Lost's Daniel Dae Kim: Neither Sun nor Jin May Be the Candidate
After Tuesday night's Sun-centric (Yunjin Kim) and Jin-centric episode of Lost, many viewers are wondering if Sun is not long for this world, or the other world, too! TVGuide.com caught up with Daniel Dae Kim to find out what the final seven episodes hold for the fates of the castaways, including whether Sun or Jin is the important candidate whom UnLocke (Terry O'Quinn) is looking for. Spoiler alert: It could be neither of them!
Lost: Will Sun and Jin ever reunite?
TVGuide.com: Sun and Jin are not married, but still running away together in the alternate universe. Is this sideways timeline more similar than we originally thought?
Dae Kim: As we saw from last night, there are certain similarities and certain big differences. In a way, the big question for me is: Why? I think we're going to discover that each character has something that is unexpected in their lives off the island and we're trying to figure out the source of it.
TVGuide.com: Will Sun and Jin ever be reunited on the island?
Dae Kim: I hope so. I kind of feel like Sun and Jin, in some ways, are the heart of this show. I think people are really looking forward to a reunion, but Keamy said in last night's episode, "Some people are not meant to be together." So it's a tough call.
TVGuide.com: Since Sun has forgotten to speak English. When they're reunited, will Jin be her translator?
Dae Kim: That would be ironic. [Laughs] It would be a one-eighty ...
TVGuide.com: There's a big, obvious question in that only one of them is important because only one of them can be a candidate. What will we see come of that?
Dae Kim: I don't mean to make things more complicated, but it could also mean their daughter can be a candidate. Kwon is the last name for all three of them. It's difficult to say. It may be that all three of them are candidates, but it doesn't necessarily mean any of them will end up being the new Jacob.
Getting Lost: Are there forces keeping Jin and Sun apart?
TVGuide.com: Does their daughter play an integral part in the next few episodes?
Dae Kim: She is a factor. She has to be accounted for.
TVGuide.com: Jin used to be infertile, but Sun is pregnant in the alternate universe. Will that be addressed?
Dae Kim: Absolutely. It will be addressed. There's more to Sun and Jin's story in the alternate reality.
TVGuide.com: Jin is now involved in Charles Widmore's plan. How is Jin able to help with "The Package," that is Desmond (Henry Ian Cusick)?
Dae Kim: Widmore is trying to recruit anyone and everyone that he can. The fact that Jin and Desmond know one another and can help unite each other against the same enemy, I think, is important.
TVGuide.com: Widmore's plan seems to be that he wants to keep everyone on the island now.
Dae Kim: Yeah, I think the writers are doing such a really good job on keeping him ambiguous and the real idea of who's good and who's bad on the island. It's a reflection of how things are in real life; it's not so black and white. Whose motives are going to allow the castaways to survive? I'm not sure. It's a fine balance.
source: TvGuide
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