Thanks Hely from Outlaws for the head up
Hours after a massive 8.8 earthquake hit Chile, the residents of Oahu, Hawaii, have been bracing for a predicted tsunami, and the stars of Lost, who live and work on the island, are among them.
We've just from star Daniel Dae Kim --whose trip to Los Angeles today for a fan event was derailed because of the tsunami warning--and also Lost boss Damon Lindelof, and here is the good news they shared...
"All our cast and crew is accounted for and safely away from coastal areas," Damon tells me this afternoon. Jorge Garcia continues to thrash me in Scrabble via iPhone from Ken Leung's house. Our entire team in Hawaii appreciates all the positive energy being sent their way."
Daniel decided not to fly to Los Angeles this morning for tonight's Paley Festival fan event to stay with his family druing the tsunami warning. "My family and I are doing fine," Daniel told me less than an hour ago. "We've moved to high ground and are staying with friends who generously opened their home to us. All that's left to do is wait. Heartfelt thanks to everyone who sends their thoughts and good wishes."
According to the show's ABC rep, the other cast members expected at tonight's Paley event—Michael Emerson, Terry O'quinn Nestor Carbonell and Zulheika Robinson—are already in Los Angeles, so Daniel is the only cast member whose plans have changed because of the tsunami warning. The rest of the cast is still in Hawaii and were unable to attend tonight's event because they were working on Lost, according to a rep for the show.
The panel for "LOST" tomorrow night includes: Terry O'Quinn, Michael Emerson, Zuleihka Robinson, Nestor Carbonell and Daniel Dae Kim.
Additional "LOST" panelists: Elizabeth Sarnoff, Damon Lindelof, Carlton Cuse, Jack Bender, Edward Kitsis, and Adam Horowitz.
I could say it’s my favorite episode for the mythology aspect on this show this year. I still not like this Flocke thing BUT I really enjoyed what we learnt ‘cause of him.
I’ll start with Ben and co.
After Flocke and Richard left, we saw Ilana crying for Jacob, seems she worked for him or maybe he meant a lot for her don’t you think ?
The fact she took the ashes to keep could have two significations.
Like when someone die you can keep it forever or even throw it in the water a way to say “rest in peace”
Or the ashes are maybe what it can protect them from Flocke, maybe he couldn’t approach them if they keep it.
Guess we’ll find out more later...
Ben is back, I mean it’s not like he’s dead and all but after what he did Ben is all “quiet” still lying of course, he said Flocke killed Jacob, but we know he didn’t but i guess Ben is smart enough to know if he said to them he killed Jacob, he could be buried alive lol
Wonder if they’ll find out, he lied, I guess it’s possible and at the same i don’t think it’s important.
Ilana said they’ve to go to the Temple it’s the only safe place now and we’re all ok we know but WHY ? ‘cause of the ashes ? because there is something we didn’t know yet about this place, give us the answer, we got it was safe place just WHY ok ? last season we’ve to know it ! lol
Also she said Flocke is recuiting and we’re all FOR WHAT...let’s find out later in the review.
It killed me a lot to see the Locke’s funeral, i cried because this scene marked the fact he’s gone forever now, no matter we might see him again on the island, it’s Flocke, John Locke the believer died.
I'm very sorry I murdered him
Of course you’re Ben, you let free a monster now, someone we can’t figure out what he/it really wants and if he/it is good or bad. For now seems Flocke is bad but as i said on another review, i don’t think he’s the Bad guy. Emerson is amazing and I really can’t hate Ben even if what he did, I love to hate Ben, I know why he did it, Ben wanted to be the chosen one and it appear now well...there is more than one candidates what he could have do if he knew it ? Kill them all to become the one for Jacob ? I don’t think so but what i mean is soon Locke arrived on the island, Ben’s life was screwed in many ways so he killed him because he HAVE to for himself, it’s selfish but it’s Ben. The fact he was the only one to speak about Locke touched me because except the fact he did kill John, Ben said the true Locke was a believer, a man of the faith and he’s gone...
Now let’s talk about the FS
On this life Locke is...well different I do love him but there is something missing in him, this believer aspect, the man of the faith has no one, he has good life, and i’m happy for him but it’s not the life he was supposed to have. Locke was destiny to crash on the island and become this amazing hunter I fall with. At some moment this man is here but it’s like he’s trapped inside him, when he spoke to Rose and she said “So, how about we find you a job you can do?” I wanted to hear him say his line “Don’t tell me what i can’t do !” But here it didn’t happen...I wasn’t disappointed but at this moment i KNEW my Locke wasn’t this man and it’s like put another knife in my heart.
There is also this moment where he’s choosing the color, he chose the green, it remind me of the color of Locke’s shirt he wore a lot on the island and I was nostalgic and then he chose the other one, like he knew he can’t have this one, like i said trapped inside once again...
So Locke is happy, I’m happy for him, Helen and Him were an adorable couple, I was so sad when he learnt she died, maybe in this life 3 years ago she’ll too but at least Locke could have be happy a while. Speaking of death now we got our answer since LA X, Rose will die, she has still cancer and she accepted it, the other Rose accepted it too but it was so sad to see them be HAPPY, i mean don’t get me wrong it’s great to see them happy, lucky (for Hurley) BUT something is definitively wrong here, i can’t put a finger on it but it’s my feeling.
Now let’s talk about Locke and his father. My god... How a man who got paralyzed because of this monster could be all, yes i love my dad, we can invite him for our wedding i was o_O
So now the question is : Maybe cooper did push him and he didn’t feel the building AND he never met Jacob or maybe he did and Locke went in a special Room 23 we never saw and got brainwashed because there is NO way he could forgive him what he did, i mean who could ?
So another mystery in the FS...
When Locke is ready to call Jack a part of me was YEAHHHH go to see him, he’ll ‘save” you and you’ll see your life isn’t supposed this life, Jack will do what he couldn’t do before, he’ll give you faith like you did on the island, role reversed you see ? I dunno now what it will happen but afterall John just met Ben and wow ! this ben is...this ben is an adulte Ben Potter ! Does it mean he never went on the island (under water lyly, under water !!) so he never lose his innocence because Sayid never shot him so this new Ben is a model of honesty ? just WAOUH and Kudos Emerson for it, it was at the same time funny and weird to see it !
Now let’s make a recap as i did for LA X
First life | Flash Sideway |
Locke is paralyzed and not close anymore of Cooper | Locke is paralyzed and close of Cooper |
Helen broke up with him because of his obsession for Cooper | Helen is his fiancee and they’ll get marry the next month and she wants to invite Cooper |
Hurley worked for Randy Nation at “Mr. Cluck's” | Hurley worked for Randy Nation at “Mr. Cluck's” |
Hurley got fired but bought “Mr Cluck’s and meteorite destroyed it” | Hurley got fired but bought “Mr Cluck’s and he became popular |
Randy was Locke’s boss | Randy was Locke’s boss |
Hurley have had Company Box | Hurley just bought the company box |
Rose has a cancer | Rose has a cancer |
Ben was on the island and lose his innocence after Sayid shot him and he killed his father and all DI people | Ben is OFF THE ISLAND and seem to be like little Ben Potter (innocent adult man) |
Now i’ll end by my favorite part of the episode, The island is well it’s like the first baby, we got the FF and now the FS but the island still always stayed my favorite part.
So now we saw Flockey “walking” or “running” or whatever we can call it well he’s moving fast lol and we see Richard and he’s ready to tell him everything if he follow him. Also when he asked Richard to follow him he said “What I've always wanted. For you to come with me.”So now the question is always wanted and why ? why Richard always said NO ? When ill we get our Richard centric to learn about this man with eyesliner ? I hope soon, i’m intrigued more and more lol
Richard don’t want to but here something happen, we see a kid with blood on his hand looking at Flocke like he murdered him like he was telling him “you did this to me and i’ll haunt you forever” it’s the first time since we know this thing that he’s scared, what does it mean ? It reminded too of the fact Eko saw people he killed in “the cost of living”, we always thought it could be smokey but now we know we’re with him/it and he/it saw this kid so...theory is over...
Richard heard for the first time about candidate and us too and we’re all well John Locke was the chosen one, there is no candidate...
Speaking of candidate....Here where everything starts. So there is several candidate and of course at this moment we don’t know WHO but now we all watched the episode we know
Sawyer is one of them.
Speaking of Sawyer oh my...at this point of the show i could love Kate to come back and give him some slap because he looked like a loser, and what he was doing drinking ? Does he thinks it will erase everything and make him feel better forever ? For a while true, forever, just...WAKE UP SAWYER DAMN IT !
I wanted to kiss Flocke when he said it wasn’t his home, no it wasn’t, it was utopian life without real purpose except having nice diner, friends and responsability, boring life and not the one I could wish for him.
But i was amazed by this drunk man as he could see what I couldn’t see in s5. it’s the first time someone saw Locke isn’t Locke, even if Ben conned him on the past, we’ve another proof the conman in him isn’t dead and he has to come back PRESTO !
Cause Locke was scared. Even when he was pretendin' he wasn't. But you? You ain't scared.
He’s not or he’s ? I mean later after they left the house and Flocke promised Sawyer to know why he’s on the island (and changed some underwear and put a nice shirt that kind of clothes i missed after “Lafleur” and which make Sawyer the man I love and not fake as Jean La tulipe was ^^) So yes Is Flocke never scared ?
Guess Sawyer got a first view of it, and what i mean just what Sawyer can see the kid too !!
Doesn’t it remind you the fact 3 years ago he saw also Kate’s horse maybe the horse and the kid mean the same thing at some point : they belong to a past which will haunt people on the island.
Flocke runs after the kid and this kid said “You know the rules. You can't kill him.”
Kill him ? Who ? Sawyer ?
I guess yes but who is this kid ?
At first I thought it could be Jacob, he “killed” him and burnt his body but the spirit of Jacob is still on the island but at the same, why not to appear like the Jacob we know ? the one Hurley can see ?
So maybe this kid isn’t Jacob, maybe it’s future Aaron, afterall Sawyer has a bond with him, he saw his birth, he gave him to Kate, he saved Claire’s life and also Aaron was the “substitute” of Kate. So does it mean Aaron is really special and he wanted to warn someone who cared about him, someone who has purpose most important on the island than drinking and listening music ?
Or does it mean it was James Ford himself ?
I’ll stick with the idea it’s Jacob but not forget this weird idea it could be Aaron because it’s LOST guys and you know what i mean when i say that.
At the same time Richard or what i could call the Bunny Island, yeah sorry but the way he appeared and disappeared it was like the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland so he said to him he can’t stay with Locke is not Locke and Sawyer said I know but has answers and Richard is all and Richard who was always like a peace man and relax is all stressed and all
And then Bunny Island heard Flocke coming and he runs (Kate learnt to him or what ?)
But thought Richard left and Sawyer and Flocke plays the game, i didn’t see anyone and i didn’t speak to anyone we’re all wondering what it will happen next with both of them...
And then we see, Sawyer got Richard’s words and he asked him if he read “Of Mice and Men” Same book Ben mentionned to Sawyer when he told him they were on another island also some like who could fit with Sawyer’s mind and maybe wake him up too....
"A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody. It don't make no difference who the guy is, long as he's with you. I tell you, I tell you a guy gets too lonely and he gets sick."
The fact Sawyer mentionned his book could have to effect on him :
1) he knows Flocke is playing with him and he wants him to know, you’ll not screw me Smoke !
2) He’s sick but he don’t want to be anymore, he cares about his friend and this man can kill them so he found a way to come back from “loser statut” to “i’m a conman”
I think really it mean both, soon Richard said he’ll kill everyone you care about, Sawyer cares about his friends, he might be angry and sad ‘cause of Juliet’s death but he just can’t watch his friends die so he wants to shoot Flocke and Flocke is all, shoot me to see what it will happen and a part of me was if you do that, he’ll kill you and another was no he can’t, there is rules, he can’t kill you, he NEEDS you.
Flocke plays again with Sawyer’s mind and he said he was a man like him before he was trapped, I think he really was a man before and he was trapped maybe cursed because of something he did, like a sorcerer can curse you because you did something wrong so maybe this man became smokey ‘cause of what he did but does it mean he was Essau ? I think it’s possible but at the same I think Essau and Smokey have a bond but not this way. Future will tell me if i’m wrong or right.
Finally Sawyer followed Flocke and he almost got killed and here you see the guy who don’t care to die or live WANTS TO LIVE ! Why ? Because no matter what he lose, Sawyer has still people to care about on this island and he could die to protect them and here Sawyer is BACK !
Inside joke.
When Flocke throw the white stone we know the balance was broken but forever ? I don’t think so afterall there is the candidates...
And this is what we learnt, we see a wall with name, a lot of name and many crossed too BUT also the CURSED NUMBERS !!
And OH surprise !
Our Losties belong to one of them
4 Locke
8 Reyes
15 Ford
16 Jarrah
23 Shephard
42 Know
and we know Jacob visited and TOUCHED them but...he visited Kate so...WHERE IS SHE ??
Maybe she could be numbers 108, maybe the numbers are only for men, grrr Lost i love you but you gave answers and now even more Questions lol
So Sawyer is a candidate and Flocke needs him to get off the island, Sawyer chose to be with him or...
Why in the hell people could think after he met Richard who warned him, after he saw a kid in the jungle that Flocke can be trusted and what the hell he could get off the island ?
Ok he has enough of the island and he’s meant to be alone we know that, he told us that but the episode shown Sawyer doesn’t want to die, he doesn’t want his friends to be leave behind and also he does want ANSWERS
So we say be close of your friends but more of your ennemy.
And Sawyer is a conman, there is not best candidate to CON Flocke, does it mean Sawyer will have to act like he don’t care of his friends, even help him at some point, probably and people will have doubt in him, Is he really conning Flocke or is he really want to get off the island ? But REAL Sawyer’s fans will see everything behind it, like we could see Sawyer made his best con ever with the Dharma Iniative. So yes i do believe he’ll con Flocke when it will be time.
Who Jacob chose as Know ?
We could think Jin and Sun since he touched both or maybe it was their baby and Flocke wants to get off the island to get her because no matter he said the island has nothing special and no need protection, put the monster outside his cage and he’ll destroy everything so yes he’ll definitively come back after he’ll do what he has to do OFF THE ISLAND.
Who Jacob chose as Shephard ?
Jack ? Afterall he visited him so yes i guess or it could be Christian too but at the same Christian became smokey too i think so i really think it’s Jack.
Now who is the chosen one ?
Well for me they’re all ! Locke was but he died now Jacob chose Hurley at some point, maybe Hurley is ?
Yes he’s BUT i think the candidates are all important, it’s like puzzle and if there is missing pieces it can’t be complete that’s why Flocke wants Sawyer off the island, one piece missing and everything they built will be “destroyed”
I think all of them have different purpose, Flocke just knew they were candidates but I think Jacob played with him too, Candidates have different mission, some to help the others like Hurley helped Sayid, some to protect the others, like Sawyer is doing, some to die for the island like Locke “did” and probably Jack will.
Of course at the end not all candidates will be alive and their mission will be done but i think all of them are necessary, you can’t say one of them is the chosen one. I think ULTIMATELY Jack is ‘cause he’ll have the worst and most important purpose to do : die for the island
And I think Sawyer will have the second one important purpose at the end maybe with one of the others candidates and it will be to protect the island.
So me i don’t see a chosen one but a team chosen by Jacob for a reason, the only one missing is Kate for now but i don’t think she’ll be for so long, i’m sure she has a mission too and I really can’t wait to see more of that soon !