excited to bring Claire back to the show," says Carlton Cuse, "and even more excited for people to experience just how she will return." And even more exciting that that? Experiencing Doc Jensen's theory on how she'll return. Take it away, DJ:
"Any scenario that brings Claire back to Lost must address the mysterious circumstances of her disappearance at the end of season 4, in which many of us were led to believe that she was as dead -- or rather, undead -- as the Ghost Christian that's been haunting The Island since season 1. So here's one thought: Juliet changed time in the season finale by detonating Jughead, and season 6 will tell the story of the new timeline, one in which Claire is alive. Another thought: In light of the revelation that John Locke was actually a supernatural impostor for half of season 5, perhaps in season 6, we'll get a storyline in which Claire just emerges out of the jungle, with no memory of what happened to her -- just like season 1 -- and we and the castaways will be left to wonder: Is this the real Claire or another impostor infiltrating them a la Locke? Heck, maybe that's going to be the major idea of next season: Who's really alive and who's really (un)dead? It really will be the fabled zombie season of Lost!" Thanks a million, Doc!
source EW
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